Chapter 4

Author's Note

Val wrote most of this chapter since I wrote the last one. Also thank you Abomination 118 for the review, it made our day <3


Editor's Note

Prolly my favorite chapter- We meet Horror >:3 He's da best

Abomination 118 is from Quotev. They cool

                                                                                                           ~ Valery


You groaned; your head and neck stung like crazy. What had happened? You remembered slipping, black tentacles had grabbed you, and you had felt a bony hand choke you. Now you were lying on cold, hard rock. Where were you?

Your eyes fluttered open but all you could see was black. Your eyes soon adjusted to the darkness. You tentatively propped yourself up with your elbows. You studied the room before you. You were sitting in a black, dark cell, chains were attached to the wall but, thankfully, not on you. Someone had bound your injured ankle. Some of black goo that had been lying around the tree was stuck to your arms, legs, dress, and a little on your cheek.

Groaning, you stood up, stumbling slightly; you felt dizzy and lightheaded. You used the wall for support and stood in silence for a minute, listening to see if anyone was around. Whispers soon reached your ears. You could barely make out what they were saying.

"She's awake."

"hOw Do YoU kNoW tHaT?"

"I heard her, ya idiot clock!"

"I'm NoT a ClOcK aNd YoU kNoW tHa-"

"H-hello?" You called out. "Is anyone there?" 

The voices went silent. You, and whoever was talking, stood silently for a couple of minutes before you began limping over to the cell door. Grabbing onto the cold metal bars, you peered around the area outside your cell.

It was all black and rocky, like one of the old medieval castles from back then. In front of you, through an open archway, lay a large staircase that had several platforms and cells along the way down. It was dark except for the few torches situated next to the cells and staircase.

"Hello?" You called out again, your voice stronger this time. "I know you're there. Will you come out, please?"

A sigh came from your left. "If we come out, will ya promise not ta freak out?" 

"nO! wE aRe NoT cOmInG oUt At AlL!! nIgHtMaRe'S oRdEr'S!" 

'Nightmare?' You thought. 'Where have I heard that name before?' 

"Well, she's gonna see us anyways! So, why not get it over with?" 

"*sIgH* fInE!"

There was a bit of metal clinking from your left. You turned your head to the left and let out a gasp at what you saw. A golden candelabra that held three blood-stained candlesticks, the middle candle with a huge dent at the top, came hopping in your direction. The middle candle-holder seemed to have a face etched into it. One of the two 'eyes' had a large, bright scarlet pinprick. The candelabra wore a large, slightly insane smile.

Behind the candelabra was a black clock. It had some red and yellow spots on it here or there. Specifically, the little arm-like extensions at the sides which had red and yellow 'fingertips'. The gears that were visible through the see-through glass seemed to resemble eyes. The 'pupils' were yellow, except the left one had a blue pupil in the middle. Blue streaks that somewhat resembled tear lines were coming out of the 'eyes'. The 'mouth' of the clock was yellow and wore a slight frown. 

You stared in shock at the two house objects that just casually hopped/waddled in your direction. You three had a silent staring contest before you burst into a fit of giggles at how ridiculous the situation was. 

"hEy, WhAt'S sO fUnNy, YoU lItTlE-"

"This isn't funny, stop laughing!" The candelabra cut off the clock.

"Heh, sorry." You apologized, giving it a smile.

"S'all good. If you want a laugh, wait till I tell one of my jokes!" You held up a thumbs up with the original 'Frisk Face'. "A'right, good. Th' name's Horror, this is Error." Horror indicated towards the clock. "And ya are?" 

"Y/n." You told him, smiling.

"Nice name!" Horror said with a genuine smile. He turned to Error. "We should give her a room instead of a dusty old cell." 

Error gave Horror an incredulous look. "ArE yOu CRAZy?!" Horror's eyes widened and he smiled and nodded. Error facepalmed and growled, "fInE. bUt If NiGhTmArE cAtChEs Us, I'm BlAmInG yOu." 

"Fine by meh." Horror shrugged. Horror hopped over to a lever on the side of the door, jumping surprisingly high for a candelabra, and pulled the lever down with his body weight. The door of your cell slid open. Smiling, you limped out of your cursed cell. 

"Thanks." You smiled at Horror.

He smiled back but took on a concerned expression when he saw your ankle. "What happened ta your leg?" He asked

"Eh, it was just wolves." You replied nonchalantly. Horror gave you an appalled look. You quickly added, "I'm okay now, see?" 

Error rolled his eyes. "wErEn'T yOu GoInG tO sHoW hEr A rOoM?" He asked sourly.

"Oh, yeh, yeh." He nodded and hopped toward the staircase that spiraled down. "Follow meh." He said, beckoning for you to follow. You grabbed your satchel that was lying on the cell floor and followed him.

You followed Horror and Error through the castle's corridors, admiring the dark beauty the castle held. You felt a gloomy aura from the castle, but you were very interested in everything you saw. The corridors were long and the castle seemed to go on forever. Finally, and sadly, the tour ended when Horror and Error stopped in front of a huge pair of doors. The designs of the arched doorway resembled dark, dying plants and a couple of purple apples. The art was unsettling yet beautiful.

