


"We need a holiday." Gary said.

"Where's Misty?" Clemont asked.

"Talking to her mom and dad on the phone." Ash answered.

"Guys." Misty said as she came back. Everybody turned to her.


"My mom and dad's giving us our house for tonight." Misty stated.


"Well, for just chilling, enjoying, doing whatever we want. He said he'll let the staff make preparations if we want anything specific and then let them go home so we can have the house to ourselves. Though the security will be there." Misty explained.

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, he wants to give us a relaxing time after a hectic week of torture, as per him." Misty said. "He didn't like exams either."

"So generous of him." Dawn said, wiping her imaginary tears.

"Come on now, let's go home." Ash said and they all went to Misty's home.

* * *

"So, what shall we do?" Dawn asked.

"Sleep." Red answered.

"Mhm, I agree." Misty said.

"Guys, you're gonna spend this freedom time sleeping? Come on, we have to go to school again from tomorrow for the league practice which is coming soon." May said.

"And that's why we want to sleep." Ash said.

"Yeah Ash, go sleep. You seem tired." Misty said.

"Aren't we all?" Gary asked.

"I am not sleeping." Ursula said.

"Me too." Serena added.

"Help yourselves, girls." Drew said as he and the boys went to the guest rooms.

"Aren't you going too?" Yellow asked Misty, who was busy looking around the house.

"No. I am staying with you guys, like the good friend I am." Misty said. Others chuckled.

"So Misty. I remember you saying you know all the boy's crushes." Serena said. Misty nodded.

"Who's Brock's crush?" Dawn asked.

"Every girl in our school." Misty answered. Serena and May laughed.

"True. Poor him, I wonder why he's not good with girls." Serena said.

"He acts all flirtatious as soon as he sees them. It creeps them out." Misty explained. Everybody else nodded.

"How's your dating life going, you three?" Yellow asked.

"Awesome! We cuddle, kiss, work, dance, train,'s going great!" May said, happily.

"Same with me!" Leaf said, cheerfully. Everyone turned to Dawn who was silent.

"What's up with you?" Ursula asked.

"That cold-hearted monster doesn't cuddle with me." Dawn said, pouting.

"But it doesn't change the fact that he gives you cute surprise kisses." Misty stated, and Dawn blushed.

"How did you know?" Dawn asked.

"It wasn't really pleasant seeing you two kiss." Misty said. Dawn's cheek turned more red.


"Leave it, do you guys want anything to eat?" Misty asked them.

"Yes please, I am hungry." May pleaded.

"I'll go fetch something." Misty said as she went to the kitchen.

As she was heading to the kitchen, she heard noises coming from the guest room. Wondering who's up, she went towards the door silently, only to hear some fishy information.

* * *

[5 minutes before]

"Okay, I know we're not here to sleep." Drew said, closing the door.

"Who said? I am sleeping." Red said as he laid down on the bed.

"Okay Red, you sleep. Others- Ash's already half asleep." Drew said, looking at Ash sleeping on the couch.

"Let me lay him down, you guys continue." Gary said as he went to Ash and gently laid him in a more comfortable position.

"What can we do to surprise them?" Drew asked.

"I don't have anyone to surprise." Clemont fake cried.

"You can surprise me." Brock said.

"Only if you wear a shirt and a skirt." Clemont said, smirking.

"I'll take that back." Brock said, shifting in his seat. Paul and Drew laughed.

"If this is gonna be a surprise discussion for the ones who are dating, then I am sleeping." Clemont said and flopped on the bed beside Red.

"Me too." Brock said, but couldn't find a place to lay down, so he scooted beside Clemont.

"Why suddenly surprise them?" Misty asked entering the room. The boys who were awake jumped up.

"Were you listening?" Drew asked.

"Isn't that obvious?" Misty replied.

"Well, just because these two have done nothing special which amazed the girls, just regular dating stuff." Gary said as he sat down.

"You know Paul, you can just cuddle with Dawn and it would be a very big surprise for her." Misty told Paul.

"Just that? Okay, I am set." Paul said, taking a seat beside Gary.

"Anything for me?" Drew asked curiously.

"Do I look like a dating advisor?" Misty asked back. Drew shook his head, smiling.

"Sometimes." Gary said in a low voice.

"I'm out, just come down when you want to eat or do something. Good luck." Misty said as she walked out of the room and into the living room.

"What took you so long?" Dawn asked, coming to help her with the snacks, though it wasn't that much.

"Just took time finding these." Misty replied, keeping the food down.


"What Serena?" May asked as she saw Serena jump up from her seat.

"We can have a sleepover!" She stated.

"I thought we were already gonna do that?" Misty asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh. Okay." Serena said as she sat down again. Dawn just chuckled.

"Hey guys..."

"Again, what Serena?" May asked again.

"Some stranger's flirting with me." Serena stated as she got up, looking at her phone. Every girl except Misty gathered around her. Misty already had an idea of who it was.

You know, you're awesome. The message said.

"Hey, I know. Reply with 'I know it already'." Dawn instructed Serena, she nodded and followed.

I can see you~

"Really? Do I look good? Should I pose?" May said, and Serena typed the reply.

