Tests and Helpless

(Ash's POV)

"Ahhh this is giving me a headache!" I say, but little did I know, Mrs. Adams was behind me...

"Mr. Ketchum, worksheets are necessary for your good presentation in the exams. Anyways students, this year's examination is coming near so please start preparing now itself! You'll have the Pokemon Annual League after the exams are over. And remember, those who fail, will not get to participate in the league." Mrs. Adams says.

The whole class made annoying noises and some chuckled.

Eh? Why?

"Hey, Clemont. Why are they chuckling?" I ask, whispering to Clemont.

"Well it's because every year the teacher says this, but still whoever fails can participate in the league. We figured that they only say this so that we take the exams seriously. But they also know that we know that whatever they say is not true. I don't know why they still say this." He states.

"Huh, so this is the thing. Ugh, I have to pass this!!" I say.

"Relax, you'll be able to take part in the league." He says.

"Not just the league, but I have to do it..for my mom." I continue, "Ever since my dad died, she has been handling the company and also took care of me, wholeheartedly. She was broken inside, still, she didn't show that to me. She always smiled in front of me. I have everything I could ask for, and I just want my mom to smile genuinely, from her heart. I want her to be happy...and I wanna do my best!" I say.

"Aww, that's so sweet!" Brock says.

"You were listening to us?" Clemont asks.

"Yup, of course!" He answers.

Mrs. Adams clears her throat. " Listen here, class. Please open your biology book and start revising chapter 15. I am gonna give you a worksheet and it is not an open book worksheet. So start revising!" She says.

What the-


"Hey, did you complete this one?" I say, pointing at the worksheet we were doing.

"Yes, of course, I did. I have completed all my work and I knew all the answers as well, so I finished it early!" Clemont answers.

"Don't worry Ash, I am with you!" Brock says, keeping a hand on my shoulders.

"We are too, Ash." Gladion and Lillie, who were sitting in front of me say.

"Thank god, I am not alone!" I say.

Ya, I think I am safe when I am not alone in something. For example, when I don't do my homework, I wish that someone else should've also not done their's so that I am not the only one who's not done the homework! Well, mostly everybody thinks like this.

"Ugh, this is gonna kill me!!!!" I say. "Hey Clemont..why are you not in the A-class even if you're so smart?"

"Well, let's say that you need to be more than smart to be in the A-class." He answers.

"Ya Ash, being in the A-class is not easy," Brock says.

"Hm..." I say. No wonder Misty is there...

But Gary?

I burst out laughing and the duo gave me questionable looks.

"I am sorry I was just thinking why Gary is in the A-class," I say. They chuckle as well.


At lunch...


"Hey, Gary!" I say. Gary comes towards me.

"Hey, Ash! Wassup?"

"Tell me...how did you join the A-class?" I ask.

"Why?" He says, raising an eyebrow.

"Just curious," I answer.

"Hehe, I know why you're curious. Well yeah, I didn't study back then but after you and Misty went your ways, I was all alone. And then all I did was study! But then I came into the A-class and made a lot of friends here, and see? Today, all girls live for me!" He says, proudly.

I decided to play along.

"Well yeah, and Leaf is a very lucky girl that got you!" I say.

"Yeah, she is! Oh shit, why did I leave her alone?" He says.


"Well, since we started dating all the other girls started hating her."

Even Misty?

Concentrate Ash, concentrate!!

"So I never left her alone, because the girls in our school are crazy. Ugh, let's go get her." He continues, turning around. I follow as well.

As we were heading towards the last class, we heard a scream.

"That's Leaf's voice...Let's go!" Gary says, horrified, and runs at his full speed.

"LEAF-" He says, while we burst into the room pushing the door. But we didn't expect what we saw.

Leaf was standing behind, hands on her mouth, and the one to beat all the girls was...

Misty. She was crouched down.

"If I ever see you hurting Leaf or any innocent being for that matter, I won't stop my hands." She says, and gets up, dusting the imaginary dirt off her hands.

Woah, is she the innocent little Misty that I knew before?

Well yeah, she had this temper with her but still, I didn't know she could fight this hard!

I am so proud of her! I feel like a proud Mumma.

Okay, maybe not Mumma.

"LEAF!" Gary yells as he goes to Leaf and takes her in his embrace.

"Gary..." She says as she hugs back.

"Are you okay?" He asks, pulling apart and cupping both her cheeks.

