
You must be dying to know what's ahead, so here.

Ash made his way out of the house, leaving his crying mother alone. He cared about nothing right now, just wanted to meet her, for the last time, he just wanted to listen to her confession. He wanted to hear the three magical words from his angel's mouth. For the first and the last time...

He drove away, leaving for the league at full speed. Driving while being filled with today's events, everything was too much for him. He didn't want to marry Serena, he wanted Misty. If he talked it out with Serena, maybe something can be done? Or maybe if he asked Misty, she could come up with something? She was a genius.

But he didn't want anyone to be hurt. For the first time in his life, he wanted to hide the deepest pain he had ever left. He just wanted his friends to be happy, and not bother them again. That included Misty.

He parked out in the parking lot of his school and went inside in search of the person who easily grabbed a piece of his heart without doing anything serious.

As he walked, he bumped into many students, who were running here and there which he didn't know why. He still kept walking, not waiting for anyone to step aside but rather pushing his way through the crowd. He reached the balcony once he had gone with Misty, and there he saw her.

Looking through her phone finding something, a frown on her beautiful face, her fingers typing vigorously. He slowly made his way to her.

Misty heard footsteps approaching, and turned around, only to see Ash, his eyes swollen from all the endless crying, and his face held moisture because of the tears. She went towards him, holding him by his shoulders.

"Ash?! Where the hell were you? What happened? Are you okay?" Misty asked a lot of questions in a short amount of time, and since Ash hasn't found his tongue to answer them, he just hugged her.

Misty was confused. He didn't say anything, came out of the blue in a poor condition, and just hugged her, avoiding all her questions. Thankfully, she went with the situation, and hugged back, taking Ash tightly in her embrace. She was so happy that he was back, in front of her. Nothing more mattered right now. She lightly rubbed small circles on his back, trying to calm him down from whatever he was feeling.

After some moments, she felt her shoulder wet. Wondering what was up with Ash, she tried to pull back, but he didn't budge. He still held her, tight by his side, not wanting to let her go.

"Ash?" She asked in her soothing angelic voice.

"Don't leave me, please. I want to be with you, not her." Ash said, still not looking up from her shoulder.

She wondered what this all was about. She was about to say something when her phone rang. She looked at it, it was Gary. Maybe calling her for the award ceremony.

But Ash was more important.

She silenced her phone and again attempted to calm Ash down.

"Ash. If you don't say anything, I swear I'll hit you with the first thing I find here." Misty said in all seriousness, but still wanting the warning to turn out a bit funny, hoping Ash would laugh. But he didn't, he was still crying, silently.

"Ash please...tell me what's up. I can help you." Misty said softly.

"You can't." Ash replied.

"What is it? It depends on the situation. Tell me." Misty ordered him again. Ash just stayed silently still, grabbing her more tightly again. Not that she minded it, she just wanted to know the reason for his condition right now.

"You wouldn't understand..." Ash said.

"I promise I will always be with you, please tell me what's up." Misty promised.

"You can't." Ash said.

"Ash Ketchum, you tell me what's going on right now or I don't know what I'll do to you." She said, angry about Ash not telling her what she wanted to know. She roughly yanked herself back, pulling away from Ash's tight grip, and saw his face, still drenched in tears.

"Please tell me Ash..." She said, this time softly. Ash wiped his face a bit, and then softly placed his lips on hers.

Misty felt the need in the kiss. It was as if it was their last. She knew something big had happened, Ash wouldn't be like this otherwise.

Their lips moved in sync, and Ash grabbed Misty's neck, pulling her closer. She wrapped her hands around his neck automatically. After a while of kissing, Ash pulled back, and ran away from the balcony, leaving Misty more confused than ever.

"The hell? ASH COME BACK HERE." She yelled into his direction, but she knew it was of no use, he was already gone.

Turning around, she saw a shadow in the corner of the wall which was in front of her. She slowly walked towards it, without making a noise, and grabbed the hand that came in her hand's grip and pulled the person hiding there out of the shadows.

It was Ursula.

"What are you doing here?" Misty asked her.

