seventeen - 1st day


"Shh, don't wake her. I told her I would only wake her right before we left,"

I heard Rick's voice call out to who I assumed was Carl. I chuckled to myself and rolled over so I'd be facing him.

"Rick, dear, you kinda already woke me up,"

He whipped his head around, in shock, after he heard my voice. He rushed over to me.

"Damn it! I'm sorry, 'Chonne. I wasn't gonna wake you until before we left."

"Yeah, I also already heard your beautiful plan," I laughed. He leaned down and pecked my forehead.

"Go back to sleep, please? And when I get back I'll make you and Andre some breakfast.. Or do you two want anything? I can stop. He's still sleeping."

"We can all make breakfast when you get back. Where's Carl?"

"Right here," he popped his head in the door.

I sat up and stretched out before I got up to approach him.

"You look great, Carl. Have a good first day," I smiled at him and held my arms out for a hug. He smiled and came to me so we could embrace each other. He pulled away from the hug and sighed.

"My junior year," he said, "I just can't wait to graduate."

Rick shook his head. "I already told you so many times not to rush it. When it comes, you'll wanna go back," he warned. Carl nodded.

"Can we go now?"

He had an impatient tone that only made me chuckle.

"Yeah, you driving?"

"Yes," he hurriedly grabbed the keys off of the nightstand and ran downstairs. I walked over to Michonne and pecked her lips, and smiled.

"I'll be back in twenty."

She nodded.

"See you then, love. Be careful,"

I nodded and made my way downstairs. Carl was already in the truck, so I locked the door and exited the house, and made my way there. I got in and he started it, and we pulled off. It was really a beautiful Tuesday morning; the sky was blue and the sun shone unlike it has in a few weeks. We turned into the school parking lot and I smiled.

"Well, son, you're a junior. Have a good day."

He smiled back.

"I will, dad. Let me know when you get back home."

I nodded as we got out of the truck. "I will."

He left and made his way to the door and I got on the driver's side, and sat for a minute. I pulled out my phone and text Michonne.

Do we need anything from the store?


Alright, see you in a few. 💗


See you

I drove off and made my way to the grocery store, which wasn't too far from home. I got out and rushed in. I was ready to be back home, already. I went and hurriedly got the milk, and went to the cash register.

"How you doing today, sir?"

The cashier was a female, young. She had golden brown hair and green eyes. She eyed me as she rung up the milk and still as I got the money out of my wallet. I chuckled.

"3.49, sir," she smiled at me. I smiled back and gave her a five. She gave me my change back and winked at me. There was a tiny slip of paper with what I assumed was her number written on it stashed in the change I got back.

"Have a good day," she bit her lip as I walked away, and I nodded.

"You do the same, young lady," I said as I put the money in my pocket. I made my way back to the truck and rushed out of the parking lot and back home.

When I finally got back home, I grabbed the milk and damn near ran to the door. It was unlocked, so I went in and put the milk in the refrigerator. I went to lock the screen door, but left the door opened. When I turned around, I was greeted by Andre, who had just come from upstairs to greet me.

"Hi!" He smiled at me and gave me an enormous hug. I lifted him into a hug and he giggled.

"Carl's at school?"

I nodded.

"Yes. Somewhere you'll be going soon," I said. He smiled and shook his head.

"No," he said, "I'm staying here with you and Mommy."

I chuckled as I set him down.

"If you say so, champ,"

I turned to see Michonne making her way down the stairs in my robe. And I have to admit, it turned me on.

She came over to me and pecked my cheek, then made her way to the kitchen. I followed her into the kitchen and just watched her for a minute before I began helping her gather what we needed to cook.

"Waffles or pancakes?" She turned to Andre and I.

"Pancakes," we said in unison, smiling at each other afterward.

"Pancakes it is, then," she giggled and began making pancake mix.

"Mommy always makes them from scratch. They're the best!" Andre never let his smile dim. I nodded and mirrored his expression.

"Well, I guess I'll have to be the judge of that, then."

She whipped up six pancakes and then started on the eggs & bacon.

"I thought we were all supposed to be cooking?" She walked over to me and looked at me in my eyes.

"Yeah," I nodded, "Would you like me to take over?"

"That'd be sweet of you, yeah?"

I stepped closer to the stove and picked up where she left off. I finished frying the bacon and scrambling the eggs. I turned the stove off and got out three plates for us. I put some food on each of them and smiled.

