
Chaeyoung panicked as she ran towards the door and looked outside but saw no trace of Suhyeok. Suddenly Dae-su screamed as Chaeyoung turned towards him and saw Zombies reaching out to him through the broken window. Joon-yeong quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher kept in the room as he started hitting the zombie's hand multiple times but nothing seems to be working. While hitting the zombie away Joon-yeong broke the glass of another window giving the zombies more room to get inside. Joon-yeong blinked as he got away from the window when Cheong-san and Wu-jin placed a huge table by to window covering it.

Everyone started stacking up chairs and tables on tbe windows and doors when Chaeyoung noticed Joon-yeong shivering really bad, showing how scared he was. Chaeyoung walked over to him as she held his hand in order to calm him which did work making Joon-yeong smile at her. "Thanks..." He muttered. "It's okay, let's get back to work." Chaeyoung said as Joon-yeong fixed his glasses before helping others to block the doors and windows.

"Need some help?" Chaeyoung asked Nam-ra who was pulling a huge table towards the door. "Yes please." Nam-ra as she both of them pushed the table towards the door completely blocking it.

"How can you lose it?!" Na-yeon yelled at On-jo making Chaeyoung roll her eyes as she turned towards them. "Who cares? At least we have a secured room now." Gyeong-su said as he walked towards the door with a desk. "Like you can speak." Na-yeon said making Gyeong-su turn towards her. "What?" Gyeong-su asked as he placed the desk aside. 'Here we go again.' Chaeyoung thought to herself as a sigh left her lips. "Only if you locked the door the gym teacher wouldn't get us. We almost died because of you." Na-yeon spat as Gyeong-su tightly closed his eyes, trying to hold in his anger. "Why didn't you do anything yourself then?" Gyeong-su asked. "Ugh you are so fucking annoying!" Na-yeon yelled as Gyeong-su walked towards her in anger as he held her hairs. "Yah yah! Gyeong-su!" Chaeyoung immediately came between them as she slightly pushed Gyeong-su away from Na-yeon. "You both can fight later. This not the time." Ji-min said as she placed a chair on the stack of desks. "Yeah s-she's right." Hyo-rung said almost crying.

They were all a mess.

"Where is Suhyeok?!" On-jo asked as she looked at Cheong-san. 'Finally someone cared.' Chaeyoung thought to herself as she again walked towards the door hoping to see Suhyeok but all she could see was a bunch of zombies wondering in the hallway.

"You were with him right?" On-jo asked Cheong-san who looked at Chaeyoung. "He was behind me." Cheong-san said. "Then where is he now?" On-jo asked. "I don't know." Cheong-san simply said as On-jo looked around clearly worried for Suhyeok.

Suddenly, the speakers went on. "Students and Teachers of Hyosan High school. I am Park Sun-hwa, the English teacher. Something strange is happening throughout the school. Some students are attacking other students indiscriminately. If any student or teacher hears this, please contact the police or fire department. Students, please find a safe place to hide until help arrives. If you can get out of the school then please get out. I will repeat again. Some students are... " Ms. Park stopped as she started breathing heavily. "Hey everyone... You are okag right? You are not hurt right? I don't know what's going on or how this all started but... Find a safe place to hide. I... I am sorry i can't help..." Ms. Park said as she started sobbing. Chaeyoung's eyes started to water as she held in a sob, it was to much to handle, for everyone but they need to survive. 'Suhyeok-ah please stay alive...' Chaeyoung thought as her thoughts wondered back to him.

"Suhyeok would be so happy to know how much she cares about him." Dae-su said as Wu-jin nodded in agreement. "He will be on cloud nine." Wu-jin said with a chuckle as they watched Chaeyoung whose eyes were glue at the hallway hoping for Suhyeok to return safely.

"Suhyeok will be fine... He is an athlete after all." I-sak said as she place her hand on Chaeyoung's shoulder. "Yeah..." Chaeyoung said with a smile which died the very next moment. "I-sak..." Chaeyoung whispered as she pointed at I-sak's nose which was bleeding. "Huh? What's wrong?" I-sak wondered as she touched her bleeding nose. I-sak immediately ran towards a small mirror as panic rose in her as she saw her reflection. Her nose was dripping blood and her eyes were turning bloodshot.

"She was bitten..." Nam-ra said while pointing at I-sak's leg which had a bite mark. "N-no.. No i wasn't. I am fine." I-sak said trying to convince others and herself. "I-sak..." On-jo walked towards her best friend, tears pooling in her eyes. "On-jo I am fine." I-sak said with a laugh as On-jo hugged her while crying. "Yah! Why are you crying? I am fine." I-sak said as she pulled away still holding On-jo's shoulders who was in tears. "What are you all doing?! Get her out of here!" Na-yeon yelled gaining the attention of the zombies in the corridor. "I-" I-sak started but fell flat on the ground before her body started to twitch. Cheong-san immediately ran towards On-jo as he pulled her away from I-sak and stood in front of her in a protective way.

"Please do something! Throw her out of the window!" Na-yeon said as I-sak stood up, now totally turned into a zombie. "She turned into a zombie! Do something!" Na-yeon kept whining. "I-sak... Don't do this... Please." On-jo said to I-sak who stared at both Cheong-san and her hungrily. I-sak stopped for a moment before she lunged at the couple. Cheong-san immediately pushed On-jo aside as he defended himself. "Yah! Stop it!" On-jo yelled as she watched Cheong-san hit her best friend. Cheong-san pushed I-sak away as he picked up a stool to fight I-sak. "Cheong-san!" On-jo yelled stopping Cheong-san as I-sak ran towards her. "On-jo!" Chaeyoung ran towards her pushing I-sak out through the window. I-sak was about to fall when On-jo caught her hand, not letting her go. "Yah leave her!" Cheong-san said as he tried to pull On-jo back but she was just being stubborn. Na-yeon kicked a stool which rolled towards Cheong-san's feet as he picked it up and started hitting I-sak's hand with it as her grip started to loosen on On-jo's hand. After a few more hits she finally let go of On-jo's hand falling to the ground as On-jo just stared her best friend who was now one of those monsters.

Chaeyoung walked towards On-jo who was just sitting near the window all numb. Placing her hand on On-jo's shoulder she said, "On-jo... I am sorry... But let's be practical. She could've-" before she could say anything further On-jo yanked her hand away indicating that she was not at all interested in this conversation making Chaeyoung sigh and walk away to Nam-ra.

"We are not gonna last here longer."

━ Mush ˚ ΰΌ˜β™‘ β‹†ο½‘Λš
