
((to lazy to put a picture lmao))

     Yunhyeong and Chanwoo didn't talk much for the rest of the day. It was really eating at Chanwoo but Yunhyeong much too nervous to confront the taller at all. Yunhyeong sat on his bed, kicking his legs and listening to music. That's when his phone vibrated.

     Yunhyeong picked it up seeing a text from Amber. 

Llama: YO~ We goin to the arcade! 

DabDab: We're coming to kidnap in 5, so be ready

     Yunhyeong sighed with a smile and opened his phone.

Cherry-Lip-Bomb entered the chat:

Who You Gonna Call: DORKBUSTERS 

Cherry-Lip-Bomb: Well when you put it that way



Wassabi:  wait-

Wassabi: I'm sorry

Dandeloni: I'm hurt

Llama: That was so uncalled for

Wine Mom: Wait, am I being kidnapped too or is it just Yunhyeong???

Wassabi: All of you are going

DabDab: Don't try to change the subject mother

Llama: We're not done with you yet

Wassabi: 😔

Pupper: Yes, continue, this is highly amusing 

Wassabi: Do you enjoy my suffer that much???


Squeaker: Lmao yeah


Hasbin: Yeah, but we can be mean to you cuz we're your friends.

Wine Mom: Best Friend 101, Mark

Dandeloni: Are we gonna keep bullying Mark or are we actually gonna go 

Wine Mom: Yeah, I wanna go~~~

DabDab: OMW~ (Mark's song OMW is a bop btw)

     Yunhyeong stood up and put on a white shirt, black jeans, a grey sweater and pair of sunglasses. He quickly left after grabbing his phone and leaving a note on the door for Chanwoo. He went down the hall to Kunpimook's dorm and knocked. When the door opened he was met with a taller red haired boy looking down at him in confusion. 

     "Who the hell are you?" He asked.

     "Gyeomie, who is it?" he heard Kunpimook asked.

     Kunpimook showed up and peered over the other guys shoulder. A smile instantly spread across his face when he saw Yunhyeong. Kunpimook hugged him tightly before turning back to the taller boy.

     "Gyeomie, this is Yunhyeong!" Kunpimook introduced.

     The smaller kept his large smile and waved up at him. 

     "Yunnie, this is my roommate, Yunhyeong!" Kunpimook introduced. 

     Yunhyeong waved happily at Yugyeom. Kunpimook leaned down to whisper to Yunhyeong. 

     "Do you want act mute in front of him?" he asked.

      Yunhyeong nodded.

     "Okay Yugyeom, Yunhyeong-ie here is mute" Kunpimook said.

     "Oh..." Yugyeom muttered. 

     Yunhyeong looked down at his feet sheepishly. 

     "That's nothing to be ashamed of" Yugyeom smiled.

     Yunhyeong looked back up at him and smiled. 

     "Come on in" Yugyeom offered, holding the door open. The two entered and Kunpimook dragged Yunhyeong to his room and sat him on the bed.

     "Yunnie~ Are the others coming?" Kunpimook asked as he applied his eyeliner. 

     "I dunno I'll text them" Yunhyeong said.

     Kunpimook continued to sway his hips while humming and doing his eyeliner. 


         Everyone met at Kunpimooks dorm already because your author is lazy and writing about everyone showing up would be annoying and repetitive. 


     The group of eight-because Amber said fuck it and left to the arcade already-headed out for another fun day. 

     //Their outfits bc yeah

     //okay yee

     The group of boys drove to the arcade while blasting music and screaming the lyrics. 

     "DANCE. THE. NIGHT. AWAY. LETS DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY!!! WOO!!!" they screamed.

     SunYoul and YoungJae ended up hitting the high note towards the end earning a bunch cheers and compliments from the others. 

     The group piled out of the car and saw Amber standing there talking with someone. Amber quickly turned around and the person hid behind her. 

     "Hey Amber~ Who's that??" Donghyuk asked curiously.

     "So... I brought one of my friends.... I hope that not a problem..." She muttered.

     "Of course not! But who is it?" SunYoul asked.

     Amber stepped aside.