"Here you are," I handed Andre's plate to him as he sat at the table. Then I set a plate out for Michonne and I and sat at the table. She came and sat next to me, and held both her hands out to Andre and I.

"Who wants to say grace?"

Andre smiled and grabbed our hands. "God, thank you for this food that Mommy and Rick made. I know it's going to be great. Bless this food and take out any bad stuff. Thank you. Amen."

"Amen," Michonne and I said in unison, and began digging in.

We were all finished not long after beginning and I cleaned up after us. I washed the dishes while Andre and Michonne were on the couch watching TV. And as soon as I finished with the dishes, I joined them.

"You gotta love Tom and Jerry," Michonne said. "It's a classic."

I nodded. "Of course it is. I used to watch this all the time growing up, at first it was because it was the only thing on the channels we had available, but then I learned to love it."

"How was it growing up here?"

She looked at me, engaging deeply into the conversation.

"It was fun. I had two horses and lived on a farm, no matter how cliché that sounds," I chuckled. "There were cows and pigs and chickens. Corn. Wheat. Our own milk. You name it, we had it. We really fed ourselves for the most part. And my parents sold whatever we had left over after we were guaranteed a month's worth of it. Then when my mom got sick, it was kind of hard, because she did a lot of the farming... We got lucky that they could get rid of the cancer. I can't wait for you to meet her..But I digress. I didn't grow up the most popular kid, or the strongest or fastest. Shane was my only buddy until high school. That's when I started playing football and becoming 'the man.' I don't think I should continue because well.. It'd be kind of awkward to talk to my girlfriend about my ex-wife."

She shook her head.

"I wanna know you," she grabbed my hand and smiled. I looked over at Andre, who had fallen asleep.

"Let's go upstairs."

She nodded and I kept her hand as we went upstairs.


"Lori and I met through Shane when I was ... 17? Back then I thought she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Everyone always said we'd get married and live happily ever after, which I wanted. I made it my mission to marry Lori. That's why we got married so quickly after high school. I was 18 and she was 19. And I knew I wanted to spend my life with her. We both went to college, and afterward I went to the academy. Became an officer, and then a few years later, when we were around 27, we decided it was time for a baby. Carl came and at first I felt like our marriage was going great, but then she kept..Screaming about communication. And how I didn't love her, and all this other shit that wasn't true. She accused me of cheating multiple times, maybe to cover her own ass. And now here we are..But I don't think that I would have it any other way."

I looked down at Michonne who was laying comfortably on my chest.

"Now. You wanna tell me your story, too?"

She looked up at me.

"I mean, I can.. It isn't that interesting though."

I shook my head.

"I know it is."

She sighed.

"Well. I was born in Detroit, but my parents moved us to Atlanta when I was 1. I guess we had family here or something? I don't know...My mom died when I was ten. Hit and run. But I had my dad and step-mom growing up, and they have always been there for me. Let's just skip to high school I guess. I met Michael when I was 15. He was 18. My dad never ever liked him. At one point he forbade us from seeing each other. And in doing that, it drove us to see each other even more. Long story short, I got pregnant at 17 and since it was my senior year, I knew I couldn't have that baby.. I aborted it. And when my dad found out, he was furious. Beyond that even. I was on house arrest for months; almost a year. And when I finally got off I instantly went to school. I graduated with a bachelor's in business management. That was about six or seven years. So at the point of me graduating, I was 25. I met back up with Mike and we got married soon, and like five years later we had Andre. He started beating me.. Badly. Andre and I had to stay with my dad for a while. Long time. I don't think Dre remembers; I hope he doesn't. We got a divorce and I tried to get full custody of Andre but it didn't work. So now here we are. I'm with you. I'm happy with you, Rick."

I smiled down at her. "I'm happy with you, too. I'm scared that it's too soon, but I think I might love you, Michonne. And this is coming from a man who thought he'd never love again."

"I'm not sure yet.. I won't lie. But I think I feel the same way," She looked up at me and smiled. I leaned down to peck her lips.

"Thank you for everything. You saved me."

sorry if this is trash; it's really just a filler. gonna try to be more consistent. i've been trying to gain inspiration but these decisions that the showrunners are making are really breaking me down. i'm sorry. xo

-lolfanfiics 💓
