Water Under The Bridge

"She is just a child!"

"What difference does it make?"

"If I knew she would be so bloody young I would've never agreed to all of this!"

"There's no turning back now. Niklaus must have sent his men looking for her. If we let her go he will torture us for the rest of our lives. Would you rather have that?"

Aliza's head was hammering, numbness had engulfed her body. She groaned, opening her eyes before squeezing them shut.

"Look who's awake?"

She didn't recognize that voice. Aliza slowly opened her eyes again, blinking a few times to clear her vision. She whipped her head to look around, realizing she was in an unknown empty room with no windows.

Her gaze fell on her hands, chained together. She pulled against the cold metal, wincing at the noise when the chains clashed.

"Those are necessary. No hard feelings."

Aliza stared at the man who stood in the middle of the room. He seemed to be in his mid-30s, with dark hair and an average build. Another man stood beside him, looking worried, he had dark hair too but was more muscular and lean in terms of physique.

"What do you want?!" She yelled, pulling her hands.ย 

Her throat was itching and her legs were throbbing, she must have been on her knees for a long time. She knew enough time had passed for her dad and the others to begin searching for her.

Aliza wished in her mind that they would hurry.

"Skipping straight to the point?" The man smiled, "Just in case you're wondering the name's Tristan."

"I didn't ask you for your stupid name! What do you want?" Aliza spat.

Tristan's lips twitched as he slowly walked towards Aliza. He bent down, looking her in the eye. Aliza's stomach dropped, but she wasn't going to show this guy that she was afraid of him. She didn't look away.

Aliza flinched when he traced the side of her face with his finger.

"You've got the Mikaelson feistiness, my lady, I must say."

"What do you want?"

Tristan smiled, "That is the question, isn't it? But long story short, your Uncle Klaus has a lot to pay for what he did." Aliza clenched her jaw, the word pay igniting a series of horrifying scenarios in her head.

She recognized the authority hidden in his voice, realizing that reasoning with him would be useless.

"Don't you worry," Tristan said, stroking her hair, "I'm not going to hurt you, I swear? You, my Aliza, are here for a special purpose."

He got up and turned to look at the other man.

"Keep an eye on her." He ordered and then glanced back at Aliza, "My lady, don't you dare try to do anything foolish. I prefer not to be provoked." Tristan walked out of the room, leaving her alone in the room with the other man.

Aliza thought about Rebekah. Fear for what might have happened to her coated the fear Aliza felt for herself. She looked up at the man who was staring at her, "Rebekah? She's okay right?"

The man gave her a solemn nod and said, "She's alright." They'd left her unconscious on the road, he was sure she must have regained herself within the next few minutes as soon as they took the girl.

"Are you going to kill me?" She whispered, her voice shaking and small.

He winced as if it was the most brutal question he has ever heard and said, "No, darling. We are not going to hurt you."ย 

At least that's what that witch had told them. The threat she gave when she warned them, over the phone call, if they lay a hand on the girl was quite solid.

"My name's Lucien." He offered gently but the girl didn't reply, keeping her gaze on the floor.

Lucien had no desire to take part in this plan. He was fairly content in staying dead, but Tristan informed him that he must return the favor done by the witch who brought them both back.

Promising to give them Aurora if they did what that she asked for. Lucien had no idea who this witch was or why she wanted them to do her dirty work but he had a bad feeling about this.

While Tristan had agreed on his behalf, Lucien was not sure about this. Sure he hated Klaus and his entire bloody family.

But abducting a child for some twisted experiment?

Aurora was a closed chapter in his life. He loved her. Once. But not anymore.

The path of vengeance only brought doom upon a person, especially when walked with a broken heart. Lucien realized that when Klaus ripped his heart out, his life flashing in his eyes when he was on the brink of death. He didn't wish to follow that road anymore but he didn't get much say in this matter.

Lucien was taken aback after finding out that Hope wasn't the only miracle child of the Mikaelsons. That there was another one, youngest in the family, sheltered all her life without any idea of the truth.


"Search the entire city! No place should be left alone. And call me when you find something!" Klaus barked in his phone, slamming it on the table. He ran a hand across his face, worried sick.

He had been screaming on top of his voice, ordering men to find information regarding Aliza's whereabouts but so far nothing.

Camille was beside Rebekah who was still recovering from the attack. Whoever took Aliza, somehow knew the methods of tackling an original.

"I don't understand. Why would someone do this?" Cami asked, out loud.

She had found Rebekah on the street and gave Klaus an immediate call. They had searched the entire area but there was no sign of Aliza.

They lost it. Not waiting for another second Klaus had sent all his men to New Orleans to look for Aliza.

