"Is the door open yet?!" Chaeyoung whined as she looked back at Wujin and Dae-su who were trying to break down the door. Chaeyoung diverted her attention towards Suhyeok and Cheong-san who were fighting multiple zombies at once.

"Suhyeok!" Chaeyoung warned when she spotted a Zombie reaching out for his leg. Suhyeok immediately kicked the zombie away. Chaeyoung ran towards Cheong-san and threw away the zombie who was holding on to the ground.

More and more zombies kept occurring making it harder for the three to handle them alone. "Chaeyoung!" Nam-ra yelled making Chaeyoung look up at her holding a blue sheet. "Go for it!" Chaeyoung yelled back as she threw a zombie down the stairs which took the other approaching zombies along with it.

Nam-ra and Ji-min threw the blue sheet on the zombies trapping them under it. But still somehow a few zombies made their way towards them as Suhyeok and Cheong-san kept them away from the group.

Both Suhyeok and Cheong-san paused when a familiar person wearing a white jacket walked up the stairs while holding up a female zombie by her hairs.


"I found you." Gwi-nam said with a smirk while approaching Cheong-san. Cheong-san swung a metal piece at Gwi-nam in his defense but Gwi-nam was just casually held it before it could hit him. Cheong-san held Gwi-nam back by the metal piece. "Give me your eye huh?" Gwi-nam's hand reached for Cheong-san's eye, about to poke his thumb in when Chaeyoung held him up by his throat in the air. Once again, Chaeyoung's eyes went bloodshot, her free hand twitching and this time the red veins near her eyes were clearly visible. She threw Gwi-nam in the swarm of zombies below as she came back to her senses.

"Guys! The door is unlocked!" On-jo said as everyone turned towards the door. "Okay, in 3. 1. 2. 3!" Both Suhyeok and Cheong-san said before pushing the zombies away and running towards the rooftop.




All of them cried helplessly as they watched the helicopter leave without them.

"Mom..." Hyo-ryung kept crying as On-jo was comforting her while everyone else were staring at the helicopter getting away.

Chaeyoung looked back at Cheong-san who was sitting by the door while trying to catch his breath. Suddenly loud banging was heard on the door causing Cheong-san to jolt away from the door. Everyone turned their heads towards the door as the banging continued, Cheong-san walked closer to the door followed by Suhyeok. The banging just got louder and stronger before it stopped completely.

"He's gone." Chaeyoung said, confusing everyone around her. "Who's gone?" Suhyeok asked. "Gwi-nam. It's his smell. I can hear his breathing..." Chaeyoung said as everyone looked at her weirdly.

"She was weird." Cheong-san and Suhyeok were discussing Chaeyoung, Gwi-nam and Eun-ji's (Eunji, the girl whom Gwi-nam and his group bullied, she was also turned into a hambie) condition. "She was like Gwi-nam." Cheong-san said. "Chaeyoung is also like him..." Cheong-san said as both of them looked that Chaeyoung who was sitting away from the group while staring in space. "She'll be fine." Suhyeok spoke. "You can't guarantee that..." Cheong-san said with a sigh.

"We can't guarantee anything right now, can we?" Suhyeok asked. "We don't even know if we will live." Suhyeok said before patting Cheong-san's back with a small smile. "Let's go make a SOS sign." Suhyeok said as he walked away. "Bare-su." Cheong-san called out, making Suhyeok turn around towards him. "What if it was On-jo? Will you just abandon her?" Suhyeok asked leaving Cheong-san speechless.

The group made a SOS sign with the help of sticks and things kep around as Joon-yeong directed them.

"Have a look guys, we did a great job!" Dae-su spoke as Everyone gathered together except Chaeyoung and Suhyeok who were standing away from the group.

The group gathered around Cheong-san who was trying to ignite a fire, using a stick and board. "Wait let me try." Wu-jin said as Cheong-san handed it over to him but nothing worked as Wu-jin handed it over to Joon-yeong. "Ah ah.. Cramps cramps!" Joon-yeong said as he let go of the stick while holding his hand. Dae-su was the next one to take over and bruh, he wasn't doing any great job as well. "I'll kill him." Wu-jin muttered. "Yah! Leave it to me!" Suhyeok said before snatching the stick away from Dae-su. Chaeyoung looked at Suhyeok who was having a hard to time trying to ignite the fire with concern. "Let me try." Chaeyoung volunteered as everyone turned towards her. "Ah it's fine." Suhyeok assured making Chaeyoung sigh as she bent down beside him and snatched the stick away from him.

Chaeyoung also had a hard time before smoke started to to come out which got everyone excited but the smoke soon died down as Chaeyoung failed as well.

"Yah..." Nam-ra held out a Lighter as everyone just looked at her with a 'are you serious?' look. "I smoke sometime." Nam-ra confessed as Suhyeok immediately took the lighter from her and they successfully lit up a fire on the school's rooftop.

It was around sunset. The group was sitting by the Fire, all of tem were exhausted, some even sleeping peacefully.

Chaeyoung stood away from the group, watching the sun slowly go the horizon. 'Yet another day went by...' Chaeyoung thought as a sigh escaped her lips. "You okay?" Suhyeok whispered in her ear from behind causing her to let out a yelp. "Sorry to scare you." Suhyeok said with a chuckle as he leaned on the edge of the rooftop.

Chaeyoung stared at the taller guy beside her as her mind wondered back to his Confession.

'C'mon Chaeyoung, live in the moment.'

Chaeyoung took a deep breath as she decided to listen to her inner voice this time.

"Suhyeok." Chaeyoung called out causing him to turned towards her. "What-" Chaeyoung cut him off by crashing her lips on his. Suhyeok's eyes went wide as he was taken aback by such a bold move. Chaeyoung pulled away awkwardly as she didn't felt Suhyeok kiss back.

"I'm sorry-" Chaeyoung started but was stopped by Suhyeok who pulled her closer to him by her waist and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Chaeyoung closed her eyes as she wrapped her hand around his neck and kissed him back lovingly.

After a few seconds which felt like heaven, Both of them pulled away. "What do i take this as?" Suhyeok asked with a wide smile, their foreheads still connected.

"I love you too..."



I never experienced kissing someone so i don't know how it feels or something so i am sorry if it disappointing TwT

Anyways! Do vote, comment, follow me and keep supporting!!

━ Mush ˚ ΰΌ˜β™‘ β‹†ο½‘Λš
