twenty six - wake up


"Yes, we have the suspects in sight and are in pursuit."

My partner spoke through the walkie while I sped through the streets of King County, lights and sirens on. It had been a while since I've actually had to chase a suspect, and I won't lie — it excited me. I kept my foot pressed onto the gas as we followed after the car.

"Alright, Simmons. Get ready," I warned my partner as we got closer and closer to the suspects' car. I hurriedly turned the car at an angle to block the suspects' car with ours, forcing them to mash their brakes and stop immediately. Simmons and I swiftly exited our vehicle rose our guns.

"Exit the vehicle slowly with your hands up!"

There were two men who obeyed my orders exactly as I'd given them. But before I even knew what happened, I heard the loud bang of a gun sounding and felt a sharp pain in my side. Then there was black.


"Yes, Rick Grimes..Where is he?"

Carl and I stood at the front desk in the hospital, waiting for the receptionist to tell us where Rick was and what in the hell happened to him.

"He's still in surgery, ma'am. What is you guys' relation to the patient?"

"I'm his girlfriend. He's his son." I motioned to Carl.

"Is he over 16 years of age?"

I nodded.

"Okay. Follow me to the family waiting room and as soon as Mr. Grimes is out of surgery, we'll inform you."

"Thank you."

Carl and I followed the woman to a medium sized room with a TV up on the wall and a fish tank in the corner. There were chairs lined up in neat rows, and Carl didn't hesitate to sit in one.

"Ma'am," I called out before the woman left the room, "What happened to him?"

"He came in with a gunshot wound to his chest. When he got here, he'd already lost a significant amount of blood. Our surgeons are working to keep his pressure stable and stop the blood loss."

I felt tears well in my eyes as I stood and listened.

"Is he going to make it?" I looked at the receptionist with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I can't tell you for certain yet if he will or won't. All I know is, they're working to do everything they can for him."

"Thank you," I sighed and made my way to sit next to Carl.

"Is he gonna be alright, Michonne?"

I took a deep breath before responding.

"Rick is a fighter. I just know he's gonna be alright," I sighed.

My breath was shaky and my mind was racing. I thought of my children and immediately pulled my phone out to call my mother, who'd come over with no hesitation when I told her what happened.

"Hello? Is everything okay?"

I sniffed a bit before answering her question.

"We don't know yet. He's still in surgery. I just wanted to say thank you mom. I know Judy and Jada can be a handful. I just didn't know who else to call."

"Michonne, that's what I'm here for. And I'm always here for you, baby. I may not biologically be your mother, but I'm still your mother nonetheless. I'm here for you until the day I no longer embody this vessel I live in. I love you. Everything with Rick is going to be okay. Be sure to pray on it," she paused before continuing on, "I know I'm going to."

"Thanks, mom. I love you so much. Tell my babies I love them and I'll see them soon."

"Will do. Don't allow the unhappy thoughts to consume you."

"I won't. I'll let you know what happens when I get an update."

"Okay, baby. Mama loves you. Talk to you soon."

"Okay. Bye, mom."

I hung up the phone and sighed again, not really knowing what to do next. I looked up at the TV, trying to take my attention off of the chain of events that had taken place in the last 2 hours. And before I knew it, another 2 hours flew past us and still, nothing. By now, Carl had fallen asleep after getting comfortable laying across my lap. I sat in the uncomfortable chair with my arm on the rest and my head resting in my hand.

I noticed a man approaching the waiting room and I became alert immediately. As he entered the room, I tried my hardest to read his expression. Was Rick okay? Or should I be preparing myself for the worst right now? He approached me and gave me a small, almost pitiful smile.

"Hi, are you the family of Rick Grimes?"

Carl sat up almost immediately after hearing the man's voice.

"We are," I responded as I stood up.

He extended his hand out to me and I took it, shaking his firmly.

"I'm Dr. Hogan, one of the surgeons who worked on Mr. Grimes. I'm glad to be able to inform you that he is stable and we've replenished most of his blood supply."

I felt a wave of relief sweep throughout my body, over and over and over. He continued speaking.

"He has, however, fallen into a coma. We aren't exactly sure when he'll wake up and if it'll be soon. The good news is that he does not need a ventilator to breathe. He's doing fine on his own and..."

I was in such shock that I didn't hear the rest of what was being said.

Rick, in a coma? And there was no idea of when he'd come out of it. How many months of his daughters' lives would he miss? This time was important for their development. I felt tears begin to form, and I tried to blink them back as quickly as I could.

"Ma'am?" I heard Dr. Hogan's voice call out to me. "Do you need to have a seat, ma'am?"

I just backed up into the nearest seat.

"Sir, I was just with him this morning. I was just on the phone with him this afternoon. I- What.. I don't get it," I stumbled over my words a few times before he spoke again.

"Ma'am, the best thing right now is that he isn't dead. The bullet was only a few inches from hitting his abdominal aorta. He's blessed to be alive."

I nodded as Carl rubbed my back.

"You guys can go see him if you'd like."

I looked over at Carl as he nodded to me, then looked back at Dr. Hogan.

"What room?"


As we entered Rick's room, I felt my stomach drop. I'd been attempting to prepare myself mentally as we made our way to his room, but it didn't really do anything for me. He looked almost lifeless as he just laid there; I couldn't believe that this could even happen to him.

As I got wrapped up in my thoughts, I saw Carl approach him.

"Hey, dad. You aren't dead, which is a great thing. I just wish you were here, you know? I just want you to hurry up and get better. I miss you already. I love you, dad."

Carl backed up as I walked closer to him and sighed. I grabbed his hand and rubbed it gently.

"I know you're strong, Rick. You can do this.. We all love you and are rooting for you. We'll see you soon."

I kissed his forehead before turning to Carl.

"You ready?"

He nodded. "We'll be back soon, dad. We love you."


