
     Jinhwan whimpered as a ray of sunlight cast over his closed eyes. His eyes fluttered open and took him a moment to realize that he wasn't on his own bed, or in his own room. He felt a rush of panic and attempted to sit up, only to receive a sharp pain in his lower area and a heavy weight pull him down again. 

     Jinhwan looked down to see Junhwan's heavy body sprawled on top of his own, both of them completely naked. Jinhwan carefully pushed him off and sat up, whimpering as the pain returned. He huffed and attempted to stand up, only for his weak legs to shake and make him fall right back down with a thud.

     His sighed and sat up on the floor, hearing the bed creak as Junhoe sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked at Jinhwan tiredly before his eyes widened. 

     "We fucked last night" They said simultaneously

     They both looked at each other in sudden realization as memories of the night before came flooding back. 

     "Can you stand?" Junhoe asked.

     Jinhwan blushed and shook his head.

     Junhoe got up and put on his pants before tossing Jinhwan his shirt, knowing he probably wouldn't want to slip into that tight dress again. Jinhwan stood up and put on the shirt. He stood up, clinging to the bed post for support. The black shirt with the already wide v-neck barely stayed on his shoulders, making the shirt drape down and nearly touch his knees.

     Junhoe lifted him in his arms after he grabbed all of their stuff. He turned to walk out the door but Jinhwan stopped him.

     "Wait" he spoke up "Junhoe... what are we?"

     Junhoe thought about his words for a while before pressing his lips against Jinhwans.

     "Well... can I be your boyfriend?" Junhoe asked.

     Jinhwan nodded and kissed him passionately again. Junhoe left the room with Jinhwan in his arms when they heard another door open, revealing a small, worriedly looking Yunhyeong in Chanwoo's large blue coat. 


     Yunhyeong walk up to an aching back and heavy weight on his chest. He's eyes fluttered open and he found himself in an odd place... 

     A bathroom

     That wasn't his

     Yunhyeong gasped and sat up, wining at the pain that he felt in his rear. Chanwoo was laying on top of him and they were both naked in the bathtub. Yunhyeong looked around, seeing their abandoned clothes. He quickly climbed out of the tub and grabbed his stuff. He looked his dress in thought, remembering the pain of putting it on peace by peace.

     Yunhyeong looked down at Chanwoo's clothes, then at him. He picked up Chanwoo's blue coat and pulled it on. He muttered an apology even though Chanwoo wouldn't hear it and rushed out the door.

     "Yunhyeong?" a familiar voice asked.

     Said boy whirled around with wide eyes, seeing Jinhwan and Junhoe. Yunhyeong furrowed his eye brows and pointed between them.

     "Yeah, we're a thing now" Jinhwan confirmed "Do you know where the others are?" 

     Yunhyeong shook his head. 


     Hanbin woke up to a pair of arms wrapped tightly around his waist. His eyes widened slowly and he found himself in a bed that wasn't his own. He groaned and squirmed in the persons arms. He finally realized that he was naked and began to panic. He finally broke out of the persons arms and sat up, receiving a sharp pain in his ass. 

     He looked at the other person in the bed and blushed. It was Jiwon. 

     Hanbin looked around and saw their clothes. He slipped on his simple red shirt and black skirt, grabbing his other stuff. He was about to leave with his suddenly stopped. He looked back at Jiwon and ran back to the bed. He gave Jiwon lips a soft, lingering kiss before he ran out of the room. 

     "Hey Hanbin" 

     Hanbin looked up to see Jinhwan in Junhoes arms as well Yunhyeong, standing beside them. 

     "You too?" Jinhwan asked.

     Hanbin nodded.

     "Come on, lets go back to the dorms, the others are already there" Junhoe said.

     Hanbin nodded and walked back to them, having a limp. Yunhyeong helped him as they all went to Junhoes car and drove back. 


     Donghyuk woke up to an all too familiar feeling. His aching ass, the body on top of him, the tousled sheets. It all brought a small to his face, knowing who was on top of him.

     "Jackson" he giggled, pushing on Jackson's shoulder.

     Jackson took a deep breath and sat up, hovering over Donghyuk. They had gone home, half way into the party and fucked harder than they ever had which was really saying something since those two did it quite a bit.

     Jackson smiled at him and kissed Donghyuk passionately. Jackson showered his neck with kisses, making Donghyuk giggle and squirm underneath him and try to push him off (though he wasn't really trying).

      "Baby no~ We have to get up~"

      Jackson laughed and finally sat up, getting Donghyuk one of his large, pastel blue sweater and a pair of grey sweat pants for himself.

      The day started off normal for the couple but neither of them had any idea what was comeing next....
