
"Are bite marks from zombies supposed to heal?" Chaeyoung turned towards Suhyeok with a frown. "I don't know..." Suhyeok mumbled while caressing the mark.

After a few minutes of silence, Suhyeok buried his face in Chaeyoung's neck. "Just stay with me." Suhyeok whispered before placing a soft kiss on her neck causing butterflies to erupt in her stomach. Chaeyoung hugged Suhyeok and pecked the side of his head, not saying anything as Suhyeok's grip around her waist tightened.

Time skip

Chaeyoung's eyes fluttered open as the sunlight from the window fell on her face. Chaeyoung tried to move but she couldn't as Suhyeok was still holding her tightly. Chaeyoung sighed and relaxed in his arms as she looked around the room.

All of her friends were asleep, friends... A small smile with a hint of sadness took place on her face.

Chaeyoung thought she was the only one up until her gaze fell on Cheong-san was just staring into space. Chaeyoung carefully removed Suhyeok's arms from her waist and stood up, walking towards Cheong-san.

Chaeyoung sat beside Cheong-san which went unnoticed by Cheong-san. "Morning?" Chaeyoung greeted causing Cheong-san to flinch and look at her. "Hey relax." Chaeyoung softly chuckled as Cheong-san just looked away while nodding. "Are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked but regretted it. 'What the fuck do you mean by are you okay? He literally saw his mother as a zombie how can he be alright? Damn it Chaeyoung-" Chaeyoung thought to herself as she shut her eyes tightly.

"No." Cheong-san said emotionlessly as Chaeyoung turned towards him. "Hmmm... I can understand..." Chaeyoung said as the image of her Mother as a zombie crossed her mind. "Alot happened in these 2 days..." Chaeyoung said with a sigh. "It's a hard time but i know we- y'all can make it out of this." Chaeyoung said with an assuring smile as Cheong-san turned his face towards her.

"You are so strong." Cheong-san muttered making Chaeyoung frown. "I don't know what to do anymore. It feels like there is nothing worth living for..." Cheong-san said with a sigh. "Boy you are stronger than me and there is alot of this worth living for, one is right beside you." Chaeyoung said, pointing On-jo who was asleep on Cheong-san's shoulder. "She is. You need to be strong for her." Chaeyoung said as she placed her hand on Cheong-san's shoulder. "Talk with her about everything once you are all out of this mess okay?" Chaeyoung smiled as Cheong-san just stared at her.

"Chaeyoung?" Suhyeok woke up and looked around for Chaeyoung. "Morning." Chaeyoung smiled as Suhyeok took a seat beside her and looked at Cheong-san with a sympathetic expression. "You good?" Suhyeok askedas Cheong-san gave him a small smile. "I will eventually be-" Cheong-san said as he turned towards On-jo who just woke up. "Let's give them some space." Suhyeok whispered as he pulled Chaeyoung away from the couple.

"What is it?" Joon-yeong asked Chaeyoung who was simply just staring at the window. "Did you see something?" He asked again. "The smell is stronger." Chaeyoung said, still not looking away from the window. Dae-su sniffed himself before saying, "I don't smell anything." as Chaeyoung sighed. "I think they're all coming this way." Chaeyoung said before sitting beside Nam-ra.

"Doesn't matter... We are all trapped in here for good now." Joon-yeong said tiredly. "And there is no way out." Joon-yeong continued. "Don't say that..." Hyo-ryung said while looking at the floor. "I think we are all done." Joon-yeong said, not at all helping the situation.

Dae-su walked over and stood in front of Wu-jin and Ha-ri. "I..." Dae-su started. "You?" Mi-jin asked. "I think you're the perfect girl." Dae-su said to Ha-ri. "What? You freak?" Wu-jin raised his voice, catching everyone's attention. "Hey, what are you doing?" Wu-jin asked again, getting protective over his sister. "I saw you shooting your arrows. I saw you train every morning. I went to every tournament and cheered for you. Caught myself yelling 'copper beauty' a few times." Dae-su spoke as Wu-jin covered her sister's ears. "I really liked you for many years." Dae-su confessed. "I wanna be a man and not just a fan." Dae-su said as Mi-jin was trying her best to hold in a laugh.

"I am going to die, anyway. I just want to say what i want first." Dae-su said as Joon-yeong placed his hand on Hyo-ryung's knee, motivated by Dae-su's confession only to get his hand slapped away by Hyo-ryung.

"You are Dae-su right?" Ha-ri asked. "You call my brother your brother-in-law." Ha-ri said as Dae-su smiled happily. Ha-ri held out her hand as Dae-su wiped his hands with his clothes before holding her hand and helping her stand up. "Mush be nice to meet me?" Ha-ri asked as Dae-su nodded shyly. "Then you are okay with dying?" Ha-ri asked blankly. "Yes- what? Today?" Dae-su asked with a confused frown before receiving a punch in his stomach followed by a kick and elbow in the back. "Good. I am pissed off and needed to vent." Ha-ri said as she keep punching Dae-su.

"Wu-jin stop her!" Dae-su exclaimed as he crawled behind trolley. "Hey Ha-ri-" Wu-jin tried stopping Ha-ri but it was of no use as she went behind Dae-su. "I am sorry!" Dae-su exclaimed as he pulled the trolley between him and Ha-ri. "No no, i am glad you told me." Ha-ri said as she tried to move away the trolley. "Why don't you understand? I really like you!" Dae-su repeated. "Get over here, dear husband!" Ha-ri said as Chaeyoung laughed at the scene happening in front of her.

"Ooo... She's cute." Mi-jin said as she looked at Chaeyoung from head to toe. "Yah she's my girlfriend." Suhyeok glared at her. "Oh is that so? Watch out kid, i may steal your girl." Mi-jin challenged. "Yah what the fuck-" Suhyeok raised his voice and took a step forward. "What huh?!" Mi-jin also took a step forward. "What happened?" Chaeyoung stood between them as both of them just glared at each other.

After a few moments of silence, Suhyeok stood up and walked towards the trolleys with the volleyballs and started shaking and kicking it as everyone turned towards him. "What are you doing?" Chaeyoung asked with a frown.

"Do you think we can move this around?"


After a long time!

Also Mi-jin >>>>

Plus this chapter is Unedited so please ignore the errors, I'll try to fix them as soon as possible!

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Love you all!

━ Mush ˏˋ°‒*β€βž·
