Right or wrong?

I am back, finally


Here's an update for ya!

I didn't re-read it, ^^' so please spare me for any mistakes. Also, a little mood-lightener at the end, so you won't be sad all the way.


(Author's POV)

Ash went out in the pouring rain, running till his house was out of sight. He came to a stop, fell on his knees, and cried really hard. He was never a cry baby. He was strong, stubborn, one of the few people who can actually hold on and won't let go. As for now..he was in a vulnerable state.

"No matter how long I keep trying..." He said, as he got up on his legs again. "I don't think she'll ever remember anything..." He added.

He was glad that no one was around, and also even if somebody saw him, they couldn't see his tears because of the rain. Much to his dismay, the rain came to a slow stop. He wiped his face a little, and resumed his journey in his wet self.

It took him a while to reach there, as he was icy cold and completely wet, taking tortoise steps. As he walked, he was able to see the freshwater of the pond. He went near and sat down, spreading his legs, on the freshly-washed and shiny green grass, and as he did, he saw someone else sitting there as well, doing the same thing, but eyes closed and face looking up at the sky, leaning back a little. Ash was surprised, he got up and went to the said person's side.

"Hey Red." He said. Red opened his eyes, and flashed a small smile at Ash. Ash gives him a weak smile. That's when Red realized, Ash was drenched because of the rain, from head to toe.

"Ash, why the hell were you out in the rain?" Red asked, standing up and looking at Ash, his face still emotionless .

"Long story." Ash replied, and then continued, "Why were you out? And how are you not wet?" He asks.

"I have an umbrella, dumbo." Red answers, pointing at his umbrella kept at a distance.

"Oh.." Was all Ash said, until Red added, " And I was out here just to admire nature."

"Huh?" Ash said, confused.

"Many things have been happening lately, and along with refreshing my mind, I also wanted to explore a bit. I remembered you talking about this place a lot, so I thought to give it a try." Red said, looking at the sky again.

"Okay, but...what things? Everything okay?" Ash asks.

Red takes a deep breath. "It wasn't, but now is." He says.

"Red, can you stop speaking in an unknown language and just tell me what happened?" Ash asks, hoping Red would do as he says.

Red sighs. "Last few months haven't been really good for me, nor my family." He begins, taking a seat on the green sand, Ash does the same.

"My mom was diagnosed with a heart disease. Even though we are financially stable, her tests, medicines, and other things required a lot of money. Dad is the one who supports the family, and he got really stressed up in the recent months." Red looked at Ash, who just looked back at him, gaping. Red decided to continue.

"One day, at nighttime, while I was just chilling in the living room, my dad came home, and told my mom he doesn't wanna take her, or me and my younger sister's responsibility anymore." He says.

"What?! Why? And you have a younger sister?" Ash asks.

"Yep, I do. She's four years younger than me. Thankfully she was already asleep. My mom and dad got into a heated argument. Halfway through it, my mom's blood pressure rose, and she fainted. My dad, being stressed himself, didn't think of anything that he could do. I was seeing them the whole time, thinking of ways to stop them. But I chose not to interrupt, 'cause if I do, then it will grow more big. When I saw my mom faint and collapse on the ground, I ran to her. Dad took a seat on one of the chairs, breathing heavily. I didn't know what to do, and without thinking...I called Misty." Red says. Ash blinks, still staring at him, a cue for Red to keep going.

"She called the hospital, and arrived with the ambulance. My mom and dad were both being taken in it, with Uncle Aiden and Aunt Rose, while I was told to remain at the house, for the sake of my little sister, with Misty."

"She kept assuring me that everything, everyone will be fine. My mom, dad, our problems, everything. I don't know why, but I snapped at her. I was thinking she was telling me things that are impossible. I shouted at her so hard, and stomped into my room."

"You did?" Ash asks wide-eyed, not believing Red snapped at Misty.

"Yeah. I was drowning in my bed, when I heard her soft voice singing. I silently got up and opened my bedroom door a little, just to see Isla, my sister, sleeping with her head on Misty's laps, with Misty singing her a song. I kept staring at her for god knows how long, till Isla fell asleep. Misty wanted to take her back to her room, but she couldn't. So I went outside silently again, and picked up Isla in my arms, and tucked her to sleep in her room." He pauses, then continues, " I came back, and saw her leaning against the couch, looking up at the ceiling. I go towards her..and"


(Red's POV)

"Look-" I was cut off by her.

"You don't have to say anything, it's alright. Okay?" Her cerulean orbs staring into my brown ones. I just blink, and she gets up.

"You need something?" She asks. I nod, "Can you sing me that song and tuck me to bed?" I didn't wanna sleep alone that night, negative thoughts just couldn't stop filling into my brain. I needed someone to be there for me.

"Come here." She says, sitting on the couch again and gesturing for me to lay my head on her laps.

I do as she says, and she sings to me too. Hearing her sweet voice, I put a smile on my face.

"Red, you don't have to act strong all the time. You can't be bottled up, that will only lead to bad. Strong people also have the liberty to cry, let it out, take people's help, not just sit there and act like they can do everything."