Horror pulled open the door to reveal the biggest and prettiest room you had ever seen. The room was decorated in black and blues. The bed was huge, you could literally do cartwheels in the closet, and the armoire seemed to reach the ceiling. You limped in, admiring the room. 

"It's modest, but comfortable." Horror said casually. This was modest?! What did the other rooms look like?!

You smiled and turned to Horror. "This is all for me?" You asked, dumbfounded.

"Yep." His casual tone surprised you.

"Wow." You muttered. This was like Christmas and your birthday all mixed in one. Times 50! The whole room to yourself. Holy snickerdoodles!

"We'll leave ya to explore your room. We'll come and get ya for dinner." Horror smiled at you one last time before turning around and hopping out of the room. Error followed, but before the door closed, he turned back to you and said ominously, "Don't leave the room." Oddly, his voice didn't glitch when he said this. The door closed behind Error as he turned around to leave.


The two objects closed the door behind them as they left your room. Horror turned towards Error. "Ya mind calling the others? Tell them to meet in th' dining room."

*Le time skip*

Error had finished calling together the rest of the transformed team. First, a silvery tray on wheels came rolling in, carrying a red and black teapot and a teacup with black stripes and a target decorating it. Next, a blue and grey foot stool walked in, carrying a white and black duster on its back.

"Glad y'all could make it." Horror said, gazing around at the former skeleton team. 

"Why'd you call us here?" The foot stool, Dust, asked. The rest of the group made noises of agreement.

"Well, it's about the new human girl, Y/-"

"WE HAVE A HUMAN IN THE CASTLE?" The teapot, Swapfell, or preferably Cherry, inquired in his loud voice.

"yEp. AnD tHiS iDiOt BeFoRe YoU gAvE hEr A rOoM." Error growled angrily.

"What's wrong with that?" The teacup, Killer, asked. 

"Yeh, an' for all we know, she could be th' one." Horror responded.

"Oh, will you give that a rest already?" Cross, the duster, exclaimed.

"No! I will not give up hope for us returning to our normal form! I will see Papy again and y'all can't stop meh!" Horror exclaimed angrily, filled with DETERMINATION.

All the transformed skeletons rolled their eyes.

At that very moment, the door slammed open and a very pissed off Nightmare stormed in. "lOoK wHo It Is." Error shot a glare in Horror's direction, who held up his candle-holders defensively.

"What's got you all steamed up?" Killer asked. Cherry gave him a death glare at this.

"The human has escaped and I can't find her.

Error shot an even angrier glare in Horror's direction, who rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, ya Highness." Horror said, hopping a step or two closer to the king. "The human hasn't escaped, we just gave her a room." 

This was the wrong thing to say.

Nightmare snapped his head in Horror's direction. "YOU WHAT?!"

Horror cowered at these words and said in a small voice, "Well, ya see, sir, Error had the excellent idea of giving her a room so ya could make a good impression on her." Error shot Horror the most terrifying death glare in the world; Horror pretended not to notice. 

Nightmare's head snapped in Error's direction. "Your idea?! Good impression?!" Nightmare seemed so angry he was a loss of words.

"wElL, y-YoU sEe, YoUr MaJeStY, I-i-I-" Error crashed, he was so stressed. 

Nightmare then turned in Horror's direction again. "Well?!

Horror built up his courage and said, "Well, ya see, Your Highness, there's a chance that she could be th' one."

"There is no 'one'! Get that into your stupid head, you good-for-nothing candelabra!" And with that, Nightmare stormed over to his throne and plopped on the cushions heavily, leaning forward, face in his hands.

Tentatively, Cherry wheeled his cart over to Nightmare and asked, "W-Would You Like A Cup Of Tea?" 

Nightmare let out a long sigh and mumbled through his hands, "Yes, please." Cherry tipped himself over and poured some hot tea into Killer. Nightmare reach over, picked up Killer, and began sipping the tea. An awkward silence sailed through the room as the king calmed himself by sipping the tea, or more importantly, Killer, who silently prayed that Nightmare wouldn't crush him.

Finally, to stop the awkwardness, Horror piped up, "Ya Majesty?" Nightmare looked at Horror. "Are ya okay?"

Nightmare sighed, turning his head away, a weak smile on his face. "Yeah, I'm just tired, you know?"

"Aren't we all?" Dust agreed. Nightmare chuckled darkly at this.

Sitting up straight and setting Killer back on the tray, Nightmare surveyed the room, looking at all the former skeletons. "Heh," He smiled and said gravely, "All of you, here, because of me." He bowed his head. "None of you should be here, just because of a stupid mistake I made years ago." He rubbed his only visible blue eye.

Then he snapped his head in Horror's direction, who hopped a step backwards, startled. A grin spread across Nightmare's face. "Now," He stood up, approached Horror, and knelt down in front of him. "What should I do to make a good impression?"


Author's Note

Nightmare has feelings! Gasp! Thanks for reading!

                                                                                                            - Adelle

Editor's Note

Hehe, I remember having fun writing this- lol- See y'all next chapter! Mwah!

                                                                                                            ~ Valery
