
     The group just got back from their little trip together and got out of the car that Mark had brought. They ran onto the campus, immediately rushing to their dorms. Yunhyeong entered his dorm with a sigh. He looked around, not seeing Chanwoo anywhere.  

     "Yunhyeong?!" a voice called.

     Yunhyeong looked at the hallway seeing a worried Chanwoo.

     "Oh my god! Where the hell have you been?!" He asked worriedly.

     Chanwoo engulfed him in a tight embrace. 

     "I was so worried about you" he rambled.

     He pulled away with a sigh before freezing completely.

     "Your... hair" he muttered.

     Yunhyeong looked down at his feet seeming sad. Did he not like it? Did it not look good on him?

     Chanwoo ran his fingers through Yunhyeongs now curly blonde hair. 

     "It's cute... It really suits you" Chanwoo smiled.

     Yunhyeong blushed at his statement and turned away again. Chanwoo hugged him once more which Yunhyeong returned this time. 

     "Don't go out without telling me anymore okay?" Chanwoo asked.

     Yunhyeong nodded feeling guilty. Chanwoo ruffled his hair and watched him go to his room. He then picked up a pillow and screamed into it. What was wrong with him? He felt his heart rate increase every time he was around the smaller and this new haircut just made Yunhyeong impossibly cuter. Everything about Yunhyeong just made Chanwoo want to hug and protect him from the dangers of the world. He glanced back at Yunhyeong's door. He wanted so desperately to talk to him.


     Hanbin arrived at his dorm seeing Jiwon sat on the couch, shirtless. Hanbin quickly averted his eyes, feeling uncomfortable. 


     Hanbin could practically hear the smirk in Jiwon's voice. Jiwon stood up and approached Hanbin. Jiwon touched Hanbins newly colored hair, twisting a strand between his fingers. Hanbin blushed a dark red and tried not to look at Jiwon's body. 

     "You look good" Jiwon grinned.

     "T-T-Thanks.." Hanbin stuttered.

     Jiwon chuckled at him. 

     "It's so cute that you always blush around me" he stated.

     Hanbin only blushed harder and covered his face. Jiwon laughed again.

     "Okay, okay I'll let you go" he sighed.

     Hanbin quickly rushed to his room and shut the door. Jiwon sighed and leaned against the wall, running his hands through his hair in confusion. It had always been him getting someone to fall for him then try persistently to get him. Not the other way around. Never did think that it would be a guy either. Something made him want Hanbin and he wanted him bad


     Jinhwan got back to his dorm and internally groaned seeing JunHoe on the couch. JunHoe threw down the book in hand with a loud thud. He marched over to him angrily and shoved him against the door making the shorted yelp in pain and shock.

     "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU??!!" he shouted. 

     Jinhwan felt a few tears escape his eyes. He tried to move passed him but JunHoe grabbed a fist full of his shirt, pinning him to the wall by his chest. 


     Jinhwan weakly grabbed JunHoe's wrist, trying to move it. JunHoe examined him, seeing that his face was now turning a dark shade of red, almost purple. He then realized that his hand had  moved to his throat. He quickly released him letting him drop to the ground. Jinhwan took in a long, loud gasp and choked on air, clutching his throat which now had a hand-shaped bruise on it. JunHoe stood in complete and utter shock. He could've killed him. 

     Jinhwan looked up at JunHoe seeing that there were now tears rolling down his face as he stared at his hand in shock. Jinhwan's eyes widened. He had no idea JunHoe could feel any sort of emotion other than anger. 

     "J-JunHoe..." he frowned.

     "I... I could've killed you..." He muttered "I-I'm sorry I-I"

     JunHoe couldn't even spit out another sentence before he broke down. Jinhwan stood up and hugged, forgetting everything that just happened. 



Sorry, this took so long~

School's been a bitch lmao

Anyway, I hope you liked this~
