

(Serena's POV)

Ash was sleeping like a very cute baby. I swore I would just take him in my hands and squish him- no. NO! I was there to check on him. 

Oh, this was so boring, I just had to sit there and look at him sleep? Yeah yeah, I had my phone in my hand of course, or else I would have been dead by now. How does Misty do this, without a phone?

I was just scrolling through apps, when I heard a scream. A scream. I thought it came from the meeting room. I rushed out, not even looking if Ash was awake or he heard it or not. I went out, only to see Mrs. Ketchum looking inside the meeting room, tears rolling down her eyes. I ran over to her.

"Mrs. Ketchum, what happ-" I said but silenced myself I saw in the direction she was looking in. I can't believe the sight in front of me. 

"What happened here?" I said, seeing Misty, laying near the wall with blood covering her forehead, and Mr. Ketchum, lying with a knife in his chest. Seriously? I ran towards them with Mrs. Ketchum following me. She took Mr. Ketchum's head on her laps.

"Tyler wake up...please...wake up." She said with a cracked voice. I looked at Misty. Of course, I didn't like her, but the situation was different there. I went to her, shook her. "Misty, open your eyes." She moved really slowly, in pain. I couldn't see this. She was in pain, a lot of pain.

"Mrs. Ketchum, I am calling 911."

"Okay." She said, looking at her husband, crying her heart out. I ran into Ash's room, grabbed my phone, and dialed 911.

"Hello. Please come to Ketchum's Villa. There's an accident here."

"Okay, mam. Please wait and we will get there in five minutes."

"Please be quick." And I hung up. I went to the meeting room again. Mrs. Ketchum had already leaned Misty against the wall and was now doing the same with Mr. Ketchum. I went and helped her. As soon as we laid him, she started crying again. I couldn't imagine what she must be feeling. It would be so heartbreaking to see the love of your life, stabbed. I looked at Misty, and a tear made its way from my eyes.

What? I was crying? 

Why? I didn't even care for this girl. Another tear fell. Maybe I cared, as a person.

"Please don't worry Mrs. Ketchum, the ambulance will be here anytime soon." I said, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"How can I not worry Serena? How...how can this happen? I didn't see anybody breaking into the house. Also, why would someone hurt Tyler or Misty? As far as I remember, he never did anything bad. Misty...nobody hates her, she's a good child. I swear if I ever find that person-" And she cried again.

Good child? Yeah, right.

I heard some people coming inside the house. I ran downstairs, directing them towards the room. They carried Misty and Mr. Ketchum on stretchers. I swore, I never thought I would have to deal with that kind of situation in life.

"Go home, Serena. I will tell Brett to drop you at your house."


"Please, Serena. Your father will be worried about you."

"Okay. Please take care of yourself." I said while she went in one of their cars, and headed off to the hospital. I stood there, watching.

"Miss Serena?" A voice behind me said. I turned around.

"Yes?" I looked at the man who stood before me.

"I am here to take you."

"Mr. Brett?" I asked.

"Yes. You can call me Leo." He said, smiling.

"But...your name's Brett, right?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, but my real name is Leo. I just kept Brett for something formal or official." He said, clearing my confusion.

"Do you work in the Ketchum's company?" I asked, walking towards the car.

"Yes. Also, I help them with any work, like this. Basically their personal assistant." He said.

I didn't answer. I just looked at the ground, remembering the situation that was going on. "Misty.." I murmured under my breath.

"Please don't worry about Misty, she's a strong girl." He said, but still, I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Who was Misty to you?" I asked, sitting inside the car.

"My best friend, Liam, works in her father's company. Liam and Misty are clearly friends. He used to bring her to the park while I would bring Ash." He said, turning the car on, and driving out of the parking lot.

"Oh." Misty and Ash had many relations, that was clear. 

 Anyway, I liked Ash, I was the one whose supposed to be with him. I was going to ask Brett, to go back to their villa so I could be with Ash, but I didn't. I remembered Mrs. Ketchum's words.

Your dad will be worried.

My dad, my mom, they would be worried. I just shook my head to let the thoughts go, and just concentrated on the road ahead.


After some time....


(Ash's POV)

"Hah, that was some nice sleep, but why didn't Misty come? Maybe she is here, let's check." I got out of my bed, yawning hard and stretching my body. I went downstairs, just to see,


 I walked to the kitchen and saw Misty's favorite cookies there, which meant, 

she was here! 

I went to the hall, this time to see Leo there.

"Hey, Leo! Where's everybody?"

"A-Ash...They are..at the park." He said.

"What? In a park? Without me?" I asked.

"Y-Yes." He said, and I knew he was lying. Lying.

"Come on Brett, tell me the truth." I glared at him, crossing my arms over my chest. He sighed.

"They are at the hospital. Misty and Mr. Tyler..." He closed his eyes tight, looking away.

"Wha-Wha-WHAT?!" I asked, not believing what I heard.

"Yes...your mother found your dad and Misty laying in the meeting room. Your dad stabbed with a knife, in the chest, and Misty.."

"Misty what?" I said angrily, still my voice cracking.

"Misty's head was bashed against the wall, the blood was all over the place."

