Chapter 14

Author's Note

Breakfast time! While writing this I kept thinking it was dinner :p Enjoy!

                                                                                                                       - Adelle

Editor's note

Man, that picture is making me hungry.

                                                                                                                       ~ Valery


Cherry looked flatly at Killer, then turned to you as you giggled and said, "Shall we?" 

Cherry smiled sweetly up at you and replied, "WE SHALL."

You followed Cherry as he joined Killer atop the cart. You walked alongside them as Cherry hummed a catchy tune. You continued to walk next to the cart, the squeaking of a wheel occasionally breaking the silence, until you arrived at the dining room.

Error, Dust, and Cross already sat on the table talking. They stopped talking to turn and smile at you. You smiled back and said, "Hello!" 

Right as you heard Nightmare say behind you, "What...?"

You turned to see Nightmare standing at the door with an overexcited Horror next to him. "Come! Come!" Horror happily called to Nightmare. 

"What's she doing here?" Nightmare asked Horror confusedly. 

"She's eating with us, silly!"

"Oh." He followed awkwardly, giving you a shy smile as he passed. You smiled back, cheeks warming slightly, and he quickly looked away.

Cherry and Killer had seated themselves next to the others. Nightmare sat parallel to you across the long table. Horror had witnessed the small scene between you and Nightmare and a scheming smile crept across his face as an idea seemed to hit him.

He hopped over to you and motioned with one of his candlesticks for you to come closer. You followed his instructions, and he began to whisper. "Would it be too much of a hassle for ya ta move and sit next ta Nightmare?" He finished with a curious smile.

You replied, "Not at all!" 

Horror beamed up at you and said, "Follow me, meh sweet." You got up and the others watched you as you walked alongside Horror, who was hopping on the table. You sat next to Nightmare and he smiled down at you, light blue dusting his cheek bones.

He turned to the others, who now were crowded on the other side of the table. They were looking at you and him as if you were some kind of soap opera and a plot twist had just occurred. When Nightmare turned to look at them they started to do many different motions.

If they had hands they'd be making hand gestures, but instead they were hopping up and down and whisper shouting. You giggled at the sight. Nightmare looked extremely distressed, until Nightmare Papyruses filled the room with trays of food. Each were dressed differently, but all were black like Nightmare.

They looked eager to feed more than one person. One placed a large plate in front of you and another placed silverware and a gorgeous glass cup next to the plate. Nightmare Papyruses lined up next to you and Nightmare and waited. You looked to Nightmare for direction.

Your last meal with the others wasn't nearly this fancy. Probably because they wanted to keep it quiet. Nightmare looked at you and said, "Nod at the food that looks good and they'll give you some. Then shake your head at what you don't want.

"I know." You smiled at him. Nightmare mumbled something and began nodding.

You looked at the Nightmare Papyrus standing to the side of you. He gave you a wink and waited for your command. You blushed at the wink, then looked at the tray he was holding. It held a plate of blue and yellow scrambled eggs, decorated with melted cheese in the design of a heart.

Your mouth watered and you nodded quickly. The Nightmare Papyrus bent over and placed the eggs onto your plate and left, another replacing his spot next to you. This continued for a few minutes. Everything looked delicious, so you said yes to everything. After a few trays, you realized you probably didn't have enough room on your plate for everything.

So you began asking for smaller portions. When every Nightmare Papy had offered their tray, a Papyrus, taller than the others, strutted proudly up to Nightmare. That Nightmare Papyrus looked familiar...

"Have I met you before?" You asked the Nightmare Papyrus. 

He smiled down at you, hands clasped behind his back. "ACTUALLY, YOU HAVE."

"Oh, really?" 


"Oh! You must've thought I was silly when I asked for those things." 

"NOT AT ALL." He finished with a kind smile.

"Do you have a name?" You asked curiously. You figured he must be the captain or something and you weren't just going to call him 'Nightmare Papyrus' all the time! 

He looked confused at this however. "A... NAME?" He asked, a patient smile decorating his features.

"They don't really have names, Y/n." Cross added kindly. 

"Well, that won't do!" You said earnestly. 

"It won't?

"No!" You said exasperatedly. 

"WHY NOT?" The Nightmare Papyrus questioned.

