"What do we do now?"

Suddenly the zombies broke down the gate and came running towards the group as they all backed up except Suhyeok. Cheong-san, Suhyeok and Mi-jin fought the zombies as others just backed up, Nam-ra shielded Chaeyoung who was worried about Suhyeok.

Onjo's dad lit up a fire crackers to distract the zombies as he threw it to the other sides, the zombies ran towards the fire cracker, giving the group time to get out from the other side. Nam-ra pulled Chaeyoung out, the only ones still inside were Cheong-san, Onjo and her dad. Suddenly the zombies started running towards them as Onjo's dad blew a whistle and ran to the other side, grabbing the attention of the zombies.

Cheong-san held Onjo back as she kept crying, Suhyeok ran in to help Cheong-san pull back Onjo. Onjo's dad kept throwing the fire crackers in different directions to distract the zombies. "Go on, get out of here!" He yelled as he came running towards the gate when a few zombies tackled him to the ground.

Just when everyone was out, Onjo's dad closed the gate with him still inside. "Go!" Onjo's dad yelled for the last time when the zombies lunged at him and started biting him. Suhyeok and Cheong-san pulled Onjo's back as they kept running up the trail in the hill.

After running for a while and being chased by a few zombies, the reached an under construction building. Suddenly, "Stop!" Chaeyoung warned as everyone stopped in their track. Suhyeok looked at Chaeyoung who was breathing heavily and looking in front with a scared expression. "Go upstairs, Go!" She said as a few zombies came running towards them from in front.

Once they reached second floor, they started looking for a place to hide. Chaeyoung and Nam-ra ran towards a window, Nam-ra moved the plastic curtain aside as Chaeyoung called out for others. "Everyone, This way!" She yelled as everyone ran towards them.

All of them hoped out of the window on the little area on the side. "Don't make any noise.." Chaeyoung said, breathing heavily, loud growling and grunting could be heard at a distance.

All of them sat on the little concrete slab. "Nothing is working out. We keep hitting dead ends." Mi-Jin said as Dae-su side eyed her. "Would you be quite? It's your fault Joon-yeong died." Dae-su said, turning his head towards Mi-jin. "Dae-su, don't." Wu-jin interrupted. "If you haven't bitched at him and shut up, he would never have jumped out there." Dae-su blamed as anger started building inside him. "Okay. It is my fault. Happy?" Mi-jin said sarcastically as Chaeyoung sighed. "Can you both just stop? It's not the time." She said as Mi-jin and Dae-su turned away from each other.

"Even if we make it out, would that be living? Our friends and family died..." Wu-jin said lowly, as all of them went quite. "We cannot stay here for too long." Chaeyoung said as she stood up. "We need to find a way and keep moving." She said looking around. "She is right." Ha-ri said standing up. "I will go this way." Ha-ri said, as she took a step to her left. Mi-jin stood up, "I will check te other side." She said and was about to move forward when Suhyeok stopped her. "Stay here, I will go." He said as Mi-jin just rolled her eyes. Chaeyoung held Suhyeok's arm, in order to stop him and the further argument between the two. Suhyeok sighed, stepping aside as Mi-jin walked ahead.

After a few minutes, both Ha-ri and Mi-jin returned, both of them had a look of disappointment. "The zombies are everywhere." Ha-ri said, taking a seat beside her brother.

"Oh god, what do we do now." Chaeyoung sighed leaning back as Suhyeok pull her closer to him. "How's the wound?" He whispered, Chaeyoung totally forgot about the bite mark, she immediately pulled up her sleeves and saw new skin forming on the edges of the wounds. "It's healing..." Suhyeok looked into Chaeyoung's eyes with a glint of hope while chaeyoung was still confused. "But... How can it heal? It didn't heal for anyone else..." Chaeyoung wondered as she caressed the mark. "We will figure it out, let's get out of here as soon as possible." Suhyeok assured placing a kiss on Chaeyoung's lips causing her to blush. "This is not the time." Chaeyoung buried her face in his chest due to shyness.

"I mean... Atleast someone is happy." Wu-jin said as everyone looked at the couple with a 'Are they serious?' look.

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"No, it drops into the basement on that side. And there are exposed steel bars." Mi-Jin said as all of them were trying to find a way out. "No way we can jump." Ha-ri continued. "That side faces the school, there is no point trying it." She said referring to the way she went earlier. "The ground is filled with zombies, we'll die if we go down." Mi-jin said looking around. "there's a door on the first floor that leads to the mountain. We have to go that way." Ha-ri said firmly. "But it's full of zombies." Dae-su said, hesitant to follow what Ha-ri suggested as everyone went quite for a while.

"Can't we reach the roof if we use that and the windows?" Cheong-san asked pointing at the windows and the steel rods as everyone looked up. "If someone goes to the roof and scream, the zombies will follow them. Then I am pretty sure it'll be empty out in there and the rest can escape." Cheong-san suggested as Suhyeok agreed with him. "I'll distract the zombies." Chaeyoung said as Suhyeok whipped his head towards her. "No you won't." He said firmly. "I am not going to survive anyways." Chaeyoung scoffed as she stood up. "Let's get y'all out of here." Chaeyoung spoke when Suhyeok pulled her hand making her sit back. "I said no." He repeated. "Please stop sacrificing yourselves." On-jo said as Chaeyoung just looked away and that's when her zombie instinct activated.

"You hear that?" Chaeyoung asked, gaining everyone's attention. "What?" Suhyeok asked. "They're saying to take cover." Chaeyoung said, her hands started to shake after hearing the next few words. "Chaeyoung..." Nam-ra held Chaeyoung's hand, trying to calm her down. "Who is?" Suhyeok asked, everyone was desperately waiting for her answer.

"We need to take cover. There will be explosions." Chaeyoung said as Hyo-ryung started panicking. "What do you mean by explosions?" She asked. "Are you sure about it?" Suhyeok asked as Chaeyoung nodded. "Hyosan intersection, future college... And also our school will be blown up." Chaeyoung said, Nam-ra's grip on her hand tightened as Hyo-ryung gasped. "Are those fucking soldiers gonna shoot missiles at us?" Wu-jin asked as Ha-ri was trying to think of a way to escape. "When is it going to happen?" Dae-su asked as Chaeyoung just looked down. "I can't really tell. They're just saying to evacuate right now." Chaeyoung said, trying to hear more of the conversation.

"Shit. Where do they expect us to go?" Mi-jin muttered as panic rose in her. "when are they gonna bomb this place?" Dae-su asked, Chaeyoung just stayed silent. "Won't we all die if we just stay here?" Hyo-ryung asked, her voice was shaky. "Do they say where to flee to?" On-jo asked, chaeyoung turned her head towards her. "They say we should hide underground." Chaeyoung said, all of them sighed, trying to think of a way to get out.

"What if they drop nuclear bomb?" Hyo-ryung asked again. "Korea doesn't have nukes. What are you saying?"


Hello Moonstars!

Guess who's back? Back again. Hehehehe
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