
     The group arrived at school a little early that morning. Hanbin kept his eyes pealed for Jiwon, hunting for him. He knew that Jiwon wasn't hurt, he just wanted to see what he was doing. The rest were walking with him down the long hallways having a conversation about something that was probably dumb. Hanbin could care less. 

     By no means was he saying that he didn't care about his friends, because he did! A lot actually. He just really wanted to see Jiwon. 

     Hanbin had already admitted to himself that he liked Jiwon and wanted to be a little more then friends, but he hadn't convinced himself that Jiwon liked him back yet... 

     He sighed and looked down at his feet. Jiwon probably left to go on a date with some other girl...  He frowned at thought, though was probably right. Why would Jiwon like him anyway? Even after his 'glow up' he didn't find himself attractive. He figured that Jiwon had no reason to like him. 

     But then his logical side kicked in. Why was he the only boy he ever flirted with? Why would Jiwon try THIS hard to get him like he did? They had SEX for Pete's sake! 

     But wasn't that Jiwon's thing? Fucking around and pushing people until they did it with him then leaving?....

     Maybe Jiwon was already done with him...

     He probably already found another toy to play with and left him in the dust. 

     "Hanbin? What's wrong?" he looked up, seeing Jinhwan and Junhoe's worried faces. 

     "Are you alright?" Jinyoung asked. 

     Hanbin reached up to his face to find that his cheeks were wet. He didn't even realize he was crying. He was quick to wipe away his tears, nodding. 

     "Yeah, sorry" he nodded, keeping his eyes cast to the floor. 

     "Are you sure?" Amber asked, holding his shoulder. 

     He nods. 

     "You can tell us, Hanbin, you know that right?" Chanwoo asked softly. 

     Hanbin sighed, his shoulders slumping down. 

     "Does.... Does Jiwon like me?" Hanbin asked "...do any of you know..."

     They all frowned at each other. 

     Yugyeom let out a laugh. Hanbin flinched, feeling a little embarrassed now. 

     "Are you kidding Hanbin?! I've never seen him like anyone as much as he likes you" Yugyeom chuckled. 

     Hanbin looked up hopefully. 

     "R-Really?!" he asked hopefully. 

     They all nodded, looking at him with reassuring smiles. Hanbin smiled brightly, laughing a little from sheer happiness. They continued to walk, going to their classes. 


     It was the end of the day and Hanbin was in a much better mood then he was before. 

     He walked out of the school with the others in toe. Jiwon had disappeared for the entire day. Hanbin still kind of wondered where he went but was more occupied with his friends at the moment. 

     That's when they all looked forward in surprise. 

     Hanbin furrowed his eyebrows looking forward. His smile fell, melting in a face of pure shock. 

     Jinwon was standing with a large sign that simply said: Hanbin, Boyfriend???

     Hanbin rushed up to him with a warm smile. Jiwon laughed a little bit, looking at him with a nervous smile, which Hanbin found adorable. 

     "So?~...." he asked. 

     Hanbin giggled and leaned forward....


     Jiwon looked at him wide eyed, holding his reddening cheek. 

     "THAT'S for taking so long!" Hanbin shouted. 

     "And THIS"

     Hanbin kissed him. 

     "Is a yes!"


