six- speak


"Come on, dad. We've been in the house for like two weeks and have barely done anything. Let's go to the movies again! Call Michonne and Noah and let's go."

I laughed at Carl as he complained to me about how boring his summer has been.

"You've been going on and on about this, son. If you wanna go to the movies with Michonne and Noah, then call them and go."

He looked at me, a puzzled look overtook his face. "You don't wanna go with me? Michonne's gonna be there."

I chuckled at him. "What is it with you and her? You like her or something?" He looked at me.

"You like her. Thats my whole point."

I sat looking at him a tad bit dumbfoundedly. Maybe more like shocked.

"What makes you think that?" I asked him.

"You said it when Lori and Shane came in acting all crazy. You said that we all would live together and be happy. You said it."

I sighed. "I know what I said, I remember."

He slyly smirked at me. "So if you want us to live in harmony with each other, why aren't you asking her right now to be your girlfriend?"

"You must not understand the load of shit that we're in right now, son. I like Michonne, sure. But I really don't want her in the middle of all that drama that was conjured up recently. I'm still out of work, I don't know when or if the Sheriff is gonna call me back in, and I just don't want her in the middle of it all. We just met three weeks ago, for Christ's sake. She probably thinks this whole family is a freak show."

He shook his head. "Nah. She wouldn't keep asking Noah to ask me about you if that was the case. Stop ignoring her. Or giving her short responses or whatever you're doing. Girls hate that stuff." He went to his room, leaving me to reflect on what had just happened.

She's been asking about me? ..Maybe it was a dick move to not respond to her messages, but in my defense, my life has been crazy lately.

And what if I do let her in? She marries me for 19 years and then cheats on me?

Jesus, Rick, get over yourself. I told myself, but it was hard. I'd moved past the 'sadness' stage of my impending divorce, now I was at the 'pissed all the time' stage. Bitter even. And even still, I knew I shouldn't judge Michonne before I get to know her more. She didn't even seem like that type of person.

Well neither did Lori.

I forced myself to put my pride aside for once, and text Michonne. We needed to catch up anyways. I texted her and told her I wanted her to come over, and when she did, it was like all previous anger and annoyance had left my body. She knocked on the door, and I opened it to reveal her, Noah, and Andre.

"Hi, Mr. Grimes!" Andre, who clearly has an amazing memory, greeted me. I smiled.

"Hey, little guy." I gave him a high five before letting them in. I locked the door and looked at Noah. "Carl doesn't know you're here. You and Andre can go surprise him."

He nodded and started upstairs, Andre following close behind. Michonne glanced over at me as we stood in uncomfortable silence. I finally spoke, hoping to change the atmosphere.

"I'm sorry." I simply said, and she nodded.

"Its alright...I can understand what you're going through right now. Divorce isn't easy, I know. I'm here for you if you need me."

"Thank you, Michonne..That means more to me than you could ever know." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"You wanna go upstairs? My room isn't fancy but.." I trailed off, waiting for her answer.

"Sure." she chuckled.

We went upstairs to my room, and she immediately sat on the floor. I looked at her, puzzled. I closed the door before speaking. "Why the floor?"

"I don't know," she shrugged her shoulders, "More comfortable, I guess." I sat next to her.

"Thank you for actually coming," I said, "I honestly thought that I'd blown all of my chances."

She looked at me. "Chances at what?" she asked, though I knew she was smart enough to know what I was talking about.

"Michonne, I'm sure everyone in this house, maybe excluding Andre, knows that I like you. A lot." Usually, with things like this, I wasn't anywhere near outspoken. But the words kept coming out so I just let them.

She gave me a small smile. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I like you too. And you haven't blown anything. I understand that at one point in time during this whole thing, you're gonna need to have your alone time. I also understand that when you're ready, you'll let me know, and I'll be right here for you."

For a minute, the room was dead silent; You could literally hear a pin drop. We sat in the silence, just looking each other in the eyes, and that's when it happened.

I leaned in, and she followed my lead, and before I even knew what was happening, we were attached at the lips. When we pulled away, we looked at each other again for a split second, and leaned back in. For a moment, I forgot we weren't alone. It wasn't until I heard my bedroom door burst open that I realized that there were indeed other people in the house.

"Da- Oh..Oops," Carl stopped himself mid-sentence realizing what was going on between Michonne and I. "I'm sorry, guys. Carry on." He quietly closed my door, now leaving us alone. Well, as alone as we were gonna be for the time being.

"That was.. Interesting," she laughed and I did, too. I was just glad that we could still be semi- normal about what had just happened.

"Maybe next time, we wait until we're completely alone," I jokingly suggested.

"Agreed," she said as we both continued laughing.


okay so this is just a filler honestly. my creative river almost ran dry with this story but as my reads continued to go up, I knew that I would have to pay exclusive attention to this story. I would like to thank everyone who reads this story and I promise that I won't abandon it the way I recently did. School is starting soon, however, so updates will be dispersed BUT there will still be updates. I have strong intentions on pre-writing chapters that I can just post at my own leisure, and I won't have to hurriedly write a shit chapter like this one. and now I'm just rambling so I'm gonna stop now.

love you guys.

-lolfanfiics 💘