"Yes." She answers, smiling. "Thankfully Misty got here at the right time and saved me." She adds.

I look at Misty. She's looking at Gary and Leaf, I can see the relief on her face. Even though she doesn't show it, I know that she has feelings, a lot of them!

She exhales and starts to walk near the door, when...

"Misty," Gary calls out to her.


"Thanks." He says. "A lot." He adds.

"No need for that," Misty says, and turns around but is stopped again.

"Misty. Would you like to hang out with us?" Leaf asks.

Misty takes a moment to answer, "Sure." She says.

"Come on, let's go!" Gary says and exits the room with Leaf.

And I realized I haven't spoken the whole time...

That's not like me...

"You coming?" Misty asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah," I say and follow her.

We both follow Gary and Leaf and we reach a balcony, a big one.

I never knew it was here....

Anyways, Gary and Leaf go near it and enjoy the cool breeze which was flowing through.

I stand there, with Misty beside me, as we see Gary and Leaf kissing each other passionately.

Okay, we didn't need PDA right now. But we can't stop them, can we?

Man, I feel like a third wheel now. Wait, how can I be a third wheel? Misty's here as well. Maybe we both are. Wait no, she's the third wheel and I am the fourth wheel.

"Stop it, Ash," Misty says.

Eh? Did I speak that loud? From what I remember, I didn't.

Wait, is she a mind reader? Can be because she's extremely smart.

Ugh, how can it-

"Stop tapping your feet, Ash." She says.

Oh, so that's the case!

"Uh? Sorry." I say as I stop.

I didn't even realize that I was doing that. Huh.

I divert my attention to the couple in front of us. They are still kissing.

Okay, this is getting awkward. Is it always like this when you hang out with couples? And not to mention, seeing someone kissing, with your crush beside you? Ugh.

"Want to go to the other side....? There's a balcony as well." Misty says.

"Uh, sure!" I say. "Guys, we are going," I say, looking at Gary and Leaf, who by the way, are still kissing.

Okay, they were very busy kissing and didn't pay attention to us. Me and Misty both sigh and start to go to the other side.

"That was quite cool!" I say, trying to minimize the awkwardness.

"What was?" She asked.

"The fight! I mean I didn't see you fighting, but I knew after looking at the girls that you did it well!" I say, clearing her doubt.

"Hm. It was." She says as we reach the other balcony.

"Wow, it's so beautiful here. You can literally see the whole school from here." I say, looking at the beautiful sight.

"Indeed, it is beautiful," Misty says.

Just like you...

"I never knew it was here," I say, enjoying the cool breeze.

"No one comes here often. There are some people who want personal space to do stupid things so they come here. For example, see in that classroom." She says, pointing to a classroom.

"Eeks," I say, a weird sensation going through my body.

"That's what! I, on the other hand, come here for peace, for being myself, just myself." She says, looking at the scenery again.

What is she talking about?

"Yeah.." I say.

"We gotta go." She says suddenly, looking at her watch.


"Don't you remember? We have our chemistry internals right now!" She says as she turns around.

Sh*t I forgot about it.

"Ahhh why does this happen to me?" I say while walking with her to our chemistry lab.

"You didn't study?" She asks.

"Well, um kinda?" I say.

"Just say it, Ash." She says, smirking.

Ugh, she knows me too well.

"Okay fine, I didn't. But I remember some things...." I say.

"Tell me the formula for Sodium Carbonate." She asks.

"Um uh er well I know that it's called Washing Soda.." I say.

"It's Na2CO3, Ash." She says, smirking again.

"Ugh, why is it today?!!?" I say, grabbing my head with both my hands.

"It was supposed to be today, Ash. What were you doing these days?" She asks.

Uh, what do I say?

Well, I was making plans to bring your memories back!

Of course, I can't say this.

"Um, I was sleeping?" I say, but it comes out like a question.

"Are you telling me or asking me?" She asks.

I facepalm internally.

"Um yeah no I was sleeping," I say as we reach the Chemistry lab.

"Well, good luck sleepyhead!" She says as we enter and she goes to her seat.

I stand there, looking at her. She called me sleepy head...


"Morning Misty," I say

"Morning sleepyhead!" She says.

End Of Flashback

Maybe it's a coincidence. Ya, it has to be. She doesn't remember me. Most people who sleep very much are called sleepyheads. Ya, it's a coincidence.

