Chapter 2

Author's Note

Welcome to chapter 2! I was a little nervous, as I had trouble writing Bradley last chapter, but I think it turned out ok. Enjoy!

                                                                                                   - Adelle

Editor's Note

SPAGHETT! Just had to- one of my favorite dishes. Welcome to chapter 2! Hope you enjoy! Mwah!

                                                                                                  ~ Valery


"-Nightmare began eating the apples. As soon as the apples had touched his teeth, he began to change. First, a black substance began pouring out of his eyes, nose, mouth, and any opening the skeleton had. Next, four enormous black tendrils sprouted out of his back. The process must have been painful for his screams could be heard for miles.

When it had ended, the former prince flung his tentacles out and killed everyone in sight. He then tried to kill our beloved savior, Dream, who skillfully and successfully dodged any attack that came his way. Dream, who was still holding the last golden apple, which he heroically saved, used the power of the apple to-"

You looked up briefly from your book to check the time. Shock shot through you when you saw it was almost time for dinner and, unfortunately, Bradley. Quickly, you jumped to your feet, shoved a bookmark into your book, placed it on the coffee table, and ran to the kitchen. You decided to cook spaghetti; it was quick and delicious! You promptly set to work, and, while the water was boiling the noodles, you begrudgingly placed two placemats on the table and set them with the appropriate dishware. 

You had just barely finished setting out the sauce when you heard a loud, booming knock from the front door. Sighing, you trudged over to the door and was shocked to see Bradley in a tuxedo with a black bow tie. He looked down at you, looking a little disappointed. Probably because you weren't dressed up?

Quickly, his disappointment morphed into a wide smile. "Y/n! Good to see you!" He said with a cheesy grin. "I brought you flowers~" He added and, with a quick motion, he brought a hand up that revealed an enormous bouquet of roses and what looked like daises.

"Oh... you didn't have to..." You said, trying to take in... well, Bradley! He gave a loud and slightly awkward laugh, shoved the flowers into your arms, and walked in, tracking mud. "Fabulous." You mumble, glaring unapprovingly at the mud tracks. 

You then proceeded to place the flowers on your counter while Bradley sat heavily onto your loveseat, kicked up his feet, and set his dirty. Muddy. Sticky. Gross. Shoes. On top of your book. You let out a small scream and rushed over to save your book. 

"I can't see why you care about a couple of pages with words on them!" Bradley said as you shoved his feet off of your book. "Here, imagine this: A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire, and my little wife massaging my feet while the little ones play with the dogs." Bradley sighed dreamily. 

"Sounds lovely." You deadpanned. 

"Doesn't it?" He replied quickly, looking at you hopefully as you cleaned your book grumpily.

Bradley got to his feet and started walking to the front door. "Y/n, we've known each other for a very long time..." 

'Uh oh.' You thought despairingly. 'Where is this going?'

"And I think we can both agree we'd make beautiful children." 

'HOLD UP!' You screamed inside your head. You stared at him incredulously. 

"And I like you, and you obviously adore me..."

'NononononoNONONO!' You almost yelled, but you seemed frozen, staring at him while he continued what you dreaded most. 

"And, well, I know you won't say no, so..." Bradley smirked. 

"Oh, goodness." You whispered, running a hand numbly through your hair.

"Let's just skip to it and get married right here right now!" He exclaimed, opening the door to reveal Tyler, a band, and half of the town outside your door. Tyler's eyes widened and he began to swing his chubby arms around madly. The band immediately began playing the wedding march while a priest stepped from the crowd. 

You stared, looking back and forth between Bradley and the band; Bradley held a giant smile on his face. Finally, you shouted, "NO!!" 

The band abruptly stopped. Tyler turned to stare, flabbergasted, at you. Bradley's face immediately fell into a look of pure shock, then an understanding smile. He shut the door and stepped toward you. You started backing up, now extremely nervous. 

"Ooooh, Y/n, I know how you feel..." He said, shaking his head, still walking toward you with long, slow steps. 

"I really think you don't..." You said, backing up until you felt a wall against your back. 'Great sparkly teddy bears.' You cursed inside your head. This was not a good position to be in.

"Oh, yes, I do." He replied calmly, now inches away from you, looking down at you with a condescendingly smile. "You're so filled with joy and shock that you need a moment to process, yes, the man of your dreams has truly asked you to marry him!"

"Bradley, I-"

"I know!" He was now so close. Oh no, was he going to kiss you?! "I'm here, we can talk about this..." He purred. He reached up to cup your face, but you grabbed his hand forcefully and pushed his hand away. No way was he going to kiss you! Not in a million years! 

"I wouldn't marry you if you were the last man on earth!" You exclaimed. You shoved him away and stormed to the front door to tell the wedding party to leave. 

You felt a hand on your right shoulder and Bradley forcefully turned you around, livid. "Oh, you will marry me. Right here. Right. Now. You need me." 

You stared at him in disbelief. "Wha-"

"TYLER!" He barked. 

Tyler rushed through the door and said in a small voice, "Yes, Bradley? The wedding party is getting restless, they want to know whether the wedding is still o-"

"Of course it's still on!" Bradley shouted. "Now! I'll talk to them and get her a proper dress. Keep her here while I sort things out." 

"Oh! Of course!" Tyler squeaked while Bradley marched out the door, slamming it. Tyler turned to you. "So? Excited for your big day? I mean, who wouldn't be? You're marrying the best man out there! He-" 

You stopped listening to Tyler as he rambled on about Bradley. You had to get out there! You looked around frantically when your eye landed on your satchel. Suddenly, an idea formed in your head. 

"Just yesterday, he won a hunting trophy! The size of-" 

"Can I get you some tea?" You interrupted. 

"Oh! Well, of course! But back to your fiance-"

 You rolled your eyes. 'If Tyler loves him so much, why doesn't HE marry him?!'

You rushed to your bag near the counter, and shoved a few fruits and a few of the books on your coffee table . You doubted you were coming back anytime soon. After gathering a fair amount of items, you headed to the back door. 

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Tyler shouted, who had just barely noticed you weren't making tea. 


"Get back here!" Tyler started towards you. Panicking, you lifted your bag and hit him over the head as hard as you could. Tyler fell to the ground moaning and holding his head. Shocked at what you had just done, you stood for a moment before rushing out of the back door to the stables. 

You didn't have time to put on the saddle, so you swung your bag over your arms, hoisted yourself up, and lead your horse, riding bear-backed, out to the forest. By now, it was 8 or so and getting dark. You started to gallop into the forest, hearing shouts behind you. 

"No going back now." You whispered. There was no way you were marrying Bradley. 


Author's Note

Yeah, I added another quote from the movie. I think I hid it pretty well. See you later! Hope you enjoyed. 

                                                                                                            - Adelle

Editor's Note

That went swell. Look at us smacking men around >:3

See y'all next chapter, my darlings! Mwah!

                                                                                                           ~ Valery
