
     //so this time jump isn't going to make any sense but you know what? That's okay.

     So i know the last chapter was the day after Halloween but now we're going to pretend that it's the next day and it's Valentines Day! (please just go with it)

     Yunhyeong had been avoiding Chanwoo like the plague after that night at the party. Yes, he liked Chanwoo, but he had a feeling that Chanwoo didn't like him back. He was afraid of rejection. 

     Yunhyeong had arrived at school with Hanbin since all the others were off with their lovers. All except for Sunyoul, who was in a bit of a tight situation. 

     When Sunyoul died his hair black it got him a lot of attention, but now that he had died it his current sunset orange color, he was quite literally being mobbed. 

     He was right in the center of a small crowd, all of them shoving presents in his face, asking for his love and to accept him as their Valentine. 

     "Th-Thank you but-"

     "I'm sorry I'm taken!"

     "That's sweet but-"

     "I-I understand that but i really need to go-"

     He continuously apologized but they wouldn't leave him alone. 

     He gasped when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. He looked to his side, seeing one of the people he was praying to see. 

     "Oh Gyujin, thank god"  He sighed.

     Jinhwan was suddenly beside him with Junhoe holding his waist. 

     "He already told you he was taken bitches, so bippity boppity back the fuck up" he glared.

     Sunyoul couldn't help but laugh at his words. 

     "Sunyoul are you really taken?!" one of the girls cried. 

     "Yes, but thank you all for being so sweet" Sunyoul replied sincerely. 

     "Who is it then?! Who are you with?!" Another girl shouted. 

     "Well, this is my boyfriend Gyujin and that's my other boyfriend Wei" Sunyoul introduced.

     Some of the girls started squealing making him giggle. But some others gave looks of disgust. Sunyoul ignored it though, focusing on the positive feedback. 

     "Okay, well, we better head out. Thanks again!" Sunyoul waved to them. 

     They all said their good-byes as the boys left. Wei and Gyujin kissed both of Sunyoul's cheeks at the same time making the smaller squeal and giggle. 

     "Happy Valentines Day bunny" Wei smiled.

     Gyujin kissed his forehead. 

     Sunyoul blushed faintly, looking down. 

     Jinhwan and Junhoe had gone their separate ways, leaving the couple alone. 

     //Time Skip to Lunch//

     The group gathered at their table, all of them this time. All but Chanwoo and Jiwon. 

     Yunhyeong was feeling a little sad, seeing all the couples being cute together. But he was just so scared to ask Chanwoo. Jinhwan told him to wait for Chanwoo to ask him so that's what he did. So why was Chanwoo taking so long?

      Yunhyeong figured he just didn't return his feelings. 

     Jinhwan sighed as he stirred his salad with a pout. That didn't go unnoticed by Mark. 

     Mark frowned and held Yunhyeongs hand causing the younger to look at him. Mark held his cheeks and kissed his forehead like the mom he was. 

     "Cheer up Yunhyeongie" Jinyoung pat his shoulder. 

     Yunhyeong nodded with a faint smile. 

     "Yunhyeong!" a voice called. 

     Yunhyeong looked up, surprised. 

     "Chanwoo?..." he mumbled. 

     "Yunhyeong I need you to do something for me" he said. 

     "Okay" he nodded. 

     "Stand up  on the chair" Chanwoo said.

     "What?..." he asked, confused.

     "Stand on the chair" Chanwoo repeated.

     Yunhyeong just went with it, standing on the chair, looking at his friends, unsure.

     Chanwoo got down on his knee.

     "Yunhyeong. I have loved you from the moment I first saw you. You're absolutely amazing to me and I really needed to ask you..." he held up a bouquet of flowers for him "Will you not only be my Valentine, but my boyfriend as well?" he asked. 

     Yunhyeong's eyes widened, staring at him in shock. He looked around seeing all the peoples eyes on him. He blinked rapidly, feeling light headed. 

     He looked at Chanwoo who was watching him worriedly. 

     Yunhyeong nodded, mouthing the word 'yes' before he slipped off the chair, falling unconscious. 