"Ash?" Gary asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I say as I realize that all my friends are looking at me.

"What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"You came with Misty? MISTY?" Dawn asks.

"Yeah? So?" I ask again.

"You don't understand. You came with Misty! She was talking to you!" Drew says.

"Well yeah, isn't that great?" I ask.

"Ya, it is," Clemont says.

"Making progress! By the way, where did you go when we were on the balcony?" Gary asks.

"Well, since you guys were kissing, it became awkward for us singles so we went to the other one," I say honestly, and Leaf blushed.

"And why didn't you tell us?" Gary asks.

"We did tell you but you two were busy kissing so you didn't pay attention to us," I say.

Gary clears his throat and Leaf blushes again. Everybody looks at them.

"Hey! It's a common thing in couples right?" Gary says.

"Yeah yeah, it is," Paul says.

"Alright, class gather up around here." Mrs. Wington says.

We all gather around her.

"Let me give you all the instructions.

1. You will be given a test of ten questions that you have to answer in twenty minutes.

2. Also, there will be some substance and equipment kept at your table. You need to use that as per the instructions written in the test and based on the result of your experiment, you will write the answer.

3. There's a plain sheet of paper attached to the test at the end. Whatever equations or calculations you wanna do, do it there.

4. Only black pen allowed.

5. You will be paired up, though you'll be doing everything separately, you will be paired up as we have been doing it every time. And this time, you can get paired with the A-class students as well. There will be no partiality.

6. And the last one, NO COPYING. If I ever see any of you copying, straight away zero for your internals." She says as she completes her speech.

"Okay, I am gonna fail. And I don't think my partner, whoever it will be, will let me copy." I whisper to my friends.

"Don't worry, I think you'll be paired with me, I'll help you," Serena says.

"We all will!" Ursula says.

"Thanks, guys."

"Okay, so your partners are as follows. Rick and Amy, Sarah and..." The teacher starts and keeps talking. I pay attention with my fingers crossed so that my partner will be one of my friends

"Drew and Gary, and Ash and Misty."

I want the ground to swallow me.

Misty? No way in hell will she let me copy her. Ah, why not somebody else. I have lost hope now, I wanna go home and sink in my bed.

Now I am helpless. No one can help me. I am gonna fail, for sure.

"Mr. Ketchum? Do you need a special invitation? Are you gonna give the internals or not? " Mrs. Wington asks.

No ma'am.

"Yes ma'am," I say as I go to the table where Misty is. Drew and Gary are behind us, Clemony and Brock beside them on the right, and Dawn and May on their left.

I sigh, seeing others already looking at their paper, an emotion on their faces that says 'I know everything in here.'

Maybe I am the only one who's gonna fail...

Unlucky me.

I go and stand beside Misty, I see her already writing her test.

Were we supposed to start?

"You all can start the test!" Our teacher instructs, and everybody starts writing.

I look at my paper and decide to fill in the student details later.


Question 1. What is the formula of Silver Chloride?


Question 2. What happens when carbon dioxide is passed through lime water?


Question 3. Using the copper sulfate solution kept at your table, write down what happens when Iron is put in it.


Question 4. Write down what changes you can see when you put Iron in Copper Sulphate.


Question 5. Write down the balanced equation for the copper sulphate experiment.


Question 6. Write down the definition of chemical change, chemical equation, and chemical bond.


Question 7. Write down all the conditions needed for a chemical change.


Question 8. Write down all the characteristics of chemical reactions.


Question 9. Define thermal decomposition, photochemical reaction, and electrochemical reaction.


Question 10. Define exothermic and endothermic reactions with an example.


I sigh again. Glad these are only ten. I suddenly remember that the internals was only supposed to be on chapter two.



"Ugh..." I say, a little too loud. Some students looked at me, and the teacher, who was busy talking to another teacher, also diverted her attention to us.

"What's going on there?" She says from behind us, and I see her coming here.

"Ash. Quick!" Misty says as she grabs my elbow and switches places with me.

"Huh-" I say as I move to her side and she comes on mine.

Our friends are staring at us. I am staring at Misty as well.

"Ms. Waterflower I remember you being on that side," She says, pointing to me, " Why are you here?"

"Let's say that you didn't see me switching places with him before the test because you were busy talking to someone," Misty says.

