
After 7 years...

(Author's POV)

"Ugh, I am so tired of being surrounded by people all the time." May says, grabbing her head.

"I know right! Why does everyone have to follow us every time we enter the school..or even when we get out of this room." Gary says.

"Because we are the A-Class!" Dawn says.

Seven years have passed since that incident. Everything is normal now. Gary and Misty are in their last year of high school, which started today. Both of them, with their friends, Serena, Red, Drew, May, Dawn, Paul, Leaf, and Ursula are together known as the A-Class.

The A-Class consists of the Top-ten highest rankers of the whole school. Misty's the first with a score of 500/500. Followed by Red, then Drew, Gary, Paul, May, Dawn, Serena, Leaf, and lastly Ursula. All of them are just behind by one mark from the previous one. The students of the A-Class are treated differently. They have a special room, in which they have all their stuff.

Women on the speaker- "Everybody please gather in the main hall. I repeat, everybody please gather in the main hall. An important assembly's gonna take place."

"What?" Paul asked, looking up from his phone.

"Ugh, again an assembly? I am sure it's some kind of 'keep-your-surrounding-clean' speech Mr. Wilson will give us..again!" Serena said, sighing.

"Let's just go." May said.

They went to the main hall, sat on the A-Class special balcony. It was a reserved area, just for them. The main hall was circular, like a stadium. The balcony was situated facing straight at the main stage. It also had a big tv, on which only Pallet News would be going on, always.

"Hello to all the students of Wisdom high school. We are here today to add a very special person to our family. Yes, there's a new student who'll be joining us, just for this last year, unfortunately. But that's okay. So, put your hands together..and meet ASH KETCHUM!" Mr. Wilson said and started clapping.

Gary's eyes widened. A raven-haired boy, with chocolate brown eyes, came inside the main hall. Everybody started cheering. Girls started squealing upon seeing such a handsome guy.

"Hi. I am Ash Ketchum. Nice to meet you all!" He said.

Gary stood up. "Gary, what happened?" Leaf asked. "Oh don't worry. He's just shocked to see his childhood best friend back!" Serena said, looking at Ash.

"They are childhood best friends? Like Misty and Gary?" Dawn asked.

"Yes!" Serena replied.

"Ash went abroad, when he was 8 years old, so he couldn't be in our school until now. But he's back now, and I am sure everybody's happy about it." Mr. Wilson said over the microphone. "Also, he's the next heir of the Ketchum's companies." Hearing this, the girls screamed like crazy.

"Wow, he's really something, huh?" Paul said.

"Ya, he is. But I bet he's still childish." Gary said.

"I have heard that the Ketchums and Waterflowers are very good friends. I am sure Misty and Ash are too." Mr. Wilson said. Everybody looked over the balcony, at Misty. Even Ash looked at her.

"Ugh, such a waste of time." Misty muttered under her breath and stood up. Everybody still seeing her, she walked out of the balcony, and the main hall.

"I knew this would happen." Drew said, sighing.

"Oh yes, this is not the first time she's left something like this...she's never attended a whole assembly." May says.

Ash looked in the direction in which Misty left.

"Never mind. All of you, I hope you will give Ash good treatment this whole year. Assembly dismissed." Mr. Wilson announced. Like that everybody left the Main hall.

(Ash's POV)

I went out of the hall. The principal had given me my schedule there itself. I want to see Gary, and of course...Misty.

"Hey, Ash!" A voice called from behind. I know whose it is.

"Gaaaarrryyyyyy!!!" I said as I ran to him. We hugged each other.

"How are you, man?" He asked, pulling back.

"I am good. What about you?"

"Me too, I am fine."

Some people were standing behind him. I looked at them. One of them was Serena.

"Hey, Ash. Nice to meet you again." She said.

"Good to see you too, Serena."

"So Gary..who are they?" I asked.

"Oh..these are my friends." He started introducing by pointing at each one of them at a time.

  "This is Drew." 

"Nice to meet ya!" Drew said.

"This is May."

"Hello." May said.

"This is Dawn."

"Hi." Dawn said.

"This is Paul."

"Hey." Paul said, not even looking at me.

"This is Leaf."

"Hi. Nice to meet you." She said.

"And this is Ursula."

"Good to see you." She said.

I glanced over to my right. I saw a guy, leaned by the wall, not even bothering anything that's going on.

"Who's that?" I asked, looking at that guy.

"Oh, him? He's Red. He's the second-ranked in the whole school, after Misty. His score is 499/500." Gary said. As Gary finished, Red left, again..not even looking at us. 

Hmm..he's rude.


"Also, he's as cold as Misty."

Oh, that's why...wait what?

"What?" I asked looking at him when I saw Misty...coming over to us.

She didn't even see me and looked at Gary.

"Here's your book." She said in a very cold tone, handing him a book.

"Oh, thanks. Where was it?" Gary asked.

"On my table."

"Ohk. Thanks again!" Misty just nodded and started to leave.

"Misty wait." I said. She turned back.

"How are you?" I asked.

She looked at me and blinked twice.

"Who are you?" She asked, and everybody fell in anime style.