You don't have to pose to look beautiful. You already are.

"Oh yeah I know." Serena said as she typed.

I want you, Sere. I want you right now, in my arms.

"Seriously, who is this guy?" Ursula asked.

"If only Paul said that to me." Dawn said, pouting.

"This must be a joke." May stated. Yellow nodded.

Misty picked out her phone and started texting.


Don't make them uncomfortable.


I didn't. Wait, did I?


Yes, you did.

Just be cute, you dummy.


Gary was right.

You know or get to know literally everything.


What did you expect?


Nothing less.


Good. But, don't you think of anything

else other than a prank?


Not really.


Okay. Now continue.



She kept her phone back to where it was, and resumed arranging the snacks on plates for everyone.

"Aw, look at him. He's being so cute." Dawn said.

"I know right. Sad I can't keep him." Serena said, sitting down.

"Why not?" May asked.

"I..I already like someone." Serena stated, making the girls around her gasp.

"WHO?!" Ursula demanded to know.

"I am not telling. But he's cute, dumb, smart, loving, hard-working, handsome, perfect..." Serena said, stating the features of her crush.

"Don't tell me, is it Ash?" Dawn asked. "He's literally everything you mentioned."

"Not telling."

"Oh come on." May said as she flopped down on the couch.

"Here." Misty said as she came back to the scene with plates filled with delicious food.

"Oh my god, I love you." May said, taking one of the plates.

"Didn't you say you love Drew?" Dawn asked, munching down on her snack.

"These are two different kinds of love." May said as she ate too.

"I'll go check on the boys." Misty said as she went to the guest room again.

Opening the door, she saw only Brock up.

"Hey Brock. Why aren't you asleep?" She asked him.

"Apparently there's no space for me." Brock said as he looked at Clemont beside him, taking up all the space that was left. "So I just thought of doing some social work by putting blankets on them, when I ran out of blankets too." Brock said again.

"You can sleep in another room if you want, come on." Misty said, Brock nodded and got up.

After Misty showed him the directions and Brock finally got a decent amount of space to sleep. She came back to the other boys, seeing Ash and Gary didn't have a blanket over him. Maybe Brock ran out of them before he could reach Ash or Gary. She went into her room and fetched a blanket for her two best friends, and laid it on them perfectly on the couch.

"I wanna sleep too..." She said as she took her phone out again and texted May.

Hey, I am going to sleep. If you wanna do something, feel free to. And if you wanna sleep, then you know where the guest rooms are.

After texting, she went into her own room and snuggled into her soft duvet, finally drifting off to a peaceful sleep.

* * *

"I don't wanna watch a movie." May whined.

"Oh come on." Drew said.

"Can't we go out for a walk?" Misty asked.

"Are you sure? It might be risky for you." Gary stated.

"I know. But I can't stay home forever, can I? Besides, Ron's gonna be with me." Misty said, looking at Ron. He nodded.

"Okay then. Let's go-" Clemont said but was cut off.

"Wait, let me grab my jacket."

"My hair! Just a sec."

"How much time? Should I take some food?"

"Is my make-up good?"

"Garyyyy! I am excited!"

"Me too!"

Misty sighed. "Let's go."

They went out in the shining evening, the sun finally going out of sight as the darkness slowly started to take over. A faint glimpse of the moon with the stars that were starting to twinkle grabbed Misty's attention. She was mesmerized by it, as always. But she was oblivious to the pair of eyes digging into her soul, staring softly at her.

Ash was walking a bit behind Ron, not really being seen. Everybody wanted to enjoy the evening with their loved one, friends, but Ash was busy looking at a certain someone enjoying their time more than anyone else peacefully. The girls had their boys taking pictures of them, giving them a piggy back ride, doing all that stuff, but Ash was busy staring at Misty.

He finally walked up to her, and slightly touched her hand, then grabbed it softly. Misty averted her gaze from the sky and looked at the boy beside her, who was looking back at her, with softness in his eyes. She was always up for Ash being like this towards her, soft, delicate, but she also liked him for who he was, how he was. There was a feeling that even Misty didn't understand.

"The night's beautiful!" Dawn said happily.

"Not more than you, troublesome." Paul said, making Dawn blush.

"Hey Gary, do you like this flower?" Leaf said as she bent down towards a beautiful pink flower.

"No, I like Leaf." He replied back. Leaf giggled a bit, standing back up and pecking Gary on his cheeks. He smiled.

Misty witnessed all the cute moments her friends were having. She smiled to herself, happy to see her friends happy too. Her hand was still in Ash's grip, but none of them said anything. After their small staring session, both of them started looking around, and looking at her friends, Misty started to think about her and Ash's relationship.

What was it exactly? Friends? Foes? Lovers? Probably not. She didn't even know if Ash liked her back. Although it seemed pretty obvious sometimes, she always thought it was just because he wanted to protect her, or make her happy, like he promised her dad. Never did she think that Ash did it all genuinely, purely out of his heart. Their small date, which she denied accepting that it was a date, clearly made a pool of mixed emotions in her heart.

So exactly, what were they?


