twenty one - hush, little babies?


"It's a girl!"

I looked around the hospital room in awe at the few people, including myself, surrounding Lori as she gave birth. I was only here because if this was my baby, I wanted to be there for it's birth. She was a beautiful baby girl with blue eyes, just like mine. And that's how I knew she was mine. Shane looked over at me after she popped her eyes open, and looked down. He knew too.

Lori held the baby girl close to her chest, as a tear fell from her cheek. She knew. And she knew that I would fight for this baby, because she's mine.

"What should I name her?" she smiled at Shane.

"Hell, I don't know. She isn't mine. Ask her daddy."

Everyone; Lori's mom, Shane, and Lori's sister, stared at me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I've always liked the name Judith. Or Judy..It's my mom's middle name."

Lori nodded. "We'll go with Judith then. It's not like I'm gonna have her for much longer anyways," she frowned as she held onto Judith.

I shook my head. "We still have to get her swabbed. You never know."

She rolled her eyes. "Who in my family has blue eyes, Rick? No one. Shane's family? No one. She's clearly yours."

I nodded. "I was just trying to give you two hope."

She shook her head at me. "But false hope, Rick? That's cruel."

The room fell silent for a while before she spoke again.

"You wanna hold her?"

I nodded and took her from Lori's arms. My first baby girl. She was tiny, since she was a little bit early, but so beautiful. I smiled down at her; she looked a little like Carl when he was first born. Her eyes were already opened, and they were beautiful. They were a little lighter than mine, but bright nonetheless. A nurse came in and asked for her, for the swab, which was done quickly. They put a rush on the DNA, but it would still take about two to three weeks. I sighed as I left the room to check on Michonne, Andre, and Carl. Carl and Andre still had school the next day, so I knew Michonne would want to leave soon, to get dinner cooked and the boys in bed. October 2nd; my baby girl was born on October 2nd. It feels so surreal.

I made my way to the waiting area that my family was sitting in and smiled at them.

"She's early but she's healthy. She's beautiful."

Michonne stood and smiled at me. "Did they take her DNA yet?"

I nodded then spoke. "They might not have needed to though. Her eyes are blue, like mine. No one in either Lori or Shane's family holds that trait,"

Her eyes got wide. "Congratulations, Rick. Now we just gotta get custody of her. We need to get all of this lawyer crap settled. Soon." I nodded.

* *

We said our goodbyes and decided to head home before it got too late. Michonne was excited to get home, because she wasn't feeling too good while we were at the hospital. I hoped she was okay, but I was sure she was because she would've told me if she wasn't. When we got home, the kids went to their room, but Michonne and I stayed downstairs. I always loved to be in the kitchen while she cooked. It was a soothing place for me, I guess.

She'd already had some ground turkey thawing that she planned on turning into turkey burgers.

"Should I do fry chips or regular fries?"

I knew what I wanted was the chips, but I acted like I actually had to think before answering.

"I think you should go with the chips." I winked at her and she smiled. She began cooking the meat, but no more than two minutes into separating it, she got sick. She rushed past me to the bathroom, just in case she actually had to throw up.

"Ugh," she groaned, "I hate feeling nauseous."

I nodded at her. "You alright?"

She nodded back at me and forced a smile. "Better than ever," she said. When she felt like she was well enough to go back into the kitchen, she got up, rinsed her mouth, washed her hands, and made her way back to the kitchen.

"'Chonne, you've never gotten sick while cooking .. You sure you're alright?"

She nodded. "It must've been something I ate earlier.." she trailed off.

I nodded, even though I didn't fully believe her story.

She continued cooking, without getting sick again, and when she was finished, she called the boys down to eat. They came running, of course, and they were the first to make their plates. I made mine and Michonne's after theirs. I took the plate out to her and put it in front of her on a pull out table she'd brought from her house. I got one for myself and set my plate on it.

She shook her head.

"I cannot eat this," she said.

I frowned. "You aren't okay, Michonne. Please tell me what's wrong with you,"

"You're already overwhelmed with one newborn, you don't need anymore," she looked down into her lap and played with her fingers.

I felt my eyes widen; I couldn't keep them off of her.

"'Chonne, you're.. You're pregnant?"

She nodded slowly, never looking up at me.

"Please, look at me," I lifted her chin up gently with my thumb. She looked at me with teary eyes.

"How long?"

"It'll make three and a half months in a week," she whispered.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her. "This is not something to be upset about, love. This is amazing!"

And I was being completely honest. I was glad she was having my baby. And I wanted her to know that.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. I love you and I see myself with you in the future. This is all I ever wanted."

She gave me a small smile and sighed.

"I promise, this is the best thing that has happened to me since Carl, and you and Andre," I paused, "And Judith."

She stayed quiet. "I love you. And Andre. I'm ready for us to begin our family."

I kissed her lips tenderly, but with passion before pulling away. "Please, trust me."

She nodded.

"I love you, too, Rick."

lol it's funny because i wrote this after i wrote the next chapter that's about to come out but hey 🤷🏾‍♀️ i hope you all enjoyed it either way. ☺️🖤