"Misty I-" I was cut off by Gary grabbing my wrist and dragging me somewhere. Misty watched me as I was dragged out of here.

"Gary, what are you doing?" I asked, looking at him.

"I need to tell you something." He said.

We walked outside. He left my wrist and told me to sit down.

"What did you want to tell me? You could have let me talk to her." I said.

"Ash...Misty's changed." He says, looking at the ground.

"What?" I ask, not knowing what's going on.

"Let me tell you everything from the start. She came back to live in Pallet. Her parents were here already, they didn't leave. She was the only one who was sent to live in Cerulean. She came here to complete her high school. The school held an assembly to welcome her, just like they did for you. I couldn't believe that she really came back. It was four years the start of high school."

"Is she gonna go again?"


"Thank god!"

"But Gary..can I ask you something?" I asked.


"Does she remember anything?"

"No Ash. That's what I was gonna tell you. Since she lost her memories, she's a really cold person. Even ice caps at the North Pole and the South Pole are nothing in front of her."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean, she's not the talking machine she was back then anymore...she's changed. She's not the Misty we remember, Ash."

"Is she mean to anybody...?" I asked.

"No, she's a very kind person. She helps others, she is good, there's no doubt in that. But it's like, she talks only when necessary. No laughing, no joking, no hanging out, nothing." He said.

"But why does she talk to you then?"

"Because I told her I was her childhood friend."




(Gary's POV)

"I can't believe she's back!" I said, running out of the main hall, my friends following me.

"That's good..BUT SLOW DOWN GARY OAK! SHE'S NOT GONNA GO ANYWHERE!" Leaf yelled from behind.

"I don't care. I want to see if she remembers me."

"Oh yes, right. You told us about this first. She lost her memories. No wonder you are so excited." Dawn said.

"There she is." Drew said, pointing at a redhead girl with black jeans and a yellow shirt.

"Hey Mist."

She looked back, with a confused expression.


"I am Gary!" I said, lightly panting, my friends still behind me.

"So what?"

"You..don't remember me?"

"No. Do I know you?"

"You didn't get your memories back?"

"How did you know that I lost my memories?"

"Because I am one of your childhood best friends."

"Oh. Sorry but I don't remember you."


"Hope we can be good friends again!" She said.

"Sure." I said and smiled. Then she walked away.

" are we supposed to be friends again? Like this?" I say as the smile on my face fades away.

"Gary, don't worry." Leaf said while keeping a hand on my shoulder. "What if she doesn't remember? She said to be friends again, right? Then just go with that. At Least you'll be with her." she said.

"You're right. I shouldn't get upset."

"And remember, we are always with ya, okay?" Drew said, and everybody nodded.

"Thanks, guys."

End of flashback.

(back to Ash's POV)

" that's why she talks to you in a friendly way...unlike others.."

"Yes, Ash. That was the only way." He said. "So..why don't you tell her that you were her childhood best friend as well. I am sure she'll talk to you."

"No Gary."

"What?" He said looking at me with disbelief.

"I don't want her to be talking to me just because I told her that I was her friend. I don't want her to fake a smile in front of me even when she doesn't know who I am. I don't want her to fake anything."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want her to remember me, genuinely. I want her to talk to me with her own will, not because I told her I was her best friend."

"I will bring her memories back." I said as I stood up. Determination running in my body.

"I am with you, Ash. I will help you to bring her memories back!" Gary said as he stood up too.

"We are with you too!" Voices from behind said. I turned around, to see Drew, May, Dawn, Paul, Serena, Leaf, and Ursula smiling at me.

"I'll help too." Someone said from behind. I looked see...


"Yes, why? I cannot help?"

"No, you can.."

Maybe he's not bad after all...

"Okay then. Thanks, guys."

"Your welcome!" Everybody said in unison.

"Enough time has passed, we should head to our classes now." Gary said.

Oh yes...I totally forgot about that...


"Meet us in the Cafeteria at lunch, okay Ash?" Drew asked.


And like that..we left for our classes, Gary showed me where my first class was. Thank god he did, or else I would be wandering around till now. I am gonna go in...

I opened the door and bowed to the teacher and the class. All the girls squealed, hurting my eardrums. I still smiled.

"Okay class, keep quiet. Ash, everybody has already seen you in the assembly, so I'll not ask you to introduce yourself again. So you.....oh, sit there, between Brock and Clemont." She said as she pointed to a chair between a blond guy on the right and a brown-haired guy on the left.

I walked up to them and sat. " must be Brock." I said looking at the blond guy to my right... "And you must be Clemont." I said as I looked at my left, at the brown-haired.

"No no. I am Clemont." The blond guy said, "And the one at your left my Brock." I looked to my left.

"Oh sorry. Nice to meet you, Clemont and Brock!"

"Nice to meet you too." Both of them said in unison.

"Hey, I am gonna go to the cafeteria, at lunch. Wanna come with me?" I asked.

"Sure, we would love to!" Brock said.

"Okay then."

Hmm...we've got everything...the only thing we need now is a plan!


I know...this chapter is HELLA BIG!!! But did you like it? Tell me.

Sorry for any mistakes!

Also, if you like the story so far...then show me some love!



I'll go now..
