
(Ash's POV)

Bell rings...

"Finally, FINALLY!!!" I say jumping.


"Please sit down, Ash Ketchum. I am not done yet. So students..as I was talking..." The teacher, Mrs. Adams said.

Oh great....

"Finally..." I say, looking at Mrs. Adams who was going out.

"Well, you really had the courage to jump in front of the teacher!" Brock says.

"I thought she would not bother and just leave as it was a break!" I said.

"Well, teachers in our school are weird. They don't understand the concept of 'break'. They would always take five to ten minutes extra...or even the whole break." Clemont said, adjusting his glasses.

"So, let's go to the cafeteria." I say, standing up.

"Okay. Let's go."

We were just at the cafeteria, when a girl stood in front of us, blocking our way.

"Yellow..what are you doing here?" Clemont asked.

"I need to talk to this guy." She said, pointing at me.

"Why do you need to talk to me?"

"Well..I think you know Red?"

"Yes..I kinda do. How did you know that I know him?" I asked her.

" So..in the morning, when I was stalkin- I mean, looking for him...I saw you with him." She said.

" Oh. Okay. So what..do you have a crush on him?" Brock asked, leaning over to her.

"No, no you got it wrong!" She said, blushing.

"Oh don't worry. You can tell us, I know how it is to have a crush on someone when he or she doesn't even notice you." Clemont said.

"Huuuuuh whaaaat?? You have a crush??"Brock asked.

"Yeah, why are you so surprised?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

Didn't expect.....

"Woah..who's the girl?" I ask.

"Well...um...you know her." Clemont said, blushing a little.

Whaattt...no...don't let her be Misty. Please, please...

"It's Serena."


"Oh nice choice." I said while he still blushed.

"You need to help me, Ash." Yellow said, pleading me.

" Me too, Ash." Clemont said, joining her.

Oh good, I am a matchmaker now...

"Ohk, I will..but you all gotta help me first!" I said.

"Sure, we will." Brock said.


"Brock..don't you have a crush whom I can help you with?" I ask.

"Oh well he has a crush on all of the girls in the school." Clemont said.

"HEY!!" Brock said, angrily.


"Okay okay I admit, I just can't get one." Brock said.

"Don't worry Brock..I'll help you." I say, keeping a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, let's head inside. My friends are waiting for me."

"Is Red there too?" Yellow asked.


"Ohkay." She says, while slightly peeking in the cafeteria.

We all go inside. I spot Gary, Red, Drew, Paul, Leaf, May, Dawn, Serena, and Ursula at a table. We go to them.

"Hey guys!" I say, sitting down.

"Hey..Brock and Clemont..what are you doing here?" Gary asks.

"Oh yes I met them in class...they decided to help." I say. "And Yellow also."

"Oh hi Yellow!" May says, smiling.

"H-hi." She said, slightly blushing.

"Okay so..let's get to the topic. We have to plan." Drew said.

"Plan what?" Clemont asks.

"Let me explain.." Serena says..looking at Clemont.

"Oh uh..um okay" Clemont said, looking away.

Serena explains everything to them from the start..from Misty and our friendship to my father's death and her losing memories.

"Woah I didn't know Misty lost her memories..I thought she was icy cold from the start." Brock said. "And sorry about your father bro."

"No Brock. It's okay. It was years ago."

"Well I wanted to ask-" Clemont was cut off by Gary.

"Guys we are here to plan, let's get started." Gary said.

"Okay okay, give me your number afterwards Ash, and I'll call you tonight."

"Okay." I say.

We start to discuss ways to get Misty's memories back. And after a while, we found a perfect idea and made a plan. Leaf wrote it down.

"Hey Leafy, why are you writing it down?" Gary said, looking at the paper.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Leaf said in anger.

Reminds me of someone....

Gary looked at me. "Reminds you of someone?" He said.


"Hey Mist, have you done your homework?" I ask.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!!" Misty said in anger.

End Of Flashback

"Yeah." I say.

"Don't worry, she will remember everything." He says.

"She will!" I say smiling, he smiles too.

"So when do we start?" Dawn asked.

"Maybe tomorrow?" I say.

"Okay then. Tomorrow, our mission named 'Mission Memories' will start!" Drew said getting up.

"Wow, you kept a name too." Paul said.

"Of course."

"Oh no!" I said, standing up real quick.

"What what what??" Gary said standing up too.

"What about the permission?" I say.

Everybody looked at me.


After sometime...



"Hi Uncle Aiden!" I say.

"Ash! Wow, after so much time I am hearing your voice."


"Hey. I am keeping the phone on the speaker..say hi to Rose too."

"Okay. Hi Aunt Rose."

"Hi Ash. Nice to have you back dear. So tell me, did you meet Gary?" She asked.

"Yes I did."


"Ya, kinda short meeting..but I did. But didn't talk to her." I say.


"Also..I got to know...she still doesn't remember anything." I say in a sad voice.


"That's why I have called you!" I say.

"What do you mean?" Uncle Aiden asks.

"Actually, I got to know that Misty changed. She doesn't talk much. And, she talks to Gary just because he told her that he was her childhood friend."

"Ya...but you know...we personally wanted her to remember everything." Aunt Rose said.

"Yes, that's what I am gonna do!" I say.

"What?" Uncle Aiden asks.

"Well I am gonna try to bring her memories back..and Gary and all our friends are gonna help us. I just wanted to ask you if it's okay? I mean with your permission.." I say.

"Oh Ash, so sweet of you. You have our whole support. Go for it!" Aunt Rose says.


"Yes, Ash. Go ahead. And ask us if you need any kind of help, okay?" Uncle Aiden says.

"Okay. Thank you so much!" I say.

"No problem Ash. Good luck!"

"Thank you."


(At night)


"Hello, Clemont." I said, picking up his call.

"Hey, Ash. Look, I wanted to talk to you about your father's case."

"Oh, Clemont. Will you just let it go?" I say, yawning.

"No Ash. Now tell me, did the police find anything..literally anything??" He asked.

"No Clemont. They couldn't. Besides, there were no CCTVs so they couldn't find any evidence." I said.

"So what happened then?"

"The case closed."

"What? Just like that?" He said.

"Ya. So what, are you gonna find the killer??" I say laughing.

"I will." He said in a low voice.

"Just let it go Clemont, it happened seven years ago. Leave it." I say.

"Hmm...I cannot.." He whispered.

"What did you say?" I ask.

"Nothing. By the way, did you do your homework?" He asked.

What homework?

"What homework?" I ask.

"Don't you remember? Mrs. Adams told us to write a 300 words essay on the topic 'life'." He said with a sigh.

"Oh ok...well I didn't." I say.

"Well, it will be good if you'll do it. She's very particular about homework."

"Ahh..why does this happen to me?" I say leaning on the bed.

"Well, it's every student's life."


"Okay, I'll hang up now. Bye." He said.


(??? POV)

"I am going to find the murderer." I said.

"But how? You don't know or remember anything about it?" My friend, Derek said, looking at me.

"I will, somehow. Well, I remember...there was some sort of..."

"Sort of what?"


(Ash's POV)

"Tomorrow is the day..." I say as I look at the ceiling, with my hands under my head.

Just wait Misty....you're gonna get your memories back soon...just wait..!


So....did you like it?? Will you support Ash with his 'Mission Memories'?