Marcel was out searching with Rome. Eventually, Kol and Elijah had stormed out of the house because they couldn't sit and wait around anymore.

Klaus had noticed how terrified Kol seemed. His brother was on a killing spree along with Elijah, hurting as many witches, vampires, and werewolves as he could but coming up empty.

Freya was in the study room with Vincent, talking to Bonnie to find a way to track Aliza down. Instead of wasting time worrying, Freya had grabbed their mother's grimoire along with her own and Vincent's and had begun dialing Bonnie's number.

Klaus shoved his phone in his pocket, grabbing his keys from the table, and made his way towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" Camille asked.

"I am paying a visit to the vampires at the warehouse,"

"I'll go with you."

Klaus shook his head, "No, someone has to stay here."

Camille nodded in understanding. It was logical for her to stay back, in case someone showed up with some news.

"I'm sorry," Rebekah said to Klaus as he was leaving, she was feeling awful. Her gut twisting with guilt and fear of what might happen to Aliza.

"It's not your fault, sister," Klaus said. His blood was boiling, the mere thought of someone hurting his niece to get back at him made Klaus lose his mind.


"So what did Klaus do to you?" Aliza asked.

She had to be smart with these people. This guy, Lucien, was sympathetic towards her. She figured he was not excited to take part in whatever that was going to happen. He sat there, leaning against the wall with his arms resting on his knees and his head tipped back.

Aliza could see the tension written on his forehead. He seemed to be tired, even torn apart by what was happening. She figured he must have something against Klaus.

There was a slim chance that Aliza had to be careful before grasping it.

Lucien shrugged and asked, "You want to know the entire story, or should I alter it down?"

"We seem to have time," She mumbled.

Lucien sighed, the least he could do was provide her with the truth.

"When I was human, I was a servant to Count de Martel in Southern France, 11th century. My job was to escort guests to the castle."

"Was it difficult?"

Lucien glanced at Aliza with his eyebrow raised in bewilderment.

She shrugged, "People with privilege during that time were delusional and arrogant jackasses. You must have had to sugar coat everything you said otherwise 'off with your head'."

She scrunched her face and asked, "Did they honestly say that?"

He threw back his head and laughed, "No not really." Lucien shook his head, "But yeah it was a pain in the arse. Servants always had to be on their best behavior, especially with the younger ladies."

During those days men found it endearing, but as people evolved with time, Lucien realized how immature and ridiculous everyone's behavior was.

He cleared his throat, "Anyway, I was escorting a few guests to the castle when the carriage was attacked by your family-"

"They are not my family." Aliza cut him off.

Lucien frowned, "What?"

"They are not my family. I mean sure, by blood, yeah. But they are not my real family."

He gave her a slow nod and continued, "Sorry. So the carriage was attacked by Klaus and the rest of his siblings.

They killed everyone, I was hiding under the clothes when I heard them discussing, more like Rebekah and Finn whining about staying at a proper place and blending in.

They were about to kill me but I offered my help."

Maybe I should have just let them kill me. He thought bitterly.

Lucien continued, "Finn, Rebekah, and Klaus agreed to keep me alive. Kol was eyeing me like a desert. Elijah simply wished to get rid of me."

"You've met my biological father?" Aliza asked curiously.

"I was the one who killed him," Lucien said, not looking at her.

"Oh." That's all she could think about saying.

"So I helped them blend in. Klaus and I got along well, actually. I almost considered him my friend."

Aliza could sense a but in that statement.

"I was in love with the Court's daughter, Aurora. Had been since I knew her. And despite knowing that Klaus had an affair with her, the bloody bastard didn't even love her."

Aliza winced, "Wow."

He chuckled, "Aurora's brother thought I was the one shagging his sister. Since I was a servant, I was punished, tortured to death. Then Klaus somehow turned me, and then Elijah compelled me to run as if we were them."

"Is that the reason why you hate him?"

"Niklaus stole the love of my life and made me waste hundreds of years. I turned into the type of person I loathed the most."

"Like Katherine," Aliza commented.

Lucien furrowed his eyebrows, "Katherine Pierce? You know about her?"

Aliza nodded, "Yep. I actually helped her. I gave her my blood so that Niklaus won't be able to hurt her."

"That is quite brave of you," He praised.

Lucien knew about Katherine, every vampire, werewolf, and witch knew about Pierce. Klaus had been hunting for her for centuries, trying to get a hold of her. She managed to trick him and escape almost every single time.

Lucien was, for the lack of a better term, a fan.

"Then what happened?" She asked, urging him to continue.