"No...NO. This is not true, NOT TRUE. No...No." I ran upstairs to the meeting room. I opened the door just to see the sight Brett had described to me. 

"NO..THIS IS NOT TRUE." I collapsed on the ground, in front of the blood. Tears started flowing down my eyes. I couldn't stop them. Brett came behind me and kept a hand on my shoulder.

"I wanna go to the hospital, right now," I said looking back, tears still flowing down my cheek.

"But...you can't. Your mom told me-"

"I don't care about anything else. Take me to the hospital RIGHT NOW." I gave him a sharp glare, and he stood up.

"Okay." He took me towards the car, and we sat inside. I didn't even care to change my clothes. We drove off to the Waterflowers Hospital, which was just ten minutes away.

I ran inside with Brett. He asked the receptionist something, and then we headed over to the second floor.

"Luckily, your dad and Misty are on the same floor. You don't have to go up and down." He said, trying to ease the thick tension in the air. I nodded in response.

When we arrived. there I saw mom, Uncle Aiden, Aunt Rose and Liam standing between two rooms, which I was guessing was my dad's and Misty's room.

"Ash?" Mom said when she saw me. "Brett, didn't I tell you to not tell him?" She asked Brett while a tear fell down from her moistened eyes.

"Mom, it's not Brett's fault. I forced him to tell me. Please don't cry". I said as I wiped mom's tears. Then I went to Aunt Rose, who was sitting on the chair, also crying. I wiped her tears too.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to her."


(Author's POV)

"WHAT?? Misty died and Mr. Tyler lost his memories?? Are you serious?" Serena asked, yelling.

"Serena, stop yelling and listen carefully. Misty lost her memories, and Ash's father died." Her father corrected her.

"But still, it's bad. Who did this?" Her mother, Grace asked.

"I don't know, I just heard a scream and saw Mrs. Ketchum outside the room." Serena stated, remembering the scene.

"Okay, Serena. I am glad that you helped with something like this. But in the future, stay out of this kind of situation, okay? It's dangerous." Grace said, hugging her daughter.

"Okay, mom." I hugged her back. Then something clicked in my mind.


"Yes, princess?"

"Weren't you there too?"

My dad came towards me and took me in his arms.

"No princess, I was there first, but I left early." My father said, smiling.


"The police are investigating the case...unfortunately there are no CCTVs in the meeting room. It's gonna be hard for them." My dad said, sighing. My mom kept a hand on my his shoulder.

"Let's hope, they will find that person."


(Gary's POV)

"How should I tell him this?" I asked myself as I walked to our favorite place where he used to go when he was sad. It was a very beautiful pond, with crystal clear water, and deep green trees. I spotted Ash near the water, looking at the evening sky.

"Hey, buddy." I said as I walked towards him and sat beside him.

"Hey." He said, sadness evident in his voice.

"I know, it will take some time to register all of this in our minds, but don't be sad and lose hope. I am telling you, they will find the culprit." I assured him, keeping a hand on his shoulder.

"I know." He said. "I can't bring dad back, but I will do everything to make Misty remember us." He said, a sudden determination in his voice.

Okay, I had to tell him this. No matter how hard it was, he had to accept this.

"Ash...actually I came here to tell you two things."

"What?" He asks, curiously.

"Promise me...you will listen to the whole thing and then react. Okay?" I asked.


I sighed. "Listen. The first thing is, Misty is going back to Cerulean." I could see his eyes widen. I could feel what he was feeling, but I continued.

"And second, you are...you're-"

"Me what?"

"You are going abroad." I said, really fast, doubting if he heard it.

"You are kidding, right?"

"You think I would be kidding at a time like this?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"No...but this is too much." He said, looking down.

"Basically, Misty remembers her family and Cerulean city, so her parents decided that it would be the best to let her live in Cerulean." I explained.

"Are they going to tell her that she lost her memories?" He asked, looking at me again.

"About that, no. The doctor said that telling her now will only make her curious and want to remember her memories. So it's decided that they'll tell her when she grows up." I said to him.

He looked at the pond with a sad smile on his face, "So this is how it's going to end.."

"Nothing will end Ash, she's still our friend." I said.

"No Gary, she will of course not remember me. Also, I am going abroad. I don't know when I'll be back, or even if I'll be back or not." He said, his smile fading away.

"Ash... don't worry, everything will be fine."

"Thanks, Gary. By the way, who told you all of this?" He said, looking at me.

"Since you were nowhere to be found, and I knew where you were, Aunt Delia told me to tell you all of this." I said.


"Also, Misty's parents wanted to hear you out too, about their decision. But since you were not there, they just left."

"When is Misty gonna leave?"


"And when I am going to leave?"

"Same, tonight."

He sighed. I stood up. "I am going to leave now Ash, get back home soon, okay?" I looked down at him, and he nodded. Then I left.

(Ash's POV)

"I talked to you in the hospital, hoping that you would get up. Still, little did I know, it would be the last time I see you.."


So, let me be honest.

 I listened to all kinds of sad songs just to write this chapter. ;-; I really didn't want to write something bad like this, but for you, I did. 

Anyways, do tell me if you liked the story so far~

Sorry for any mistake.

Psst...the real story's gonna start from the next chapter. Again, curious much? Wait for the next chapter!



Bai bai!
