Chapter 31

Author's Note

Prepare for battle!! I got a little carried away with Dusk's fight scene. Hope you enjoy!

                                                                                                                            - Adelle

Editor's note

Raise your hand if you're excited! *raises hand* Enjoy! Mwah!

                                                                                                                            ~ Valery


It had been about thirty minutes and the whole castle was prepared for battle. The Nightmare Papyruses were hiding in the shadows, ready to strike at any minute. Cherry and Killer were standing lifeless on the coffee table near the fireplace, secretly using magic to suspend gallons of boiling water near the ceiling. Cross and Dust were waiting atop the chandelier before the fireplace, hiding weapons and were prepared to activate the traps they had set. No one knew the whereabouts of Horror and Error, but that wasn't the main concern at the moment.

The mob stood outside the doors, their chants filling and shaking the castle. The mob had been spending the last ten minutes creating a battering ram. The castle held still with anticipation, waiting for the cursed contraption to break down the doors. The chants of the mob had quieted, and Dust whispered, "Have they le-" He was interrupted with the first loud impact of the ram.

A loud boom sounded through the castle and the doors shook terribly. Everyone held their breath simultaneously. A second boom sounded throughout the castle and the doors creaked in complaint. The doors could only survive another hit or two. When the third boom came, a loud crack sounded from one of the doors as it was ripped from it's hinges. As the giant door fell to the ground, two men entered cautiously.

One was large and had black greasy hair. He held a torch high and looked around, showing no trace of fear. The other, a short, chubby man, cowered behind the larger man. The taller male strode forward and began inspecting his surroundings. The shorter male, seeing that there was no immediate danger, scurried forward curiously.

As the shorter man examined Cherry and Killer, who were anxiously sitting on the coffee table, a few villagers had begun to fill the castle. The shorter man picked up Killer, then turned and called, "Bradley! Come see this ugly tea set!" 

All the villagers shushed him and 'Bradley', turned to glare at the shorter man. "Tyler!" He hissed angrily.

Killer gasped, then shouted, "Ugly?! Excuse me, but look who's talking! Everyone! Attack!" 

Tyler squeaked and dropped Killer, who hissed and poured some water on Tyler for payback. The whole room flew into chaos as the inhabitants of the castle began to fight. Nightmare Papyruses crept from the shadows, their eyes glowing and leaking purple magic ominously.

They stepped from the shadows menacingly, staffs made of bone held in their hands and Gaster Blasters raised high. The villagers screamed in terror and anger, then charged forward. Without a word, the Nightmare Papyruses began dodging and striking blows, not to kill, but to disable. Killer giggled malevolently and Cherry smiled cruelly as they poured the boiling water onto fleeing villagers, just to make sure they wouldn't return.

Dust and Cross cackled maniacally as they unleashed their traps, not meant to harm, but to frighten. Those who neared the staircases and hallways would be greeted by knives that would give chase.

Dusk approached Bradley, who seemed to be attempting to make his way towards the west wing. As people screamed and the Papyruses calmly attacked, Dusk calmly blocked Bradley's way to the staircase. Bradley snarled and unsheathed a sword. Dusk flared his magic, causing his eye to burn with passion.

Dusk twirled his staff and struck a defensive pose. They circled each other for a minute, before Bradley struck first. He came in for a swipe at Dusk's arm, but was blocked by Dusk, who then proceeded to summon a staff in his other hand and aimed it at Bradley's head. Dusk had no intention of letting Bradley live. If he had killed Y/n, why couldn't he kill him? Karma works in many different ways.

Bradley ducked and, withdrawing his sword, lunged forward, aiming for Dusk's legs. Dusk teleported behind Bradley, who stumbled forward. Bradley turned around quickly, but his sword was knocked to the floor by one of Dusk's staffs. Bradley hissed as Dusk kicked him to the ground. Bradley spat at Dusk's feet, and sneered, "What are you going to do to me, monster?"

Dusk smiled widely. Bradley began to lose his courage and took on an expression of fear as Dusk hissed, "I I N T E N D T O M A K E Y O U P A Y , F I L T H ." Dusk summoned a purple eyed Gaster Blaster and, using his magic to pin Bradley down, he aimed it at him. He reveled in Bradley's look of fear.

Bradley cried out, "PLEASE! What must I do so that you will spare me?!"

Dusk leaned his head back to face the ceiling and let out a bone chilling cackle. "That's Right. Beg Like The Dirt You Are.

Bradley looked desperate as he said, "I'll do whatever you want, just please, don't kill me." Dusk looked at Bradley, disgust emanating from his figure.

Dusk looked at the pathetic being that lay before him, smiled cruelly, and let his Gaster Blaster disintegrate. Bradley looked relieved, before taking on a look of pure terror. Dusk knelt down and summoned a bone with a tip so sharp you could gently touch it and it'd prick you.

He pressed it against Bradley's upper arm, puncturing the skin, drawing a smooth trickle of blood. Dusk bent down to whisper into Bradley's ear, "You Should Of Thought Of The Consequences Before You Took The Life Of My Dawn, Y/n." Dusk leaned back to see Bradley, looking confused and extremely distressed.

"I didn't kill her! I promise you!" Dusk snarled and stabbed the spike into Bradley's left arm. Bradley gasped, but refused to allow Dusk the pleasure of him screaming. Dusk began to run the point down Bradley's arm. He planned to make this slow and enjoyable. Bradley would suffer all the pain he had caused his brother.

Just then, the lights dimmed, Dusk looked around to see about a hundred people standing, looking tired, but still determined. A few Papyruses had disappeared. They had probably been wounded and had left to heal. A malicious laugh soon filled the room and a fire was set ablaze in the right hallway. Everyone stopped to stare as a large shadow crept behind the fire, revealing the silhouette of a bear-like monster that looked like it had just stepped from a child's nightmare.

Error's strings shot from the fire and took hold of Tyler, who was hiding behind an overturned chair. Dusk stood and forgot about Bradley as he witnessed a blood-curdling sight. The strings carried Tyler into the flames and, as he screamed for Bradley to save him, Tyler joined the silhouette and was eaten by the monster.

The people screamed and scrambled outside, saying things like, "It's the Beast!" &, "He's come for us!". Dusk summoned a bone spear and dove into the flames, intending to find this new foe. He was greeted with a cardboard cutout, a tied up Tyler, and a cackling Error and Horror. 

"We got 'em!" Horror managed to say through his laughing. 

"wE sUrE dId¡" Error snorted.

"Clever!" Cross said as he rode past the flames on Dust. 

"THIS IS A FIRE HAZARD!" Cherry scolded condescendingly as he used the last of the water to put out the flames. 

"Who cares, WE WON!" Horror shouted triumphantly. 

"NO, WE REALLY DIDN'T." Dusk said solemnly and everyone silenced.


Author's Note

Hohohohohoho! Now it gets exciting! Dusk shouldn't have let Bradley go~ Hope you enjoyed!

                                                                                                                  - Adelle

Editor's note

Hehehe, battle scenes are one of my favorites.

                                                                                                                 ~ Valery
