
((I still puttin pictures at the top lmao))


     Krystal stood shyly with her hands behind her back, shifting nervously.

     "Krystal, you want to tell them or should I do it?" Amber asked.

     "I'll do it..." Krystal mumbled.

     "I'm because... well... I've only hung out with shitty people my whole life that couldn't care less about my well being... and I told Amber this last night and she kinda made come here with her saying that you guys were great friends... and... I want to try and make good friends for a change..." Krystal exchanged.

     "Aw~ Krystal~" Sunyoul cooed, hugging her.

     Krystal tensed up a bit, seemingly shocked by the surprise hug. 

     "That's so sad~" Donghyuk pouted.

     "Well Krystal, we accept you!" YoungJae beamed. 

     "Yup! And we're ready to show you how to have a good time!" Kunpimook said in determination.

     Krystal smiled at him and nodded. 

     "Well, come on then, lets have some fun!" Amber exclaimed.

     There was a chorus of cheers and they all headed inside. Krystal looked around the arcade in confusion. The room was dark but the neon lights of the games lit it pretty well. Someone grabbed her wrist, snapping her out of her trance. Mark smiled softly at her as he brought over to where the others were, at the air hocky table. 

     Mark was much more gentle than Amber. He didn't drag her like Amber sometimes did. Instead he held her wrist with a soft grip and calmly guided her down the rows of game until stopping at the table to watch.

      It was Amber vs Kunpimook.

     "I'm gonna beat your ass so hard Amber" Kunpimook dared.

     "Ha! You're talking to the air hocky master here!" Amber said cockily.

     "PSHHH, In your dreams" Kunpimook grinned.

     "It's about to get crazy in here" Mark mumbled to Krystal.

     "Oh jeez" She muttered worriedly.

     Mark chuckled and watched the entertaining scene go down. Amber and Kunpimook were probably two of the most competitive people he'd ever met so this was pretty hectic.

     "YOUR MOM'S GAY" Amber shrieked as she scored another point.

     "YOUR DADS A LESBIAN" Kunpimook screamed, tying against Amber as he made another point. 

      The others were all laughing there asses off watching them fight over a game like air hockey. Even Krystal couldn't help but giggle every so often. The score was now at 6:6 when the game stopped.

     "WHAT??!!" They both screamed "IT WAS TIE!!!!"

     "Okay, okay, move now so we can play" Jinhwan ordered.

     Amber and Kunpimook huffed and moved aside whilst glaring at each other. Mark went up to play and smiled Krystal.

     "Wanna try?" he asked.

     Krystal looked at the others who all nodded at her. She nervously went up to the other side of the table. 

    "Have you ever played before?" Donghyuk asked.

     "Only once..." Krystal answered truthfully.

     She began to play against Mark who made it in on the first shot. Krystal tilted her head like she was thinking. She picked up the puck and hit it against the wall of the table, watching it make it into the goal. She gained a chorus of cheers.

     They continued to play and Krystal was surprisingly good but Mark still won by one point.  

     "Wow! That was fun!" Krystal smiled excitedly.

     "Yeah, you're not half bad Krystal" Jinhwan commented.

     "I'll take that as a compliment" She said.

     So the group continued to play games at the arcade, getting hella competitive over the multiplayer ones. They even argued over a four player Pacman game. The time they spent was filled with joy and laughter and they wouldn't have it any other way. 

     After a few more games, they all flocked to a fast food place and sat down. Jinhwan and Mark came back with huge plates of food and set them down on the table. Everyone cheered and sat down. Krystal looked at the food a little warily. 

     "You good Krystal?" Hanbin asked.

     "I just..." Krystal trailed "I've... never had fast food before..."

     YoungJae almost choked.

     "SERIOUSLY???" Donghyuk asked.

     Krystal blushed and nodded shyly. 

     "Damn, you're missing out" Amber said "Try it"

     Krystal picked up a fry and bit into it. She winced, cringing at the taste.

     "It's so salty" she chuckled.

     A few of them laughed. 

     "Try the burger" Hanbin grinned.

     Krystal did as told but didn't seem so grossed out.

     "This can't be good for you" she commented.

     The table once again erupted with laughter. 

     Krystal laughed a bit herself. Amber was right when she said all her friends were great. She was having fun with people who actually cared about her for the first time in a really really long time.      
