Chapter 30

Author's Note

I really love this chapter. Hope you enjoy!

                                                                                                                        - Adelle

Editor's note

Love you all! Mwah!

                                                                                                                        ~ Valery


"She's dead." Nightmare whispered under his breath. 

"I Don't Believe It..." Dusk mumbled numbly. They watched in silence as the mob yelled and screamed and began to head into the forest, led by Bradley. But more importantly, they watched as the baker sobbed over Y/n's lifeless body. 

Nightmare closed the portal after a minute. Dusk spoke up, no trace of emotion in his voice. "THEY'LL BE COMING FOR US."

"Let them come." Nightmare answered tiredly. 

Dusk bowed his head in defeat. "I'LL INFORM THE OTHERS." Dusk replied dully and retreated into the shadows. 

Nightmare sat down on his bed and placed his skull in his hands. 'She's gone. And I never got to tell her that I loved her...' Nightmare thought despairingly. He began to shake and quiver.

"It could've been all over... it's my fault she's dead..." Nightmare whispered as he shook and trembled like a leaf in a storm. "I should have never asked if she wanted to see her town... if I hadn't we'd be here happy... I would've told her... we would all be free... it would all be OVER IF IT WASN'T FOR ME!!!"

He stood up violently and unleashed his tentacles. They tore the room apart as he screamed in agony. He flipped the bed and stabbed it over and over again. He threw chairs, he ripped tapestries, he tore the walls and smashed the sculptures. After minutes of this mayhem, he stood in the center of the room, panting.

He looked around at the mess and began to tremble. He sat on the floor and curled into a ball, pulling his legs close to his chest. He shook as he began to cry. He could've saved her. It was his fault she died. Why did everything good that he touched die?! He couldn't protect the apples and he couldn't protect her. Couldn't he do one thing right?

He sat for what seemed like an eternity, wallowing in his misery as he shook with silent sobs. As he cried, he began to hear chanting. "Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!! Kill the Beast!!!" With each second the chanting grew louder and louder, its song filling the castle. He stood and walked to the balcony. He saw a mob of at least one or two hundred men and women with torches, screaming and throwing things at the castle.

'Why stop them? Either we die today, or we spend the rest of eternity here...' He thought despairingly. Behind him, a gold light began to shine brightly. He turned to see where the light was coming from and was astounded to see the golden apple on the pedestal glowing brilliantly.

He knelt down and stared at the apple. It's light flickered when he neared, but glowed bright all the same. 'Could it perhaps be trying to tell me something?" Almost immediately after he had thought that, the apple's light went out and turned the darkest it had been yet.


"What do ya mean by 'let 'em come'?!" Horror yelled. 


"But what about Y/n?" Killer asked hopefully. 

"Yeah! We have to scare them off so she can return safely!" Cross added. 

"Maybe she could talk to them if w-" Dust began to share, but was interrupted by Dusk. 

"Y/N IS DEAD!" He shouted, the hurt leaking from his voice though he stood calmly. The objects all stood in silence after Dusk said this. 

"YoU'rE kIdDiNg, RiGhT¿" Error asked, shocked. 

Dusk glared at him and tears pricked his eyes. "YOU THINK I WOULD LIE ABOUT THIS?" Error looked taken aback by Dusk's comment. The usually calm and orderly skeleton had never talked back! 


"None of us do..." Dust added numbly. 

Again, they stood in silence, chants of 'Kill the Beast' growing louder from outside the castle. 

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm going ta protect this castle if it's th' last thing I do. For meh Sweet!" Horror proclaimed. 

"Yes... for Y/n, she wouldn't have wanted us to give up so easily, now would she?" Dust said, his voice slowly rising as he spoke passionately.

"I bet she'd slap some common sense into us, my sweet Echo." Cross laughed. 

"ShE'd gO oN AbOuT hOw SpEcIaL tHiS cAsTlE iS aNd HoW wE nEeD tO pRoTeCt ThE bOoKs, mY SiLlY pUpPeT." Error added, chuckling. 

"My Love wouldn't have to do all that, she'd just ask, and we all know we'd do it for her." Killer said lightheadedly.

"MY HUNNY HAS STOLEN OUR HEARTS, HASN'T SHE?" Cherry said lovingly. 

"SHE REALLY HAS, MY DAWN." Dusk added affectionately. 

"Well! It looks to meh that we aren't letting any of these hooligans get th' best of us!" Horror exclaimed triumphantly, the chants of the mob now filling the castle.

"No sir!" Cross said excitedly. 

"Never!" Killer called determinedly. 

"Dusk!" Horror shouted, turning to Dusk. "Gather th' Nightmare Papys and tell them ta barricade th' doors and ta prepare weapons!" 

"AS YOU WISH." Dusk said, then vanished, leaving wisps of black smoke behind. 

"Cherry an' Killer! Prepare some boiling water!" Cherry nodded obediently and Killer began to giggle mischievously as they drove away on their cart.

"Dust an' Cross! Set th' traps!" They nodded, then Cross hopped onto Dust, who carried him away. "An' Error!" Error looked tiredly at Horror, that much energy should be illegal. "You're with meh."


Author's Note

Mmm love that inner turmoil. Really shows you the characters XD Hope you enjoyed!

                                                                                                                      - Adelle

Editor's note

Not me swooning over Horror-

                                                                                                                      ~ Valery
