

(Ash's POV)

"Today was so much fun," I said, smiling at dad.

"Oh, it was. So are you including school as well or not?"

"Daaaad!" I pouted.

"Aww, don't tease your son Tyler."

"Oh come on Delia. It's so much fun." Dad says.

"You will never change, will you?" Mom said, rolling her eyes.

"Of course not." Dad said laughing. I love my family, a lot. We would always laugh like this, with no special occasion or reason needed. I was so happy that I had a family like this. Oh and, I can't forget my friends. They were the best. Misty and Gary. I couldn't even think what I would do until now if it weren't for both of them. They always accompanied me, cheered me up when my mood was down. They did every sort of crazy thing for me. They were just the best.

(Gary's POV)

"Grandpa...can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"When are mom and dad gonna come back to meet me?" I asked, hoping that there would be an answer to it.


"Say, Grandpa."

"I am sorry Gary, but I honestly don't know when they are gonna be back. I am sorry." Grandpa said.

"No it's not your fault, stop saying sorry," I said. "Anyways, I am going to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Gary. Sleep well."

I gave him a smile and went upstairs. I went to my room, took my parent's picture from the nightstand and sat on the bed. I looked at the picture in the bright light of my side lamp.

"Mom...Dad...I miss you. Please come back." I muttered under my breath.

I know it wasn't not possible anytime soon, but it was worth a try. Maybe god would listen to me. Even without my parents, I wasn't alone. I had granddad, and most importantly, Ash and Misty. They were like, they were like a part of me. I don't even remember a time when I was not with them. They were also a walking entertainment machine for me. Whenever they had little arguments and Misty would chase Ash, it was really funny. A sight to watch. I never thought I would be such close friends with a girl, but here I was, and I was happy about it.


Next day...


(Misty's POV)

"This kiddo again, I had told him not to go rain dancing." I said, talking on the phone with Gary.

"Hmm, but you know how he is. By the way, are you gonna go to check on him?" He asked.

"Of course I will. Even if he is really idiotic, he's my friend. I will go to him in ten minutes." I said, looking at my dad sitting on the couch. He nodded.

"Ok then. Come to my house after you go to his."

"Sure. I'll hang up now. Bye."


I went straight to my room, changed my clothes, and then rushed down the stairs.

"Where are you going Misty?" My mother asked.

"To Ash's house," I replied.

"Tell Liam to drop you there."

"Ok dad, love you both. Bye." I shouted as I opened the big door of my house and went out.

Liam, one of our staff, also a personal helper, was standing beside a big white Ford. We had a lot of cars, but I loved this one.

"Hey, Liam. Can you please drop me at Ash's house?" We addressed each other with our names. He was a friend to me. We shared everything with each other. 

"Sure Mist."

"Ugh. When will everybody stop calling me that?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"On 30th February." Liam answered, chuckling.

"Oh, I can't handle this anymore. Let's go." I said, feeling defeated.

Our drive was silent. I could hear the birds chirping, I could see the sun glowing above. When I reached Ash's house, I told Liam to go home.

"But Mist-"

"I'll tell Aunt Delia to call you to pick me up. If I don't, I will be staying at Gary's. Tell mom and dad. Okay?" I told, cutting him off.


I waved him a bye as I headed inside. I entered the living room, seeing Aunt Delia on the couch.

"Misty, you came!" She spoke, surprised.

Did she not expect me?

"Of course I would. Ash is one of my best friends."

Yeah yeah, he was.

"Well. Go see him now. He is in his room. Oh and also, Serena's here."



"Well, since her dad came to meet Tyler, she came too, and as soon as I told her Ash was sick, she just went to him and hasn't been back since."

But why?

"Okay. Thanks, Aunt Delia." I said as I walked upstairs.

I should have known this. Serena Yvonne, was one of the popular girls in school. Oh and also, one of the girls who drooled over Ash, not Gary, but Ash. Not being jealous or something, but she just kept coming closer to Ash. She succeeded just because her dad and Uncle Tyler also have a good friendship, and she kept using that reason to get closer to him.

I was just in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that I was in front of his room. I went for the knob but didn't touch it. I just didn't want to see Serena, didn't want to face her again. Did I mention it? Serena was one of the girls who bullied me, well, basically the main one. They don't do it anymore, but she was one of them. To be honest, I kind of hated her. No, hate was a very deep word. I disliked her.

In addition to it, my dad was her dad's friend too. So I needed to deal with her sometimes. I didn't tell my dad about her bullying me, because I didn't want any drama. Anyways, if I got any reason to get out of here-

"No Ketchum." I heard a voice from the meeting room, which was just beside Ash's room. I wondered who it was so I walked to the meeting room.


Sometime later...


(Author's POV)

After some time, Delia decided to check on everyone. The children and of course, Tyler and his friends. She was in the kitchen, making Misty's favorite cookies.

"Oh, how much time does Tyler keep talking to his friends. The meeting ended like one hour ago." Delia talked to no one in particular. "Let's get him out of his chats now..." She went to the meeting room and turned the knob, opening the door.

"Honey, you have been talking for so-


--'s the second chapter, and also a cliffhanger! Curious much?  Well, find out in the next chapter. Patience people...Patience.

Sorry for any mistakes!

Also, silent readers, gimme some love, show me that you are here! 



 And bye!!