"I-I was just here, when you started talking to Ash and I decided not to come o-out..." Ursula said, making up an excuse. Misty understood it clearly. She looked at the phone held tightly in Ursula's hand.

"Were you clicking pics?" Misty asked her. Ursula shook her head sideways.

"N-no. Wh-why would I do that?" She said, slightly chuckling nervously at the end.

"Show me your phone then." Misty demanded, looking at the device in Ursula's hand.

"What? No." Ursula fired back. Misty snatched her friend's phone just before a call made its way on it. Misty picked it up for her. She stuck it to her ear and avoided Ursula's protests, listening to the call carefully.

"Ursula, honey. Did you do what George told you to do? Clicked the pics and sent them? He told me there's a high chance he'll go to Misty today. Did you send it to him?" Misty heard Ursula's dad speaking on the phone. She kinda caughtup on the situation, and cut the call quickly, going to Ursula's whatsapp which was surprisingly opened, and saw the latest chat.

Serena's dad.

She clicked on it, and soon enough the pics that Ursula had secretly picked of her and Ash came into her view. She looked at the pic of them hugging, talking, kissing, even scrolling up to a few days back chats, and saw their pictures, clicked perfectly when no one had any idea of what she was doing, and sent to Serena's dad.

Just then a new message popped up, she looked at it. Apparently, George saw those recent images of them, and was furious.

I'll make sure he pays for this kiss. The message read.

Misty kept looking at the message and read it a thousand times in her mind. Ursula had stopped protesting, for Misty had already seen everything she was hiding.

"How long have you been spying on us?" Misty asked her friend who had betrayed her. Looking up at her, she saw Ursula's gaze fixed on the ground.

"Tell me Ursula."

"Since Flora was gone from the scene. Serena's dad had hired her to take Ash away from you. Apparently, she failed somehow, so he turned to us. Him and my dad are great friends, and since my dad loved money a lot, they made a deal of some kind. I was told to do this, and even though I didn't want to, I had to, for Dad emotionally blackmailed me." Ursula explained.

"What else do you know?" Misty asked her.

"Nothing really, although yesterday when I was walking out of my dad's room, I heard him on a call, which I suspect was Uncle George, he was talking about some kind of contract, which wasn't the one they had between them, I tell you." Ursula stated honestly.

"What was it?"


Ursula heard her father talking to someone one the phone in his own room. She stopped for a moment to listen to it.

"Oh dear. What kind of contract is that?" Her father asked.

"God, you really are smart, George. I would never think of that." He said, finally getting to know about what he had asked for.

"Stupid of Ketchum to sign that thing. Although we still don't know who killed him. Poor thing. Got the money but didn't survive to use it." Her dad said.

"So...you'll take it all back if the condition isn't followed? Damn, that's rude, but fair." He stated.

Ursula kept wondering about what they were talking about, but she had no idea, so she just brushed it off and went away.

End of Flashback

"That's what I heard." Ursula said.

"Don't tell me...." Misty said, tearing her gaze away from her friend's and looking out of the balcony, to the big stadium in the distance. She witnessed Ash might be there finding Serena, but she wasn't there. She was in the main hall.

"Ugh, what did you do, Ursula." Misty said, grabbing her head in her hands, frustrated from all the things happening.

"I don't know...I didn't know it was such a big deal. I'm sorry." Ursula apologized. She wasn't a bad person anyway.

"If what I think will happen, happens, then I swear I-" Misty began, but was cut off by a certain notification which popped up on her's as well as Ursula's phone. She looked at it, and her eyes widened in shock.


"Misty? What happened?? What are you eyeing so much?" Ursula asked, taking her phone back and looking at what shocked Misty.

"Dammit Ursula. Go to the main hall, now." Misty instructed, running away from the gallery to reach the main hall as soon as possible, leaving Ursula no space for a response.

She ran, until she finally reached the big door to the big hall. It was opened as all the students and teachers were present there, along with some parents, gazing at the big screen inside. Misty went inside, her friends, and of course, Ash, came into her field of vision. She couldn't see her parents, but she didn't bother. Everyone was eyeing the screen, no one moved even one inch from their positions.

She turned her gaze to the screen, and saw exactly what she had thought would happen.

He really did it.


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