"I was blinded, by heartbreak, revenge, anger. All I ever wanted was for Klaus to feel the exact pain I felt, worse. I planned on taking him down, beating him in his game."

"Didn't end well, did it?"

There was something oddly soothing in the girl's voice. It wasn't judgemental or disgusted rather warm. He gazed at Aliza who had a small smile etched upon her lips that weren't painted with mockery, but with understanding.

"It ended with me getting killed by Klaus and Elijah."


Klaus slammed the door of his car shut when he stepped out.

He decided to pay a visit to the group of vampires who were known to be quite rebellious. Though they never did any harm to his family, Klaus figured they must know something since they had been very vocal about their dislike for him.

A cold sensation washed over him, if Aliza was in there and if he noticed even a tiny scratch on her, then those idiots were going to have their guts ripped out.

He walked towards the abandoned warehouse that was located almost thirty minutes away from his house. It was an old building, seemingly built many years ago.

There was nothing but a dim light that illuminated the room when he entered inside. Klaus glanced around, the place seemed empty but the strong stench of blood made his stomach churn.

He walked towards the wall where the switch was located, turning the lights on.

His eyes widened to see bodies scattered on the ground, each one with hearts ripped out of their chest.

Blood painted the concrete floor and the walls, Klaus's stomach twisted with dread. There was something off about this entire situation. He had an unpleasant feeling about what had happened here.

"Aliza?!" He yelled, worried, "Aliza, love. Where are you?"

"Aliza isn't here, I'm afraid."

Klaus turned around, hating how familiar that voice sounded to his ears.


Tristan smiled, "Glad to know you remembered me after all these years. How's the lovely Camille?"

He grabbed Tristan's collar and slammed him against the wall.

"Where is she?" Klaus growled.

"I can't tell you that Niklaus now can I?"

"I will hurt you till you beg me to kill you, Tristan. Where is Aliza?"

He smirked, "If you do that, you will never find her. And your dearest niece shall remain trapped, alone for all eternity."

"I swear if you-"

"I have not." He assured him, "But if you won't let me go something will happen to Aliza."

Klaus glowered at him before shoving Tristan back against the wall, he let go of his collar and stepped back, glaring at him.

"I'm surprised you care about her. Isn't she the daughter of the very brother that you loathe the most? She's not very fond of you, I must say." He mocked

"What are you talking about?"

Tristan shook his head, smiling, "All these years, and yet you haven't changed a bit."

He took a step towards Klaus, "Your anger, Niklaus, is the reason for all your misery. You think you can convince her somehow to be a part of your schemes but you don't realize that you should've stayed away."

Klaus clenched his jaw, "What do you want?"

"Ironic, that's the first question Aliza asked. I must say the family resemblance is uncanny." He said, chuckling to himself.

"What do you want Tristan?"

"Nothing from you. I'm just here to assure you that Aliza is perfectly safe. We just have some work to do."

"What work?!"

"That I'm afraid that is not something I'm allowed to share. I'm just waiting for further instructions,"

"Who are-" Klaus clutched his head in his hands, groaning loudly.

"As much as I enjoyed our little reunion, Niklaus. I'm afraid I must take my leave. I will give you a call later. Till then farewell." said Tristan, dusting his suit with his hands.

Klaus's legs gave in, he fell on his knees. He felt like his skull was burning, the pain made his vision blurry with tears. He could see Tristan walking out, giving Klaus one last smile.

Tristan pulled his phone out of the pocket, dialing a number.

"You have the girl?" The voice asked on the other side.

"Yes, my lady." He answered.


"What am I supposed to do next?"

"I want to know what that child is capable of, what her blood is capable of."

"Your wish is my command."


Well sorry to those who thought that the man in the coffin was Finn. Cause no that was Lucien.

I guess my plot twists are certainly unexpected. They just pop in my head. I come up with them as I keep writing. Lmao.

But yeah I was a fan of Lucien's character, but not exactly happy with the way it was executed. I did find his death ironic, he died being the very person he used to hate as a human. I mean he was so sweet when he was human, like the time when Rebekah was nervous and he encouraged her by telling her how lovely she looked. Come on.

The writers made him look so pathetic and needy, but Lucien was practically self-made.

Klaus did turn him accidentally but then he was forced to run along with Tristan and Aurora. Now I hate those two, tbh, Tristan was a crappy little shit and Aurora was a spoiled little bitch.

But Lucien struck me as someone interesting. I wanted to see more of him but he was degraded so much that it seemed like he was nothing but shallow.

Sad news folks, due to my studies and assignments, I will only be updating on Sundays. Don't worry there is still a lot to happen in the story this is just the beginning.ย 
