five- bad timing


"And now, I'm just the tiniest bit affected by it. I'm just shocked it turned out like this," I said, looking up at Michonne. By now, hours passed, and it was nearing half past noon. She looked down at me.

"Trust me, I definitely understand what you mean.." Her eyes were soft, and we both were vulnerable. "What went wrong with you and Andre's father? If you don't mind."

She chuckled. "Nah, I don't. He was just never the man anyone thought he was. He's a narcissistic, ignorant, pathetic disgrace of a man. Sometimes I worry when him and Andre are alone together, because he can be a little moody and sometimes even handsy. We were only married for three months, but we've known each other for years. I had to break it off after so long because I just couldn't take it. I loved him, sometimes, but I just couldn't do it anymore. And I had to get Andre away from him soon. But he won partial custody of him so.." she trailed off and I just nodded.

"I'm sorry everything went crazy with that whole thing," I said, sincerity drowning my voice. "Don't be," she insisted, "I'm happier now with my son than I could have ever been with him." I smiled at her, eliciting a smile back.

"I'm glad you two are-" I was cut off by vigorous knocking at the door. "Excuse me," I chuckled, a tad bit nervously, before I went to see who was at the door.

I looked out of the peephole to see Shane and Lori standing outside it. "Shit," I mumbled, knowing that this would not be the best time for these two to be here. "Everything alright?" I heard Michonne's voice call out to me.

"Y-yeah, everything's fine." I responded, unlocking the door. I opened it, but luckily the screen door was there, still blocking their entrance. "Let me the hell in, man!" Shane growled at me. I shook my head. "Man, why would I do that? You're pissed, clearly. That would be stupid on my part."

He scoffed. "Stu- Man, you already look stupid!" I rolled my eyes. "Look, man, I'm not gonna let you in. I'm gonna close this door, and you're gonna get on with your day." I began closing the door before Lori called out to me.

"Please, Rick. We need to talk. Me, Carl, Shane, and you." I sighed. "I have company. Carl has company. Can we do this another time?" Shane shook his head. "This has to be done now, or not at all."

"Can you tell me exactly what 'this' is? I'm kind of lost here." I requested. "This is us getting with you and Carl to talk about everything." Lori butt in. I cut my eyes at her and then looked back at Shane."I have company." I said again, this time sterner than the first.

Michonne peaked her head around the corner, probably trying not to be seen. "If you need Noah and I to leave-" she started, but I didn't let her finish. "No. You two don't need to go." I said. She went back to sit on the couch as I opened the door, letting Shane and Lori in.

Lori looked directly at Michonne, and Michonne directly at Lori. I heard Lori scoff and say something under her breath. I cut my eyes at her. "If there's something you gotta say, say it so that everybody else can hear it, too. No need for secrets, right?" I shot my eyes over at Shane, then back to Lori again. "I said," Lori began, "Its crazy how you 'loved me' so much not even a week ago but you've already got another girl wrapped around your finger." I looked over at Michonne. She rolled her eyes.

"Maybe its because he came to his senses. Maybe its because he knows his worth and you aren't worthy." I felt my eyes widen a little bit, as I was taken aback by Michonne's snarky remark, and by the compliment she threw in there as well.  

"Look here," Lori quickly walked in Michonne's direction, causing Michonne to stand up in defense, "You will not disrespect me. You're an outsider. A rebound. A reject. I won't allow it." Lori growled at Michonne. I thought that this would only get worse, but like clockwork, Carl came down the stairs with Noah following behind him.

"Lori?" Carl seemed kind of confused by his mother's presence. "Mom," Lori corrected him. "Lori," he started again, "What are you doing here? And why are you starting drama with Michonne? I could bet my life that she did nothing to you." He had a sort of disgusted look on his face. "Man, stop disrespecting your mother like that," Shane cut in, but was almost completely ignored by everybody in the room.

"Young man, I am still your mother and you will not talk to me like this. You will respect me." He only rolled his eyes at her. "Respect somebody that didn't respect me? My dad? How incompetent do I have to be to do something like that?"

I walked over to his side and whispered to him. "Tone it down, just a little bit, alright?" He sighed. "Only because you said so," he whispered back to me, his arms crossed.

"I guess we're just gonna discuss everything here," Shane said, "So lets get to it. We've decided to keep the baby. We aren't sure if its mine, so when its born, you and I are gonna get our DNA taken to see whose matches." I shot him a confused look.

"That's perfectly fine with me," I said, "Because if its mine, I'm getting full custody." They looked at each other as if they were shocked. "And I'll fight for my baby." Lori said, a little bit too confidently if you ask me.

"Nah. If its mine, it and Carl will live with me, with no required time to be spent with you, at all," and before I could stop myself the words came out of my mouth,

"They'll both live with Michonne and I. We'll be happier that way."

Carl had a small smile on his face, presumably at the thought of all of us living together. Shane looked at Lori and shook his head. "This man is a lost cause," he said before making his way toward the door. Lori followed but turned before she exited to speak again.

"We're not done here." I didn't speak. I just simply let her exit after Shane, then closed the door. "Why were they here?" Carl asked. "I guess just to talk about the baby," I said. I turned to Michonne, who was still standing.

"I'm so sorry about that," I said, walking toward her. She chuckled, sitting back down on the couch. "Its fine. I completely understand." I saw Carl and Noah sprint back upstairs as they whispered something to each other. I sat down next to Michonne.

"I honestly don't know what happened to either of them. They used to be sane I promise." I chuckled. "People change. Its normal." she giggled. I looked over at her. It was crazy to me how a woman could be so stunning with no effort put into it. I guess I was staring, because she just looked over at me and smiled.

"What?" she questioned, clearly referring to me not taking my eyes off of her. "Nothing," I said. She'd snapped me out of it for the moment. It was crazy how the time flew while that whole crazy situation with Lori and Shane went down; it was quarter to three now.

"What's on our agenda today?" Michonne looked at me and I smirked.


"That movie was epic," Carl said as him, Noah, Michonne and I walked back to the truck. "I told you Rings would be a good movie," Michonne said, "I loved The Ring when it first came out." We got into the truck and headed home. "That movie was terrifying," Noah said. Michonne looked back at him.

"Wimp." She teased and turned back around. Carl and I chuckled and Noah did too. "Call me what you want but I refuse to act like that movie entertained me." We all laughed at his statement as we pulled up into the driveway. We all got out and I let everybody in the house before myself, and then closed and locked the door.

Carl and Noah went straight back to Carl's room, and Michonne and I went straight back to to the living room. We sat on the couch and she closed her eyes. "Today was fun," she said. I agreed with her and closed mine too. I don't even know if she said something else afterwards because I soon felt myself drift off to sleep.

When I woke up, Michonne was nowhere to be found. I noticed there was a note left next to me.

'Good morning, Rick.

I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly, even though I'm sure you didn't even notice. When you read this, just shoot me a text to let me know. I had a great time with you and Carl, and I know Noah did, too.

P.s. You look adorable while you're asleep.


I just smiled at it, and I did text her to let her know I read it. That woman is something else.

hope this was enjoyable. im having a blast writing this. leave your thoughts about the whole scene Lori made lmao. just a disclaimer, this isn't a hate story towards Lori & Shane, but they are the antagonists call it what you want I guess lmao.
love to all,
lolfanfiics 💕
