
     The others stayed at Jinhwan and Junhoe's place to avoid seeing their roommates again. Jinhwan let them borrow some of his clothes since borrowing each others clothes was normal for them. They decided to check up on their friends who had seemingly disappeared that night...

Wine Mom: Hey, you guys up?

DabDab: Yeah, where are you guys

Cherry-Lip-Bomb: That's a bit of a story....

Llama: We got time.

Hasbin: To put it short, Jiwon fucked me


Llama: Ngl... me and krystal did too

Dandeloni: so did me and jaebum....we're kinda sorta...dating now...

Llama: YO!! I'm with Krystal now too!

Wine Mom: Yeah, Junhoe and I are a thing now...

DabDab: I'm with Yugyeom....

Wassabi: I've been with Jinyoung since the day before the party...

DabDab: Awe~

Llama: So what about the rest of you guys?

Hasbin: I'm not with Jiwon but we did it...

Cherry-Lip-Bomb: Same with me and Chanwoo...

Puppers: I have a confesion to make...

Wine Mom: We're listening...

Puppers: I'm with Jackson...

Wassabi: Okay?...

Puppers: and i have been for 2 weeks...

Llama: ?!

Puppers: last night was the fifth time we've done it...

Wine Mom: In 2 weeks?!

Puppers: What can i say? We like sex


Puppers: it's too late, they've already seen it. 

Wine Mom: >:(

Llama: ANYWAY, how about you Sunyoul?


Wassabi: what's wrong?

DabDab: You can tell us

Squeaker: you'll hate me...

Wine Mom: What?!

Dandeloni: Sunyoul, that's nonesense and you know it


Cherry-Lip-Bomb: Please just tell us...

Squeaker: okay, no, i didn't do it with hwanhee

Squeaker: but i did do it with someone else...

Llama: Who?!

Squeaker: Hwanhee's friend, we've been 'getting along' lately...

Dandeloni: That doesn't matter we're all admitting to 'doing it'

Squeaker: there's more to it than that...

Hasbin: What do you mean?...

Squeaker: it wasn't just one...

Squeaker: I have 2 boyfriends...

Wine Mom: Awe~ I wanna see!

Squeaker: You're not made?!

Wasabi: No, of course not!

Squeaker: i'm tearing up

Dandeloni: No! Don't cry!

Squeaker: Too late

Hasbin: :(

Cherry-Lip-Bomb: show us your boyfriends~




Speaker: 🙈🙈

that's me and wei


And that's Gyujin

Llama: UGH You guys are the cutest!

     SunYoul set his phone down and hugged his knees to his chest, crying into them. Wei chuckled and hugged him.

     "We told you they wouldn't care" Gyujin laughed, kissing Sunyoul's earlobe. 

      Suyoul felt his heart racing, the three of them were still naked and both of them were pressed against Sunyoul now. 

     "Guys~" he whined, his face turning red. 

     He heard both of them laugh. 

     "i didn't know your voice could get that high pitched" Wei smirked, trailing his hand down Sunyoul's leg, making him whimper.

     "What are you gonna do about all those hickeys?" Gyujin asked, leaning dangerously close to Sunyoul's neck, making him gasp.

      Sunyoul finally looked up at them, his cheeks dusted pink.

     "Y-yah~" he whined with a pout.

      Both of them laughed and got up, getting dressed. Sunyoul waited for them as he couldn't really stand at the moment. Wei put on a pair of black ripped jeans and a sweater, rolling up the sleeves and Gyujin wore a black button-up shirt with sleeves that only reached his elbows and a pair of blue jeans.

     Sunyoul found both of them very attractive and blushed a little.

     "Okay, come on" Gyujin pulled him up.

      Sunyoul gasped as his legs shook and he fell into Gyujin's arms. 

     "What's wrong? Can't stand?" Wei asked,

     "Yes because of two particular people in the room" Sunyoul said with an angry pout.

     "Not our fault, you asked for both of us at once" Gyujin grinned at him.

     Sunyoul gasped when Wei slapped his bare ass.

     "You guys are mean~" Sunyoul whined.

     Wei laughed as got Sunyoul a pair of tight, white skinny jeans, helping him into them. Gyujin helped him into a pastel purple sweater.

     Gyujin lifted Sunyoul onto his shoulder making him gasp again.

     "Yah! Gyujin!" he squealed, before laughing. 

     Gyujin sat him on the counter as they made breakfast and continued to tease him.


hope you guys enjoyed a little sunyoul action~

should i write more about the side relationships?