The teacher clears her throat and a few kids chuckle. I, on the other hand, just kept looking at the scene.

"Well, keep quiet then and solve your test, and no copying." She says.

"Excuse me, but do you think I will need to copy someone for such an easy test?" Misty backfires.

"No, just solve the test then." Mrs. Wington says and walks away.

"Misty, what was that for?" I whisper to her. "I still need to give my test."

"Don't you wanna pass?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I do but-"

"Let me solve my test, Ash." She says as she goes back to the paper in front of her.

Weird, why did she switch places with me and want me to give her test as mine?

I look at the paper...




Remember Ash, she's the topper in the whole school!

Oh yeah...

Woah the girl knew I was gonna fail. Whatever, I should at least say thanks to her. Because I have a lot of time now, maybe I should check on the others so that they are not copying.

Well, you too are not gonna pass this test the right way, Ash.

I sigh, but then I hear someone talking. It's Gary and drew! They are whispering but it's easy to hear because their table is kinda close. I pay attention to them.

"Hey Drew, why do you think Misty switched places with Ash?" Gary asks.

"Um, well I don't know that but after being paired up for chemistry internals, I think they have developed some chemistry between them." Drew answers.

(A/N- The above line's credit goes to shiz2790)

I was looking at them from the corner of my eye. Just after Drew said this line, a pen hit him on the head.

Woah, a perfect shot! Whose was it?

"Ow!" He says in pain

I look back in my front, and I suddenly turn to Misty who was taking her pen back from over my test sheet. Oh, she was using my pen, need to get that back from Drew later.

"I think so too." May joined the conversation, "Me too." Dawn joined as well.

"I think she knew he would fail and the chemistry thing as well, so maybe she did that." Brock joined in as well.

"She knows him too well, even if she doesn't remember him..." Clemont says, joining in this ongoing conversation.

"Or maybe it's normal human instincts when you're friends with Ash," Gary says.

"Lol," May says.

"Well, from what I think, let them make progress first, then we can think of something else," Dawn says.

"Way to go for making things slow, troublesome," Paul says, who was passing by to hand over his test to the teacher.

"Ugh, you- Well, my test is done so I am going, bye." Dawn says.

"Man, wait for me," May says.

"Wait for me, April," Drew says.

"Catch up Grasshead," May responds.

Gary looks at his wristwatch. "Well, time is gonna be over soon. Leaf are you done?" Gary whispers to the table behind him.

"Ya, just the last one." Leaf answers.

"I'll wait for you outside," Gary says.


I look at the back of the class, expecting to see Red. But nope, he's not, and Yellow's not there either. Maybe they went early.

After so much long time, I brought my attention back to Misty and realized she was looking at me.

"Done with the test?" I ask her.

"Already." She says as she takes her test as well as mine in her hands and starts to walk to the teacher's desk, to turn them in. I followed her.

After turning the test in, we went outside where our friends were waiting for us.

"So...how was the test, Ash?" Gary asks.

"I am sure it was easy," Serena adds.

"You'll definitely pass," Drew says, patting my back.

"I am going," Misty says, attracting everybody's attention.

"Misty, WAIT!" I called out to her. She turned around.


"Thanks...for helping me...thanks a lot!" I say, genuinely.

Okay, I can be genuine, alright? I know you would be surprised but I can.

But stupid dumb Ash, why did you thank her? I mean good thing you did, but you know she never says you're welcome or no problem or anything like that, right?


"Also, Misty never thanks anybody or says welcome. Since she is the cold type." Serena says.

"I will remember to not say thanks to her then!" I say.

End Of Flashback

From the corner of my eye, I can see everybody who is behind me, internally facepalming themselves.

I assume...

I turn my attention back to Misty. I stared into the Cerulean eyes, as she stared into mine.

"You're welcome, Ash.." She says and goes away.


Finally done! 3028 words is a lot to write, isn't it?

But I am ready to make all the efforts so you find my work amazing!

But I admit, it was a lot of fun to write! I hope you enjoyed reading it too!

So, well, another update, I tried to link this chapter with student life. Mostly mine. Oh yes, and you're gladly allowed to solve our Wisdom High student's test! :P 

It is quite easy, I took the question from my own textbook.

Oh and also, thinking of becoming a matchmaker and making a ship sail...

So gimme some recommendations on which ship do you want to sail! 

I will wait for it. Till then, bye!

