"They're gonna blow up our school." Hyo-ryung uttered in a shaky tone. "Where are we supposed to take cover? There's nowhere to hide." Wu-jin said looking around as all of them tried to think about a way to get out of the building when suddenly a scream made them alert.

"CHEONG-SAN!" A really angry voice yelled making them stand up. "It's Gwi-nam." Chaeyoung said as Suhyeok pulled her behind him.

"That asshole never dies." Dae-su said as Cheong-san stood up with a metal bat in his hand. "Maybe we heard wrong. It's quite now." Hyo-ryung said looking behind, Chaeyoung just shook her head.

"It's him... He's coming closer." Chaeyoung said as the sound of footsteps got closer suddenly, Gwi-nam pulled away the plastic curtain and peeked out, Suhyeok immediately shielded the group while Gwi-nam just smiled creepily, he had blood all over his face.

"Here you are." He said followed by a light chuckle. Cheong-san hurried towards Gwi-nam and swung the bat in his face but Gwi-nam was quick to dodge it. He pulled the bat from Cheong-san with force making him fall onto the ground. Gwi-nam jumped out of the window and walked towards Cheong-san, placing his foot on his chest.

Suhyeok attacked Gwi-nam in order to pushing him away from Cheong-san but Gwi-nam was quick enough to punch him which made Suhyeok loose his balance and slip off the edge. A gasp left Chaeyoung's lips as she immediately bent down and held Suhyeok's hand, trying to pull him up with all of her energy. Suhyeok pulled himself up by holding on to the edge of the pavement while Gwi-nam and Cheong-san were throwing punches at each other.

"Cheong-san!" On-jo exclaimed while Gwi-nam was holding Cheong-san over the edge by his collar. Cheong-san punched Gwi-nam in the face once but the second time, Gwi-nam held Cheong-san's arm as he twisted it while glaring at the group.

Gwi-nam munched on Cheong-san's arm while Cheong-san kept screaming in pain, Suhyeok was about to go help him but Wu-jin and Dae-su held him back. Gwi-nam tore a piece of Cheong-san's flesh as blood dripped down from his wound. Gwi-nam pushed Cheong-san who was breathing heavily and seemed like couldn't fight back anymore, to the wall.

But before Gwi-nam could do anything, the high pitched sound used in the drones to gather all the zombies in one place reached his ears. Both Gwi-nam and Chaeyoung fell to the ground while covering their ears and groaning in pain. "Chaeyoung." Nam-ra bent down beside Chaeyoung while holding her close as she covered her ears.

Cheong-san took the chance and pushed Gwi-nam off the building. Cheong-san stood up straight while staring at the bite mark from Gwi-nam, he slowly turned his gaze towards On-jo who walked towards him.

"It's not what you think. It's okay." On-jo assured walking towards Cheong-san who took a step backwards. "Do you hear me? Don't do it." On-jo said firmly, her eyes watering. "You are going to be fine." She consoled. "On-jo. No one's dying. Not here, not today." Cheong-san said making On-jo sigh.

"I just... Just don't say anything. We will talk about it tomorrow, okay?" She said while Cheong-san just kept staring at the ground. He pulled out his name tag, handing it over to On-jo. "You hold on to it for me." Cheong-san said as he pulled out On-Jo's name tag from his pocket. "And i will hold on to this." He said, holding back a sob.

On-jo looked up at Cheong-san with tears rolling down her cheeks, Cheong-san took a step forward and placed a kiss on her lips. After a few seconds, he pulled away and smiled at her before heading inside the building but On-jo's sob made him turn around and hug tightly, maybe for the last time. Even though he didn't wanted to let go of On-jo, he pulled himself away from the hug and pushed her towards Suhyeok.

"Suhyeok, go to the first floor." Cheong-san said before jumping inside the building. "HEY! YOU ALL. COME AFTER ME. Today I am... THE HAPPIEST GUY I THIS SCHOOL!" Cheong-san yelled in order to attract the zombies in the building.

"Come on guys. Let's go." Mi-jin said as Ha-ri pulled On-jo along with her, giving a chance to Suhyeok for helping Chaeyoung up. "Let's go." He whispered as Him and Nam-ra helped Chaeyoung stand up.

The group successfully escaped the building when Gwi-nam once again entered the building. Surely, this asshole never dies.

The group ran towards the hill when the bomb exploded sending debris flying towards them.

โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข

The group stared at their burning school with tears rolling down their cheeks, A place that was once filled with laughter of students was now just as similar to how you would imagine hell.

It was finally morning, all of them were sitting by the trees in the forest, trying to think about what's next but in reality they were just numb.

A pain full groan from Dae-su made them all turn their heads towards him. "Stay still." Wu-jin said holding injured leg gently.

On-jo stood up and walked ahead, staring in the direction of the construction building they were in yesterday, where they lost Cheong-san. Suhyeok followed her, "Let's go." He said but got no response. "On-jo, let's go." He repeated himself, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I can't go on like this." She said as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I am sorry. Can you wait for just a sec?- actually, nevermind. Go ahead, I will catch up with you guys." She said walking away.

Chaeyoung stood up and walked towards Suhyeok. "I will go with her." She said looking up at Suhyeok. "I will go with you." He said as both of them followed On-jo. "I will come as well." Dae-su said as tried to get up but the immense pain in his leg didn't let him. "No, you are injured. Wu-jin keep an eye on Dae-su." Suhyeok instructed in a stern voice.

The three of them reached the burnt construction site. "Hey Cheong-san." On-jo called out, silence. "Cheong-san!" She called out again, louder this time, again silence. "Cheong-san you're such a jerk!" On-jo cried as she fell to her knees while sobbing. Chaeyoung slowly walked towards her and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Let's go..." She muttered softly as On-jo looked at her. "I don't smell anything. There's no one here." She said, her voice shaking. "Let's say bye to Cheong-san... And keep going." She said as tears rolled down her cheeks as well, without wasting another moment, Chaeyoung embraced On-jo who kept crying on her shoulder.

The three of them returned to the group as they continued their journey to the safe camp.



I hope y'all liked the new chapter!

I am not kidding when I say I cried when Cheong-san died like seriously.

Stay tuned to see what kind of ending Suhyeok and Chaeyoungย  have.

Ignore the typos and grammatical errors, the chapter is unedited and English is not my first language.

Lastly, don't be a ghost reader and make sure to vote, comment and follow me!