"How will I be able to tell you apart from the others? And a name's a lot quicker than 'Nightmare Papyrus'." You explained. 


"Could I at least give you a nickname?" 

"IF YOU WISH." He replied kindly. 

"How about... Dusk!"

"CUTE!" Cherry said happily. 

"DUSK?" Dusk asked. 

"Dusk." You replied happily. 

"Duuuusssskkk." You giggled at Nightmare's input. "I was.. testing the name out!" Nightmare replied defensively. "Also, what made you choose that name?" Nightmare asked curiously.

"It's my favorite time of day, when the sun is leaving us for the night. The sky is so beautiful and the whole world turns a gentle color of blue. It isn't there for long, but it shows a beauty like no other." Both Dusk and Nightmare blushed at this. 

"Wow! Could you show it to us sometime?" Dust asked. 

"YeAh!" Error added, surprisingly excited.

"I'd love to!" You said cheerily. 

"Now, can we eat?" Nightmare asked, turning his attention to Dusk. 

"IF EVERYTHING IS TO YOUR LIKING." He replied. Nightmare nodded in response, then Dusk looked to you. 

"Yes..?" You said, a little confused. Dusk bowed, then left.

You turned to your plate and your stomach grumbled at the sight. You and Nightmare began to eat as the others conversed quietly. The food was amazing. Somewhere in the middle of some fried hash browns, the object's voices raised and they began talking excitedly.

You and Nightmare looked at each other, mouths full, then to the objects. They were whisper shouting passionately, occasionally glancing at Nightmare. You looked at Nightmare and he gave you a funny look. You shrugged and returned to your food.

A minute or so later, Horror hopped up to Nightmare and whispered something in his... ear? Did Nightmare even have ears? Nightmare's face turned blue, for what seemed like the tenth time today. He quickly stole a look at you, then whispered back to Horror.

Horror gave him an adorable pleading look, then Nightmare sighed and nodded. Horror and the others seemed to vibrate with excitement. After you and Nightmare had finished, Nightmare snapped his fingers, black wisps of smoke came from his fingertips once more.

Dusk walked out of the shadows, scooped up the plates, and left, smiling at you sweetly. You were about to start some small talk with the others when, "We must be going!" Dust called. 

"Oh?" You asked. 

"YeS, wE hAvE..." 

"Things to attend to." Cross finished Error's sentence.

"Oh.. see you later then?" You called to the group that was now bustling out the door. 

"G'bye, meh sweet!" 




"Good bye!" 

"Goodbye, Love." They called back. 'Goodbye, Love. That's new.' You thought you had heard Killer say that.

"So... may I walk you to your room?" Nightmare asked, breaking the silence. 

"Oh! I'd love that, that's really sweet of you to offer." You said, smiling up at him. Nightmare looked away and mumbled something. "Shall we?" You asked, beginning towards the doors.

Nightmare grunted in agreement and you began to to stroll together down the halls. "So.. dusk is your favorite time of the day?

"Yep! It's like the whole world changes, just for a small bit, to make way for a peaceful night." 

"Dusk is probably my favorite time of day too." Nightmare said casually.

"Why is that?" You asked, looking up at him. 

"Cuz it reminds me of you." Nightmare said, not looking at you. You blushed, smiling up at him, and giggled a little. "What? Did I say something?" Nightmare asked anxiously, looking at you. 

"What? What do you mean?" 

"You laughed at me!"

"I didn't laugh at you! I was giggling because what you said made me happy!" 

"Oh." Nightmare blushed and looked away. 'Tsundere much?' You thought, smiling to yourself. After a minute more of silence, you had arrived at your room.

"Well, thank you for walking me to my room!" You said happily. 

"No problem." You opened your doors and was about to enter your room when, "Hey! Would you mind if...

You turned to look at Nightmare, then smiled and asked, "Yes?" 

Nightmare looked at you for a minute, then quickly said, "Nevermind." Then vanished as you called out.


Author's Note

Dusk will re-appear! And maybe some others~ Hope you enjoyed!

                                                                                                                  - Adelle

Editor's note

Nightmare's adorable attempts at flirting.... was he trying to flirt? 

Dusk is very important, you'll see lots of him.

                                                                                                                  ~ Valery
