thirteen (ii) - confirmation


We pulled up to Dave and Buster's, and almost instantly a sleeping Andre's eyes popped open.

He gasped. "Mommy! Is this Dave's place?!"

Michonne laughed and nodded. "Yes, it is. We're gonna spend some time here," she unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car, followed by me, then Carl and Andre.

Andre ran up next to Carl and he grabbed his hand. "What do you wanna play first, little guy?" Carl looked down at Andre.

"Ummm, I don't know! There's so many," Andre exclaimed as we entered.

There were little kids running around everywhere, and the aroma of fresh grease filled my nostrils.

"Michonne and I are gonna find somewhere to sit. You two can go play, but be careful. I'm not kidding with you two." I gave Carl $40 and nodded at him.

He nodded back, and with Andre's hand still in his, they took off. Michonne and I went over to the bar and sat down.

She looked so gorgeous; she didn't even have to try. She looked up at me from her cell phone and giggled.

"What's the matter?"

"Michonne," I started, "you are really beautiful..I don't mean to be a creep. But man. I can't help but thinking it all the time. Even when we aren't together."

"You aren't being a creep," she blushed, "thank you." She put her phone down and fixed her attention on me.

"What made you do this?" she clasped her hands together and rested her chin on them.

"Well, its been a while since we all hung out with each other. And it's the end of the week, so why not?" I smiled at her, earning a smile back.

"Well, thank you. This is really, really sweet of you."

I nodded at her. My attention was grabbed by a man who had two menus in his hand.

"Hi, I'm Zacari. I'll be your waiter for today. What can I start you off with to drink?" He grabbed a notepad and pen from his apron.

"Uh, just a water for me for now," Michonne opened her menu and started browsing.

I nodded. "I'll have a water as well."

He wrote it down in his notepad and nodded. "I'll be right out with those, and then when you're ready, I'll be here to take your order." I nodded at him, and he smiled and walked away swiftly.

"They have chicken alfredo," Michonne gawked. I smiled and opened my menu.

"Looks like they have steak, too. I think that'll be my meal choice today."

She chuckled and nodded. "I mean, who doesn't like a good steak now and then?"

I looked up at her and grinned before closing my menu.

Minutes later, our waiter arrived, pen and pad in hand. "You two ready?" He smiled at Michonne.

"Mhm. I'll have the chicken alfredo and a chicken tender kids meal."

He nodded and looked up from his pad, "Anything to drink?"

"Um.. yes actually," she chuckled. "I'll have the strawberry watermelon margarita and a strawberry lemonade, and could you make the lemonade and the kids meal to go, please?"

He nodded and looked up at me.

"Uh, I'll have two steak dinners, well done. One with potatoes and one with fries. And to drink I would like a beer and a sprite. Can I get the steak, fries, and sprite to go?"

He finished writing the order down and nodded. He repeated them back to us, to make sure he had them right.

"Alright, I'll be out with those as soon as possible," he said before speedwalking back to wherever he was going.

"So you know you have to let me taste your steak right?" Michonne grinned at me.

"Only if I can have some alfredo," I chuckled. She giggled and sighed.

She playfully threw her hands up. "Alright, Sheriff. You can have some of my alfredo. But you have to let me taste some of your potatoes, too."

I nodded and acted like I was in deep thought. "Hm, that's fine. But only if you let me take you out to dinner tomorrow night. As a date."

Her eyes widened, presumably in shock. "Well, then I guess its a date," she smiled and looked down at her lap for a second, then back up at me.

I smirked at her and nodded.

"Its a date."


Our food came in less than twenty minutes, and it was piping hot. After it cooled, we both dug in, and my plate was clean in the literal blink of an eye.

"Wow," Michonne breathed out, "I don't know how you just ate all of that, but I'm taking the rest of this to go."

I just laughed at her as I pulled my phone out. I dialed Carl's number.


"Hey, Carl. Just making sure you and Dre are okay," I said, "be back in fifteen minutes. Its getting late."

"Aw, man. Alright, we will."

I chuckled to myself. "Alright. See you soon."

"Bye, dad."

I hung up and put my phone back into its waist case. I looked up at Michonne who was clearly stuffed. I laughed and nudged her foot with mine.

"You alright over there?" I joked. She looked at me and nodded.

"I just usually don't eat that much," she said through a laugh.

"Well, I hope that means you enjoyed yourself. And I hope the boys enjoyed themselves, too."

She nodded. "I know they did."

I looked behind me when I felt a presence approaching, and to my surprise, it was Andre and Carl.

"You two are early," I raised an eyebrow at Carl.

"Yeah, and we got you two some gifts."

He held up a blue bear that had Dave & Buster's sewn into it.

"This one is for you, Michonne," he smiled and passed her the bear.

She smiled back at him and held the bear close to her chest. "Thank you, Carl. I truly will cherish this bear."

He just smiled and nodded, allowing Andre to speak now.

"This is what I got you, Mommy," he kept a grin on his face as he revealed Michonne's gift. It was a rainbow slinky. Michonne grabbed it and smiled at him.

"Thank you, Dre," she exclaimed excitedly as she took it from him.
"And, Dad," Carl began, "I got you this little Sheriff's hat."

He gave me a metal Sheriff's hat and chuckled a little bit.

"Cliché, I know."

I shook my head. "Nah, I love it," I smiled at him.

"This is what I got you," Andre smiled up at me and held out his hand to reveal a red and black plastic dinosaur.

"Wow, Andre," I exclaimed, "Thank you!"

I grabbed the dinosaur and smiled at him, and extended my hand for a high five.

"We got you two," Michonne grabbed the bags with her and the boys' food in it, "food. You can eat when we get home, Dre."

Michonne stood up and used her free hand to grab Andre's. I looked over at the table to see the bill and the money already on it.

I furrowed my eyebrows a bit, until I realized where the money came from.

"Michonne, could you please take your money up off the table? It'd make me happy," I smiled at her.

She sweetly returned the smile and shook her head. "Nope, not gonna happen."

She began making her way out of the building, with Carl and Andre close behind her. I just laughed and shook my head as I followed her out.

When we got to the car, I got in before everyone else and slid $80 in the glove compartment as discreetly as I could. This way she wouldn't be able to give it back. Even if she tried to, I wouldn't take it.

When everyone else got into the car, Carl buckled Andre into his booster seat and then buckled his own seatbelt. Michonne started the car and pulled off.

We were back at her house in no time, and I have to say, I was kind of sad that our day came to an end so quickly.

She looked over at me. "Thank you for today, Rick. I really appreciate it."

I nodded. "No problem, Chonne..I had a great time with you."

I opened the door and looked back at her. "I'll see you tomorrow night. And check your glove compartment." I winked at her before exiting the car, Carl following close behind.

We closed her doors and got into my truck. We pulled off and began making our way home. I looked over at Carl, and he was knocked out.

As we pulled up into the driveway, I got a text. I turned the car off and checked it.

-You aren't slick. You'll get it back tomorrow night

I just chuckled to myself as I turned the car off.

I cannot wait until tomorrow.


whaaaat ?! two updates in two days?

your eyes are not deceiving you. this is real. i had to make it up to you all somehow. so i wrote this last night & i hope its enjoyable.

i also have a question. what is an ideal chapter to end this book at? would you rather around 30 or around 40? leave your comments pls; i need to make this decision asap. anyways, i hope you all enjoyed & i'll be back to update soon 😘

