
"Do you think about anything but yourself?"

"If you want to know whether or not I think about you. You just have to ask."

"I certainly think about you."

"Oh do tell me. Are we naked in those thoughts?"

"No much better, you're lying in a wooden box, underground."

"Wow, Bonnie I didn't realize you'd be this kinky."

Aliza slammed her head against the book.

Almost an hour had passed and she only managed to read twenty pages of the book that was in her hands. No progress whatsoever because some people had left their sense of maturity on their beds when they woke up.

Somehow making pg-13 jokes and giving death threats became more important than figuring out the symbols and finding that sword.

"God help me..." Aliza mumbled.

She closed the book and sighed, Kol and Bonnie didn't bother to look at her when she got up from the chair. Aliza tucked the book in her arms and made her way outside.

She closed the door shut.

Locked it from the outside.

And waited.

Stefan was walking towards her in the hallways.

"Hey, I was just checking up on you guys. How's-"

Aliza held her hand out, gesturing for Stefan to stop.

She counted to three with her fingers.

Stefan frowned.

"Aliza! What the hell? Open the door!"

Aliza smiled.

She said, "Nope not till I read at least half of this book."

"I will break it!" Kol threatened.

"Yeah and then you will have to answer to Caroline."

"I will not break it,"

"Aliza this is not funny," Bonnie whined and knocked on the door.

Aliza huffed, "No it's not." She sat down on the opposite side, leaned against the wall, and said, "It's hilarious."

"That bad?" Stefan grimaced and sat down next to her on the floor.

"Don't ask." She shook her head, horrified, "I've never heard this many second meaning references in my ten years on this planet."

"Wait till you see Enzo and Rebekah." Stefan snorted.

"Bunch of morons, except for Bonnie. She's nice." Aliza said, turning to look at him.

"Aww, thanks."

"Oh shut up. I can be nice when I want to."

"How about we go to the kitchen and I make you a hot chocolate while you read?" Stefan suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.

He smiled when he saw Aliza's face lit up.

"Come on," He nudged, helping her to stand up.

"They left. Great!" Kol exclaimed and sat on the chair with his arms stretched out. He was looking forward to annoying Bonnie, not being locked in the room with her.

As much he was itching to break that door, he was aware that he would have face both Caroline and Klaus. Caroline because she was attached to everything the school had and Klaus because he was attached to the sweet Caroline (Kol's heart went out to her).

He was also aware of the lecture by his oh-so-disciplined brother Elijah which could potentially follow by and then the endless teasing by his dear little sister Bekah.

No matter how much he loved her, Rebekah had a way of pushing his homicidal button.

"This is all your fault." Bonnie accused, glaring at him.

Kol scoffed, "And how is all of this 'my fault'?"

"Who's been picking up fights with me ever since he got here?" Bonnie crossed her arms across her chest. She was nothing but infuriated by his stupid face, by his ridiculous behavior, by him in general.

"It's just so easy to rile you up, witchy." He replied smugly.


It would be an understatement if Stefan were to say he was surprised to know that Hope wasn't the only Mikaelson child. He did like Hope, she was smart, empathetic, everything that Klaus wasn't. But there was always a glimpse of her father he could see in Hope's eyes. The times when she was angry and couldn't hold back, the times he and Alaric had to talk to her about her issues only to be shut out.

Stefan had no idea what sort of person Finn truly was, he'd assumed he was evil because he was an original. But Aliza was nothing like any of the Mikaelsons. She was the exact opposite of them. There was no hint of malice or anger in her eyes, no hidden scars or secrets. Just a normal person.

Stefan placed the mug in front of Aliza who was reading with complete concentration.

"Thank you," She smiled, pulling the mug closer.

"So you want to be an architect?" He asked, leaning against the counter.

Aliza nodded, "Yup. I actually wanted to be a criminologist. But mom and dad don't really want that. They think it's very dangerous." She shrugged. It wasn't something she was dedicated about, but it was on her list of careers she could pursue in the future. So it didn't make her think much when her parents shot down the idea.

"They care about you," Stefan commented with a small smile.

"They are very paranoid, especially dad." Aliza snorted, shaking her head.

"It's because they love you." He stated.

"That or they know I'm capable of starting world war three."

Stefan shook his head and grinned.

Caroline was the one who broke the news when they had asked why she declared holidays out of the blues. Alaric was the most relieved when Caroline had told them that the girl was brought up in a safe and healthy environment, away from the supernatural drama. Alaric also wasn't very keen about the idea of Aliza being part of the Original family.

He had to agree with Alaric but it was too late since Aliza had already met and was living with them.

"You're capable of starting the apocalypse, monkey."

Aliza whipped her head around towards the direction of the voice.


Rome grinned as Aliza ran towards him, he stretched his arms out. Aliza wrapped her hands around his waist, hugging him tightly. A laugh escaped his lips as he patted her head, leaning forward to kiss his daughter's head.

