sneak peek: forever [book two in the amorous series] prologue + ch. 1


"I just never imagined in a million years that I'd be here with you. Our family is beautiful, my life is beautiful. I've got this beautiful woman that I get to come home to every day, that supports me throughout all of my toughest decisions.. You complete me. As cliché or predictable as it sounds. You are the reason why my son and daughter still have a mother in their lives. The reason I am a better man than I was a year ago. You came to that hospital every single day to talk to me or even just read to me.. Just to hold my hand. You helped me with rehab for seven months, and then helped me around the house for months and months after that. You made sure I was healed. That was when I knew, Michonne. I knew for a fact that you truly, genuinely love me. That you aren't going anywhere, no time soon at least.. And I promise you that I'm here until the end, 'Chonne. Don't ever doubt that."

one - new beginnings

*this is a snippet from the mid-section of this chapter


Michonne got up behind her to lock the screen door before joining me on the couch again. I looked over at her.

"Why are you even still here?" I sighed.

She looked perplexed as she turned to face me. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means I'm broken. And instead of taking the easy way out you're here. Why?"

She scoffed. "You really don't know the answer to that question, Rick?"

I shook my head.

"Well if you really are clueless," she started, "I love you. And I want the best for you. I want to see you recover, and soon. I want you to be able to pick our children up and hug them as tight as you can. And I want you to be happy again."

"Who said I wasn't happy?"

She looked into my eyes as she responded.

"You do, every single day with your eyes. When you wake in the morning, and before you go to sleep at night. And it kills me every time."


okay i couldn't resist. i'm so so sooo excited for book 2 of this series, so much so that i had to share at least a piece of what i've got stirring up in my mind. i hope this makes you as excited for this next book as i am. 💞