Just when she says that, a tear escapes from my eye.


"I don't know what to do." I get up, sitting and leaning against the couch.

"It's not your fault. Your parents will be taken very good care of. Don't worry." She said, I nod.

"I want everything to go back to how it was before..." I rest my head on her lap again, and she carrasses my hair. I don't know how, but I fell asleep shortly after.


Next day...


"Are they okay?" I heard someone say as I tried to open my heavy eyes. "Thank god, take care okay?" I finally sat up. "He's asleep. I will tell him, bye." Misty cuts off the phone and turns around, with a smile on her face.

"Good morning." She said, coming towards me and sitting on the couch. "What's so good about this morning?" I asked her.

"Your mom and dad are okay. Aunt had to go through a surgery, and she made it. Your dad is on his medicines, and therapy to relieve stress." She said, I look at the ground. "How much did it all cost? Is it paid yet?" I ask.

"Dad paid for it." She said, looking at me, I looked back at her.


"Shh, Red. Don't say anything. If you really want to pay me back, be happy again, be the Red you were, always." She offers. I stare at her, not sure what to say.

"Deal?" She asked, offering me her hand. I looked at it, and then smiled, putting my hand over hers, "Deal!" I said.

End of Flashback

Red takes a deep breath. "She has done a lot for everybody. She never told or bragged about it, but no one could ever imagine what all things she and her family had done for everyone." Ash is still in thought, silent. He can't believe Misty did that.

"So, what happened with Misty back at your house?" Red asks Ash, who snaps out of his thoughts. "Um..."


Ash sighs, "It didn't go well..."

Red was confused, he asked, "What exactly happened?"

Ash, not having any choice, told Red everything that happened back at his house. Red was shocked, but didn't say anything. He knew Ash wasn't wrong from his side, and Misty wasn't too. It's just a small conflict, which he was sure would be solved in a flick, or so he thought.

"Any plans on talking to her again?" Red asks, after taking all the information in.

"No." Ash replied sternly.

"Why not?"

"I already made it clear. I am not gonna waste my time on her. I wanna focus on my future now, it's my top most priority. I don't think being with her will let me do that. So I am not gonna go back to her." He states.

"Fine, whatever you want. Just remember, whatever you do, don't torture yourself." Red said, he knew, this won't last long.

"I won't, and I will prove it and I can be better off without her. I will show it." Ash said, as he got up. Red followed.

"I am gonna head home, you wanna come?" Ash asked, as he dusted himself.

"I will head back too, take care." Red says, and turns around. Ash walks back on the road to his house.


Some moments later...


(Gary's POV)

"This isn't right..but this isn't wrong either..." I say to myself as I make my way through the wet road to my calm place.

The lake has always been a relaxing place for all the three of us. I am pretty sure Ash is there itself. I need to talk to him.

I went there, and saw a completely unexpected person. The one I never thought would be here.

"Mist...y" I said as I went near her. She was standing there, looking at the water, in front of her, not saying a word, and a poker face. She doesn't seem to acknowledge my presence.

"Hey..." I say a bit louder and clearer this time. She turns to look at me. "Oh, hey..."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, curiously. She looked ahead again.

"I was told this place heals you...decided to give it a try." She says, I hum.

There's a moment of silence between us, until she finally breaks down.

"I really didn't know..." She says, between tears. I feel so bad for her, and guilty too, I don't know why. It's not her fault that she can't remember anything. I can't see her like this. I grab her and pull her close, hugging her tightly, while she's still sobbing.

"It's not your fault Misty...Don't cry, please..." I asked her, hoping she would stop. Luckily, she does, pulling back and rubbing her eyes and face a little.

"I can't let him be mad at me." She says. "I am gonna show him I can be the Misty he wants me to be. I will show him no matter what." She says, determination in her voice.

Both of them are so stubborn. Want to do things to prove things.

"How though?" I ask. She looks at me. "You'll help me."



"Tell me what can I do for you?" I ask, looking at her.

"Just tell me how I was before...my memories flew off to heaven." She says, I fight the urge to laugh.

"Exactly!! Like this! You were a clown, cute little girl, talking machine, never quiet. Always doing something, lightening up the mood, handling everything amazingly, which you do now too, and also always scolding me and Ash for calling you Mist." I chuckle at the memory.



She takes a deep breath, and then straightens herself. "I am gonna do it, I am gonna be the Misty I was a long time ago. I will show him, I can be whatever I wanna be, and then he'll regret it." She said.

Why does this feel like a competition?

"Sure, sure. Good luck with that!" I said, smiling at her. She looks at me, and then nods. "I will go now, you want to come?" She asks.

"Actually, no. I am heading to Drew's. Apparently no one is okay with what happened, so we all are gonna meet there." I told her.

"Okay then, see you later. Take care, Gear-bear!" She said, walking away while waving.

"Byeee!" I waved back, and grinned. I smile at the thought of our old Misty coming back. Grinning to myself, I make my way to Drew's house.

This is a very big turn of events.


A little smth...


-Sky out