It felt like a really long time since he last saw her, he had been so delightful that he could make time to be with Aliza during her quest.

At the heartwarming scene in front of him, Stefan smiled.

Which only lasted for a second as soon as Aliza pulled away and punched Rome in the stomach.

Rome groaned.

Stefan winced.

"The hell you mean I am capable of starting the apocalypse?" Aliza said, crossing her arms.

"Ah, the father-daughter bonding has started, I see." Vincent snickered as he entered the kitchen and stood beside Stefan followed by Rebekah and Caroline.

"You mean to say this is normal?" Caroline asked pointing towards Rome and Aliza. She scrunched her face as she watched Rome rub the side of this stomach with a painful expression. Aliza was lecturing him about something related to North Korean nukes.

Vincent snorted, " You have no idea."


Rebekah could see from where Aliza got her weird personality.

With Rome, Aliza seemed more relaxed and happier. They both were like best friends.

Rebekah's lips itched to smile as she watched Aliza tell Rome about the things she could do, her eyes wide as she animatedly explained her abilities to her father. It was endearing, the way Rome listened to her with complete interest without a speck of boredom on his face.

A normal atmosphere had set in as they sat in the dining room. Niklaus had gone someplace with Elijah. Rebekah was sure they went to the Grill for a drink because Caroline had told them that alcohol was not allowed on the premises.

Hayley had informed her how some kids managed to sneak some in anyway.

The room was lively and somehow Rebekah was missing Hope. Even though she was away from them for her own good, everyone missed her. Rebekah had seen the way Klaus would look at Aliza whenever she was talking to Elijah or Marcel, she was aware of her brother's lack of sense and how he believed deep inside that Hope deserved what Aliza had.

Rebekah wanted to talk to Nik about this, to make him understand that just like Hope, Aliza shouldn't be held responsible for her father's deeds. Kol too was being childish for throwing the anger he had for Finn towards Aliza. She could try to make Kol understand but only Freya could get to Klaus. He always had a soft spot for their eldest sister.

"It's okay to show her that you care, you know."

Rebekah glanced at Enzo who sat beside her, with his legs stretched in front of him. He sat there, leaning towards the other side as he gazed at her lazily.

"I'm sorry?"

Enzo smiled, gazing at Rebekah for a few moments, She began to notice just how brown his eyes were, like chocolate mixed with gold. Rebekah had been always curious about who he was ever since Caroline had told him about Enzo.

He spoke, "You care about Ali, it's not that hard to not figure that out." Enzo had heard Rebekah in the hallways. He was aware just how true her words were but at the same time, he could see the pain in that woman's eyes.

And as someone who was a master in keeping his hurt to himself, Enzo knew that Rebekah Mikaelson had been through a lot.

As expected Rebekah briskly said, "I don't know what you're talking about neither am I eager to know."

"Princess, you give away more than you realize." He said.

"How poetic,"

Enzo chuckled.

Rebekah glanced around the room before asking, "Where's Kol?"

Caroline frowned, "Yeah Bon Bon is gone too."

"Monkey? What's wrong?" Rome asked when he noticed the look on his daughter's face.

"I'll be right back," Aliza announced, hurriedly getting up and rushing towards where the other rooms were. Stefan followed her and after him, others decided to join in too.

Aliza smacked her forehead, she forgot about the two of them.Β 

It felt good to have her dad close to her, she missed her mother too but Aliza knew Mithila's work kept her busy on most days so it was understandable that she couldn't be here for Aliza. Having her dad by her side, Aliza was even more desperate to get this job done as soon as possible so she could go back and live her life.

She had been too excited about her dad's presence to notice Kol and Bonnie's absences. She could only hope that Bonnie and Kol didn't end up murdering each other.Β 

Stefan was holding back his laughter, he found this entire thing hilarious.

Unlocking the door, Aliza pushed it open and stepped inside. She felt a little guilty for leaving Bonnie alone with Kol, she knew how annoying he could be at times, and with her, he was much worse than he was with Aliza.

"Guys I am so sor-"

Aliza froze, the color draining from her face.

Rome and Vincent's mouths hung open, Caroline gasped, Stefan and Enzo twisted their faces in disgust while Rebekah's eyes widened comically.

Beheld the sight of Kol lying on the table with Bonnie over him.

Both partially undressed.

Aliza wanted to throw up.

"Seriously?! You guys are having sex on my furniture?!"


Happy New Year! I know it's late but whatever.

Hope 2021 will be the year you put yourself first and stop giving a fuck about dumbass people who have no life. 2020 had been batshit crazy but for me, personally, it wasn't so bad because I learned a lot about myself. It's funny when I say it like that but it feels nice to know what I truly want now without others senseless opinions clouding my judgment.Β 

I hope you guys find yourself too and learn to let go of the people that only made you feel worse instead of being there for you as your friend or family. Such people don't deserve your precious time.

Anyway, how's the chapter? It feels like forever since I last updated. Don't forget to vote or/and comment. I'm looking forward to it.
