Chapter 34

Author's Note

Oooooohohohoho!! Enjoy~

                                                                                                                                 - Adelle

Editor's note

Lettuce begin.

                                                                                                                                  ~ Valery


"Please..." Your voice lowered to a whisper as you said hopelessly, "I love you..."

As you said this, you lowered your head and rested it on Nightmare's chest. You quietly sobbed and the others began making their way out of the room to leave you to your misery. As you cried, a steady light began to fill the room. It slowly got brighter and brighter. You paid it no attention until Nightmare's chest began to rise and fall.

Your head shot up and you saw the golden apple on the balcony glowing brilliantly. You squinted and called out for the others. "Guys? Guys!!" You shouted. You heard them pile into the room. Before they could ask what was wrong, the apple glared brighter than ever. You lifted your hands to cover your eyes.

As the light grew steadily brighter, Nightmare slipped from your grasp and began to float. You looked to the others to see if this was their doing, but they all stood, staring and gaping. You turned back to Nightmare, who's eye began to flutter open. He opened his mouth as if to say something but, before he could utter a word, he began to glow.

He looked to you, at first fearfully, then closed his eye calmly. You wanted to rush to him, to ask if he was okay, but you were frozen in place. He glowed a gentle gold that began to grow brighter. As he glowed, goo dropped from him, first slowly, then it began to melt off. When the black substance hit the floor, it disappeared, leaving no trace.

After a few seconds of him glowing and dripping, a bright light exploded from him and the apple. You shut your eyes tightly to avoid being blinded and felt a gust of wind and positive feelings. You felt calm and happy. When you opened your eyes, the whole room had changed. The room was no longer decorated in black, blue, and purple, but blue, white, purple, and gold. You stared astonished at what you saw, then gasped at the skeleton before you.

An adorable skeleton stood before you. He wore a purple and gold suit and a decorative gold crown was atop his head. He stood, looking down at himself in shock, then looked to you. He had gorgeous round eyes with purple pinpricks in the middle. "Y-Y/n?" He asked. His voice sounded like Nightmare's but higher pitched. 

"Nightmare?" You asked in shock.

Tears came to his eyes and he stepped towards you. "I'm... I'm me again... thanks to you!" He laughed and two tears rolled down his face. You smiled and closed the distance between you with a hug. "Y/n?" He asked blissfully. 

You pulled away. His hands holding yours, and beaming at him, you asked, "Yes, my King?" 

He smiled even wider than you and laughed, purple dusting his cheek bones. "I love you! I love you, I love you, I love you!!" He said, another tear rolling down his face. 

Tears of your own began to slide down your face and you cried happily, "I love you too!" 

"MY DAWN! MY KING!" Dusk called. You and Nightmare turned to look at him and gasped. Dusk no longer was black, but his bones were gold and purple.

You smiled and said, "You look fabulous!" 

"Echo!" Cross called happily. You turned to see a black and white skeleton. 

"Cross!" You looked around to see your other boney friends and saw a somehow bloodied Horror, an excited Killer, a stunned Dust, a grinning Error, and an ecstatic Cherry.

You beamed at all of them, then heard Dusk shout, "LOOK AT THE TREE!!" Nightmare tightened his hold on your hand and pulled you to the balcony. You and Nightmare both let out cries of surprise at what you saw. The tree looked like the chandelier in the ballroom! The room and trunk were strips of gold and purple interlacing beautifully and the tree no longer was spilt down the middle. Both sides held shimmering purple and golden apples.

Nightmare put his hands to his mouth and let out a sob. You hugged him and he hugged you tightly back. "Thank you." He whispered. You smiled happily and, before you could say anything, a new voice called out behind you. 



Dream was chatting with Ink and Blue casually in Outertale. They usually met there to talk and to draw. They were talking about the difficulty of drawing hands, when Dream gasped. He felt a sudden surge of positive emotions and he thought to himself disbelievingly, 'Is it too good to be true?!' 

"WHAT IS IT, DREAM?!" Blue asked concernedly.

Dream slowly looked up and whispered, "My brother has been freed." 

Blue looked confused, but Ink jumped to his feet. "What?! We have to see him!!" 

Dream looked at Ink, a dazed smile on his face. "I can't believe it..." He said, tears pricking his eyes. Ink used his oversized brush to paint a portal to Nightmare's castle. Ink stepped in first, a stunned Dream stepped through next, then a confused but enthusiastic Blue stepped through.

They were met with a gold, blue, white and purple room with a large group of skeletons. Dream searched the group,and saw his brother hugging a beautiful, young lady. "Brother?!"


You turned to see a skeleton almost identical to Nightmare but dressed in white and gold. "Dream?!" He said, a smile plastered across his face. 

Dream ran to Nightmare and tackled him in a monster hug. "Oh, brother!! I thought I'd never see you again!!" Dream cried, tears flooding down his face. 

Nightmare laughed, then said, "That's a little insulting!"

Dream let go of his brother and blushed. "That's not what I meant." He said jokingly. You stood, smiling contentedly at them. 

Nightmare then turned to you and, smiling, took your hand. "Dream, this is Y/n. The one who freed me and the others from the curse." 

Dream squealed, then hugged you tightly. You laughed and hugged him back. "I've always wanted a sister!!" He said happily as he pulled away. You and Nightmare both blushed at this. 

"Wow! Going a little fast there, aren't ya?" A new skeleton laughed, walking up and placing a hand on Dream's shoulder. He was dressed in a brown outfit, a blue jacket tied on his waist, and colorful vials hung across his chest. He had a giant brown scarf and a giant paintbrush in his hand that Error eyed warily.

Dream looked at him for a bit before realizing what he had implied with his earlier statement. He flushed a bright gold and said "Oh, I'm sorry about that..." 

Nightmare laughed, and placed an arm around your waist casually, saying, "No worries." 

"Y/n, this is Ink," Dream said, pointing to the colorful skeleton. "And this is Blue." He finished, gesturing to a short and very energetic skeleton, who had magically appeared beside Dream.

"GREETINGS, HUMAN!!" He shouted happily, then turned to Nightmare, exclaiming, "YOU MUST BE DREAM'S BROTHER! IT'S A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU AND YOUR WIFE!!" Blue then proceeded to take and shake Nightmare's hand vigorously. Again, both you and Nightmare blushed deeply at this. 

"They're not married." Ink clarified. You looked over to check on the others. They were talking excitedly, but occasionally glancing at Ink suspiciously.

"OH." Blue said blankly. "THEN FIANCÉS?" 

You blushed darker at this and Nightmare straightened. "Why not?!" He proclaimed, probably louder than he meant to. He caught the attention of the other skeletons and they watched curiously. Nightmare released your waist, took your hand, and bent down on one knee.

"Y/n. I love you more than anything in this world. You are my world. I want to share my books with you! I want to eat my meals with you! I want to be with you for the rest of my life! Will you make me the happiest man in the multiverse and marry me?" You placed your other hand over your heart and hot tears slid down your face. You covered your mouth with your hand and nodded your head. Everyone began clapping, but you didn't notice.

Nightmare stood. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist. You then pulled each other into a blissful kiss, happy tears pouring down both your faces. You were going to be married to Nightmare.


Author's Note

That's not the end~ Hope you enjoyed!

                                                                                                                                    - Adelle

Editor's note

That was so cute! I forgot how cute that ending was!

                                                                                                                                    ~ Valery
