
"We can tie all the carts in a circle, then we can use them as shield." Suhyeok suggested as Joon-yeong and Chaeyoung started thinking of a way to execute Suhyeok's plan. Everyone started collecting things that could keep the carts together.

"There is no way this going to work." Mi-jin said as everyone stopped what they were doing and turned towards her. "What do you mean?" Chaeyoung asked. "We can flip it over and hide underneath." Mi-jin suggested, flipping over the lid of one if the carts. "We should stand it up." Wu-jin said. "Yeah sure zombies can't climb right?" Mi-jin said sarcastically as Wu-jin scoffed softly. "Don't be stupid, let's redo them." Mi-jin said.

Joon-yeong slammed his hand on the lid of the cart. "Will you stop interrupting?" Joon-yeong gritted his teeth, getting on Mi-jin's nerve. "How dare you talk to me in that tone huh?!" Mi-jin exclaimed as she rushed over to Joon-yeong, ready to hit him but thanks to Suhyeok who stepped between them as a barrier.

"Will you two stop? It's not the time to fight!" Suhyeok yelled in frustration as everyone went silent. Chaeyoung held Suhyeok's hand, calming him as everyone just stood in silence, thinking of what to do. "Let's just stick with this plan okay? We can do this." Chaeyoung tried motivating everyone. Mi-jin just groaned and rolled her eyes while Joon-yeong just had a disgusted expression. "If something happens, I'll take the responsibility." Joon-yeong said as Mi-jin just rolled her eyes again. Suhyeok patted Joon-yeong's back as they got back to work.

"Everyone, ready?" Cheong-san asked as they stood by the door, all ready with everything, everyone nodded as Suhyeok and Cheong-san opened the door. The gate on the other end, which would lead them to the hill in order to get to the safe zone was their target.

They pushed the carts they were surrounded by as the sound of the wheels and the smell of the human flesh caught the attention of the zombies around. "Be alert and keep pushing." Suhyeok said as they one pushed the carts quicker. The zombies lunged themselves on the carts as everyone tried to pushed them away while walking towards the gate.

A zombie tried reaching Nam-ra as Chaeyoung immediately punched it away. Keeping the zombies away while pushing the huge carts along was a hard task but was working.

A scream left Joon-yeong mouth as everyone looked him. Joon-yeong fell back in the middle of the circle, holding his bleeding hand as Chaeyoung's eyes widened. "Dammit- are you okay?!" Mi-jin asked as she kneeled down beside him. Joon-yeong stared at the bite mark on his hand and then back to his friends. "I took the responsibility." Joon-yeong said before climbing up the carts and luring the zombies away. "Yah Joon-yeong!" Chaeyoung called out, going behind him when Suhyeok pulled her back. "keep going!" Joon-yeong yelled as he kept pushing the the zombies away.

Joon-yeong helped in pulling the carts as multiple zombies lunged at him, biting him all over.

"Let's go. Let's go home."

Last words of Joon-yeong.

The zombies pulled Joon-yeong down as the cart went past him. "Fuck!" Mi-jin yelled hitting the cart, she was crying. All of them kept pushing the carts until they reached the gate.

"It's locked!" On-jo said, panicking. "What?! What do we do now?!" Wu-jin asked as he kept pushing the zombies away. Chaeyoung walked towards the gate as she tried to break it down, soon joined by Suhyeok. Both Suhyeok and Chaeyoung took a few steps back before running towards the door in order to break it when suddenly the gate was opened causing them fall flat on the concrete ground outside.

"Dad..." On-jo said which came out in a whisper. The man who opened the door for them was her father. On-jo ran in her dad's arms as he tightly embraced her. Chaeyoung watched the emotional father daughter reunion as she felt a little sting in her heart which was eased when a sudden wind passed by her.

"Chaeyoung!" Suhyeok rushed towards her and helped her stand up. "Are you okay?" Suhyeok asked as he cupped her cheeks, Chaeyoung nodded just nodded as she felt the bite mark on her arm... Itching?

"Kids, let's go. C'mon." On-jo's father said as he moved away from the door after locking it. Suhyeok held Chaeyoung's hand as they all ran towards the hill, reaching the tennis court. Soon they realised, they were stuck again as the zombies surrounded the tennis court.

"What do we do now?"


Hey Moonstars!

Yeah i know after so long, that too such a short chapter.

It's because, where i watch 'all of us are dead' got it premium for for some reason and because I broke, i cannot watch so i gotta trying remembering it and all so i might miss out some scenes or change some scene :") please bare with me :")

Well I'll try my best to finish this book as soon as possible!

Please ignore the typos or error, I'll fix them as soon as possible okay? <3

Do vote, comment and follow me!

Love you all! Thank you so much for all the support!

โ”€ Mush ๐Ÿ
