

((WARNING: This chapter contains cross dressing, fighting and harassment)) 

     The large group of 9 was all laying around on the floor, watching horror movie together. They were at Krystal and Amber's dorm at the moment when they heard a knock and the door opened. Krystal stepped in with something in her hands with an excited but anxious smile on her face. 

     Jinhwan paused the movie as they looked at her. 

     "Hey Krys~ What's that?" Yunhyeong asked curiously.

     Yes, Yunhyeong told her he wasn't mute. They had all been hanging out with Krystal for a while and they had all grown close with her. 

     "So~ It is 100% okay if you say no~ but~ my sisters friend is throwing a really big Halloween party and I kinda sorta got you guys invited~" Krystal grinned shyly.

     Everyone, looked at her in shock. 

     No one was saying anything which made her a bit nervous.

     "Is that a no?..." she asked worriedly.

     "Actually..." Jinhwan trailed. 

     "I'm down!" YoungJae beamed.

     "But we don't have anything to ware" Hanbin mentioned.

     They all noticeably were disappointed... except for Krystal who immediately brightened up.

     "I CAN TAKE YOU GUYS SHOPPING!!!" She nearly screamed.

     "No~ Krystal you shouldn't have to spend your money on u-"

     Krystal took out her thick asf wallet and raised a brow.

     "Honey. There's more where that came from" she said bluntly.

     The others grinned in excitement. They all rushed out and split up into Mark, Krystal and Jinhwan's cars. 

     They arrived at the mall and Krystal dragged them in.

     "Imma make you look sexy as fuck!" she beamed.


     Krystal got them all dressed and to say they were shocked was an understatement.

     ((Jinhwan's outfit is on the left ^))

((Yunhyeong's outfit ^))

((Hanbin's outfit ^))

((Donghyuk's outfit ^))

((Kunpimook's outfit ^))

((Mark's costume ^))

((YoungJae's costume ^))

((SunYoul's outfit bc he'd make an adorable whit rabbit ^))

((Amber's outfit cuz don't tell me she wouldn't look badass as Jigsaw ^))

((Krystal cuz she looked D O P E in that 6))

     "See~ You guys look hot as hell" Krystal grinned.

      Everyone looked at themselves in the mirror.

     "Damn Krystal, you did good" Mark said, checking himself out.

     "Yeah~ I know" Krystal said.

     "Let's go~" SunYoul beamed.

     The group all went to the party together in the same cars as before.

     When they arrived, they could hear just how loud it was from all the way outside and they could even smell the alcohol from the yard. 

     Despite their nervous feeling they entered anyway...

     And when they did it was like everything had stopped...

     Everyone was staring at them in shock which only made them even more nervous. Even the DJ didn't realize the record was scratching for a while. 

     He finally did and fixed it and everyone started dancing again.

     "W-What was that?" Yunhyeong asked over the music.

     "I guess Krystal was right!" YoungJae laughed.

     They all pushed passed the people, holding onto each other tightly. They eventually made it to Jessica Jung, Krystal's sister. The two sister's talked for a while before Krystal introduced her friends. 

     "Damn~ Krystal you got them lookin hot as hell!" Jessica exclaimed.

     Krystal laughed at her sisters statement. 

     "Keep an eye on them" Jessica warned her lowly.

    Krystal nodded seriously, knowing what her sister meant.

    The group of 10 eventually moved into the center of all the people dancing. They once again became the center of attention with the way they moved and dressed. However, with the large number of people in their, they all split off. 

     Jinhwan found himself panting and headed to the snack bar. He got cup of "water" and sipped it. Jinhwan noticed how odd it tasted and took one more tiny sip to be sure. 

     There was definitely something in it. 

    He set it down, cringing a bit. He was smart and he wasn't going to get drunk out of his mind when they barely got there.... or get drunk at all for that matter. 

     He turned around only to bump into someone. 

     It was tall, shady looking guy who quite obviously drunk. 

     "Damn~ baby" he slurred, pushing him against the table. 

     Jinhwan grew nervous and gripped the table like it could save him.

     "You're too pretty to be out here all alone" He grinned, holding Jinhwan's slim waist "You ought to have a boyfriend, don't cha?"

     "U-Uhm" was all Jinhwan could get out.

    "Well that wasn't a yes" the guy said, leaning closer.

     He grabbed Jinhwan's wrist and dragged him off. Jinhwan gasped and tried to pull away. 

     "Y-Yah!" He exclaimed.

     Jinhwan was dragged into a bedroom and pushed onto the bed forcefully. Jinhwan whirled around with wide eyes, and shoved the guy backwards, running for the door. 

     The guy grabbed him holding him against his chest. Jinhwan hunched over, trying to squirm free. Jinhwan was on his hands and knees now while this guy was hugging him tightly to his chest. Jinhwan felt the guys hand move to his thigh. 

     "NOOO!!! STOP!!!" Jinhwan screamed.

     The guy took of the cape Jinhwan was wearing and started lifting his dress. 

     Jinhwan screamed at the top of his lungs.

     The door suddenly burst open. 

     Jinhwan gasped and looked up, shocked to see Junhoe standing their angrily. Jinhwan blinked a few times before smiling widely and letting out an amazed laugh. 

     "JUNE!!!" He beamed.

     He had never been so happy to see his room mate in all his life


     Junhoe was leaning against the wall in the hallway, ignoring everything around him when he heard a door slam beside him. His head whipped in that direction. He almost thought he saw... Jinhwan? 

     No, that can't be right.

     Jinhwan isn't a party person.

     Junhoe shrugged it off and sipped his drink when he heard a faint sound of heals. It sounded like the were running to the door. Junhoe furrowed his brows and pressed his ear against the door to listen closer. 

      "NOOO!!! STOP!!!"

     That was Jinhwan. 

     Junhoe grabbed the door nob and shook it vigorously.


     He heard Jinhwan scream and kicked the door open. 

     Junhoe saw the position they were in and only got even more pissed. 

     He looked at Jinhwan who smiled brightly.

     "JUNE!!!" He beamed.

     Junhoe was infuriated. 

     He ran and tackled the man, making Jinhwan fall onto the floor with a thud. Jinhwan groaned and looked up. 

     Junhoe was mercilessly beating the shit out of this guy. 

     Jinhwan got after minute and jumped onto the bed, getting in between them and calmed Junhoe down, putting a hand on his-quite exposed- chest

    ((Junhoe's outfit ^))

     "What are you-"

     Junhoe froze...

     He stared at Jinhwan and his outfit. 

     Now it was just him and Jinhwan, in his tight ass dress, a choker and fishnet tights...

     So Junhoe did what any other gay male would've done in that moment...

     He made out with him...
