"Yes yes!" Suhyeok jumped around like a little kid who successfully convinced his mother to by him a toy. Suhyeok held Chaeyoung's hands as he stared in her eyes lovingly. Chaeyoung chuckled before going on one knee.

"Since you are taking a bit too long, Lee Suhyeok. Will be my boyfriend and give me the honour of calling you mine?" Chaeyoung asked while holding her hand out like a Disney prince. Suhyeok's ears went red at the switch of roles. "Yah!" Suhyeok whined as he pulled Chaeyoung up.

"Are you rejecting me?!" Chaeyoung asked with a dramatic gasp and fake cry. "Ah no no! I just wanna do it in right way." Suhyeok explained as Chaeyoung looked at him with doe eyes.

"So..." Suhyeok cleared his throat before going down on one knee and holding his hand out. "Kim Chaeyoung. Will you be my girlfriend and make me the happiest person alive?" Suhyeok asked with sparkling eyes. "Yes yes!" Chaeyoung nodded violently with a wide smile. Suhyeok stood up before pulling her in a tight embrace.

The sun was already down the horizon. The group was seated around the bonfire. it was a calm night, cold winds were blowing and stars were twinkling in the clear sky above them.

They all sat in comfortable silence while staring at the bonfire. "You are a great singer, sing for us. I wanna hear it." Suhyeok elbowed Dae-su, encouraging him to sing. "Yeah, that will cheer us up." Wu-jin said as Dae-su smiled softly.

"Let's go once it's over."

"Let's go anywhere."

"Once we are done studying 12 hours a day."

"Once the annoying sounds are over."

"Let's go hand in hand."

"Let's not run."

"Let's try walking slowly."

"Is that drool or sweat pooled on the book."

"No one notices the plop, plop."

"The rain drops"

"What's boiling? Simmer, Simmer."

"It's mom's doenjang stew."

"Mmhm, A bowl of instant noodles."

"In front of a TV which plays nothing but static."

"Let's go anywhere together."

Chaeyoung felt herself getting emotional at the song as everyone sang along happily in each others company, despite of all the chaos they went through during the day.

'So, This is how it feels to have real friends.'

Chaeyoung smiled to herself as a single tear left her eyes. "Chaeyoung..." On-jo held Chaeyoung's hand as the tear landed on the back of her hand. Everyone diverted their attention towards Chaeyoung who immediately wiped the tears away. "Ah it's just, this is my first time experiencing something like this. i mean hanging out with... friends." Chaeyoung confessed with a sad chuckle.

"We could've been friends but... You never talked to anyone, i thought you hated us?" Joon-yeong asked. "I... Never hated any of you. I was just... Scared." Chaeyoung confessed, confusing others.

"Scared? Of what?" On-jo asked. "My past." Chaeyoung said with a sigh.

"Now that you've mentioned it, allow us to get to know you?" Wu-jin asked referring to her past.

"Well. Hi, my name is Kim Chaeyoung." Chaeyoung said jokingly. "I live with my mom." Chaeyoung continued. "Your dad?" Dae-su asked. "Ahh.. He passed away." Chaeyoung said lowly. "Oh. How?" Dae-su asked going deeper as Hyo-ryung nudged him. "He was in military." Chaeyoung said as everyone nodded.

"Why are you scared of your past?" Cheong-san asked as Chaeyoung gluped.

'You can't take it to grave anyways.'

Chaeyoung took a deep breath before speaking, "Back in my previous school... Well, I did not have a really good reputation." Chaeyoung said as everyone looked at her curiously. "I was a bully." Chaeyoung simply said, earning a gasp from Hyo-ryung and surprised looks from everyone else. "I used to treat people really badly. I used to relieve my stress by torturing them or just have... Fun." Chaeyoung said feeling disgusted by herself.

"I did not realise how awful my acts were, how awful I was, until one of the victim of my bullying tried to commit suicide. When i got to know about it, i couldn't look at myself in mirror. all i could feel was guilt and regret. I personally apologised to everyone and made- at least tried to make things right... Before transferring here. I always had an urge to make friends but i was scared of, what if y'all come to know about how horrible i was and hated me." Chaeyoung spoke as she kept staring at the bonfire, not daring to look at anyone.

Chaeyoung flinched as someone held her hand, It was Nam-ra. Nam-ra gently held her hand making Chaeyoung slowly look up at her.

"It was your past, the only thing that matters is what you are in present. You might have hurted people in past but in present you didn't let anyone else get hurt..." Nam-ra said as she diverted her eyes at the bite mark on Chaeyoung's arm. "Yeah, she is right." On-jo said as she held Chaeyoung's free hand.

"I was immature back then, i know this isn't an excuse for my actions but-" Chaeyoung was interrupted by Suhyeok. "It's okay, we all almake mistake. We are all growing up, it's okay unless we don't repeat our mistakes." Suhyeok said in an assuring way.

Rest of the time they all just laughed around and Cheong-san actually confessed his love for On-jo but this stupid bitch-

"Chaeyoung, in case if you are single... May i have the honour of calling you mine?" Wu-jin asked jokingly as Chaeyoung looked at Suhyeok with a smirk who was glaring at Wu-jin, ready to kill him any second.

"I'll think about it." Chaeyoung winked at Wu-jin as Suhyeok's eyes widened. "Yah! She's mine!" Suhyeok yelled while holding Wu-jin's collar. "What?!" Everyone else exclaimed. "Yah! I know i know!" Wu-jin laughed, trying to get out of Suhyeok's grip.

"They even kissed!" Wu-jin who witnessed Chaeyoung's confession and saw Suhyeok propose her told everyone else as Cheong-san and Dae-su held Suhyeok on the ground. "How could you not tell us?!" Dae-su asked while holding onto Suhyeok's throat. "I-i was going to tell you all-" Suhyeok laughed, trying to push Dae-su off.

Chaeyoung was laughing along with everyone else when suddenly she heard a strange noise, near by. Chaeyoung stood up as everyone stopped and looked at her.

"Chaeyoung?" Suhyeok called out but Chaeyoung just kept walking towards the edge of the rooftop.

"Surprise motherfucker."

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