twenty five - three weeks in


Come on, Michonne. Go to sleep

I spoke to myself multiple times tonight, trying to coax myself into sleeping. But nothing would work. And at this point I'd tried everything. I turned over from my side onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. I felt the other side of the bed shift before the ongoing silence in the room finally broke.

"'Chonne, you up?" Rick's tired voice whispered out to me.

"Yeah... I can't sleep," I sighed, turning over again, this time to face him.

"You okay?"

I blinked, trying to see him as clearly as I could in the very dim light.

"I don't know.. I think I am. I just can't sleep."

He reached out to wrap one of his hands around the side of my waist that was upright, pulling us closer to each other. When the space between us was no more, he spoke again.

"What's the matter, baby? You know you can talk to me about whatever."

"I know," I felt the corners of my mouth rise just a little at the thought of having him around.

"So tell me what's on your mind."

"I've just been thinking about when we'll be able to get custody of each other's children, and how we get to raise these amazing children together.. I'm just worried about Mike and what he might do if -"

Rick sat up and spoke before I could finish. "That bastard cannot and will not hurt or touch you, or any of our children. I can make that promise right here, right now. If he even comes close, he'll regret it."

Before I could even open my mouth to speak, a cry rang throughout the house.

"I got it," Rick slipped his robe on and before I could interject made his way toward the door, "You try and get some sleep."

I turned back onto my back and closed my eyes, finally allowing sleep to settle over my body.


When I woke up, I just laid for a minute before finally sitting up. I went to the girls' room and saw that only Jada was awake. Her eyes were wide as she looked up at me.

"Hey, babygirl," I picked her up and cradled her in my arms, "You hungry?"

I was careful not to wake Judith as we left out of the room. We went back into the room her father and I shared to feed her. Just as I got finished feeding her and was getting ready to burp her, Rick came into the room, with his uniform and boots on.

"I forgot you had to work today," I sighed, and poked my lip out in a pout.

"Yes, darling. But I've gotta continue making the money until you can go back to training. And the sooner I get there, the sooner I can come back home to my family."

He looked around a minute before speaking again, "Have you seen my hat?"

"Downstairs on the mantle, babe."

He nodded. "Thank you. I love you two," he came to us and kissed both of us on our foreheads before heading toward the door.

"We love you, too, Rick. Be careful out there."

He smiled. "I will. I'll see you guys later."

After I burped Jada, her and I went downstairs to find Andre on the carpet playing with his toys and Carl playing what looked like Call of Duty. Just before I could speak, Judith started crying out. I sighed.

"Goodmorning, boys," I called out, "Carl, I need your help."

He paused the game immediately.

"What's up, Michonne?" He directed his attention to me.

"Can you hold Jada for me while I go get Judith to feed her?"

With no hesitation, he stood up and gently took Jada from me. "I got her," he smiled, "Go ahead."

"Thank you, Carl."

I ran upstairs to go get Judith. Her crying ceased when I entered the room and picked her up.

"Hey, Pumpkin," I kissed her cheek, holding her up on my hip. She had been working on holding herself up lately; she was making so much progress.

"Come on, Judy. Let's go see everyone."

I kept my arm behind her back and head to keep her supported while we went downstairs. Carl still had Jada in his arms, but instead of him standing, he was now sitting. He looked over at me.

"I put her bottle in the pot already. It should almost be warm enough."

I smiled. "Thank you, Carl. You wanna see Judy? She misses you," my smile never falling, I inched closer toward him, Andre and Jada.

He smiled when I sat down next to them, and so did Jada. Judith was still irritable from her hunger, so she pouted a little bit before I decided to get up and check her milk again. I sat her in her little bouncer as I made my way to the kitchen. I saw Andre running toward the living room through my peripheral and giggled. He loves both of his little sisters so much and it's so cute to me.

I just smiled to myself as I checked Judy's milk to see if it was warm enough yet. When it was finally warm enough for her, I took the bottle, grabbed her bib that was on the table, and went back into the living room with the rest of the family. I picked Judith up from her bouncer and she smiled at me, so I smiled back.

"You ready to eat-eat, little Pumpkin?" By now, I was in full baby-talk mode. I chuckled at myself before positioning her to feed. When she finally got fed and burped, she was ready to take another nap, and so was Jada. That was one of the many things I've been loving about having two new babies around; although Judy was a few months older than Jada, they were almost on the same feeding and sleeping schedule. Of course, Jada fed and slept more than Judy did, but it was to be expected.

When I was sure that neither of them would wake up when I moved them, I stood up with Judith in my arms and gently motioned  to Carl to bring Jada upstairs, as well. He nodded as he stood and followed me upstairs.

We put the girls in their cribs and made our way back downstairs to the living room. By now, I'd went hours without talking to Rick — three, four maybe — and I was missing him. I silently pled that he was on break as I dialed his cell number.


"Hey, Rick. I was just calling to tell you that your family misses you. A lot. Especially me," I sighed, "How much longer are you gonna stay??"

He sighed. "I miss all of you too. I'm out on patrol right now, so I won't be getting off until around five-ish."

I looked at the clock with wide eyes. "But it's only 3:30!" I whined, and I heard him chuckle on the other end.

"I know, love. It'll go by quickly, I promise. I love you and my kids. Let them know that. I'll see you guys later, okay?"

"Okay. I love you, too, Rick. See you soon."

I woke up from a nap that I hadn't even realized I was taken when my phone rang out loudly. It was a number I hadn't previously saved.

"Hello?" I answered drowsily.

"Hi, is this Miss Michonne Grimes?"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Yes," I answered, wondering what the hell this was about.

"Yes, hi. I'm sorry to inform you that Rick Grimes has been injured severely," before she could even finish speaking, my heart sank and I immediately prepared myself for the worst. My nerves calmed a bit when she finished her statement. "He's currently in Grady Memorial's operating room. You are his emergency contact. Our doctors are doing everything they can for him, ma'am, but you should still get here as quickly as possible.. Just in case."

I shook my head, but verbally responded an 'okay' to the woman on the phone.

This can't be happening right now

He has to be okay


hey y'all ... so like did y'all watch last nights episode ?? jesus i cried throughout the whole thing. anyways i hope you all enjoyed. little cliffy for y'all 😘 leave your thoughts in the comments 🙂 i love hearing from y'all.

