
Trigger warning: Self Harm.

If someone feels uncomfortable reading such a topic then they can skip to the next scene that starts after this ******.

Also if someone feels disturbed please feel free to message me. I may not respond on time but I will try my best.

And there are many other organizations out there that provide free counseling too.


Her head hurt.

Everything felt so intense and heavy to the point where she had no idea what was going on with her.

She couldn't sleep, the screams of those people, the blood on her hands, his laughter echoing in her mind, haunted her in her slumber. She felt so lost, so hopeless, she didn't know what to say.

She didn't know who to blame for what happened. Maybe she deserved the pain that made her cry, the hurt that made it hard for her to breathe, the sick twist in her stomach that made it difficult for her to even look her mother in the eye.

At the same time, she was angry. Angry at Vincent and her parents who lied to her for ten years, angry at herself for not questioning everything sooner, for not demanding the whole truth, for keeping her doubts inside for the sake of respect.

She could see how they were trying to help her, trying to make her talk to them.

Aliza didn't attend the funeral because she couldn't. She didn't even get the time to think about the possibility of her father leaving her.

And all of a sudden he was gone.

Just gone.

She had no desire to watch her father, a kind loving man just turn into ashes. He didn't deserve this fate, he didn't deserve to die like that. He was supposed to have a peaceful death, surrounded by the people that he loved.

Aliza took that from him.

Aliza was walking through the hallways with an empty glass in her hand.

Another nightmare plagued her. She was running in the woods again, she didn't know what she was running from but she was scared, terrified that it would catch her. This time it was Kol who killed her mother, digging his fangs in her neck as she withered and screamed in his arms, yelling at Aliza to save herself.

She had the same dream repeatedly.

Sometimes it was Elijah who was killing the people that she loved, sometimes Rebekah, sometimes it was Klaus, sometimes even Marcel or Camille.

It made her feel guilty, they were all helping her, helping her mother and Vincent get through this but she couldn't stop. The nightmares won't go away.

But what made them even more terrifying was that he was watching everything from the shadows.

Laughing to himself as if it was all a show made solely for his entertainment.

Aliza wasn't paying attention ahead as she walked, her eyes were focused on the ground.

She flinched when she bumped into someone.

Kol stood there with a blood bag in his hand, the red liquid spilled on his shirt.

Aliza froze.

The nightmare came flashing into her mind like a bolt of lightning. The glass slipped from the hand and fell on the ground, shattering into pieces.

Her heart thundered, the suffocating feeling wrapped itself against her chest. The screaming in her head grew louder.

She took a step back, breathing heavily.

Kol cautiously placed the blood bag on the nearby table.

He took a step forward and said, "Aliza, darling..."

'My lady, the blood makes you look ravishing...'

Aliza ran.

She slammed the door of her room, locking it firmly. Her hands were shaking as she pulled the chair and shoved it against the door.

"Aliza? Open the door!" Kol's voice came from the other side.

Her room began to spin, the ground seemed liquid under her feet as she struggled to stand straight.

The walls were closing in on her. It was hard for her to breathe, her chest felt heavy as if she were inhaling stones instead of air.

The paint on the walls turned blood red and black. Screaming began mixed with laughter.

His laughter.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, there was blood everywhere, screams in every corner, his voice surrounding her.

She gasped when she saw her hands covered in blood.

Aliza stormed inside the bathroom, turning the tap on she scrubbed her hands as the water came pouring. The blood wouldn't go away, she scrubbed harder, her nails digging in her skin. She didn't stop even when her hands were burning from the friction, she was peeling her skin off but the blood was still there.

She glanced up at the mirror.

He stood there, grinning from ear to ear. Blood dripped from his hand.

Her dad's blood.


"Aliza, sweetheart! Open the door! Please!" Kol yelled, turning the knob. Pushing the door as hard as he could. The door was spelled, his strength was useless.

"Kol? What's wrong?" Kol glanced at Freya, Mithila, Katherine, and Vincent.

"Aliza won't open up."

Mithila stepped forward, banging the door with her fist, "Ali, open the door. It's me."

All of a sudden, the lights began flickering. A wave of icy wind ran through the house, making everyone shiver. Everyone could feel their stomach-dropping, their hands felt cold. The wind rustled outside, it began raining out of nowhere, the sound of thunder audible to all ears.

"What is going on?" Klaus asked, all the lights in the house were flickering.

"What happened?" Elijah asked, urgency in his tone.

"She saw me and just ran. I don't know what happened."

Freya noticed the blood on Kol's shirt.

"She's scared..."

Vincent stood beside Mithila.

"Aliza! Please open the door for us!"

Klaus said, "We have to break the door."


Aliza's lips quivered, her legs felt like noodles. She leaned against the wall, not taking her eyes off the mirror. Her chest hurt as if her heart was going to burst out in any second. She clutched her throat, her insides were burning.

He was enjoying the scared look on her face. It made her feel sick, she wanted to throw up.

"Leave me alone!" She screamed.

The mirror shattered in an instant, pieces falling in the sink and on the counter and floor.

But his laughter didn't go away.

Aliza smashed her fists against the counter, the pieces pierced into her skin, drawing blood.

But she didn't stop, she kept hitting the glass. She was desperate for the laughter to stop, desperate to stop feeling so twisted, so scared.

Even when the pain was unbearable, her hands were stinging, her feet hurt. She didn't stop.

Her moments slowed, her knees gave up. She clutched the sides of her head.

Everything in her body hurt.

She was so tired, so exhausted.

So done.

Voices came from behind, but even the idea of opening her eyes was too much.


"We need to keep her under observation for three weeks."

Klaus glanced at Aliza through the small glass on the door and then back at the doctor.

He said, "Is it necessary?"

The doctor raised her eyebrows, "And you are?"

He swallowed that lump that formed in his throat and replied, "I'm her uncle."

She nodded her head, "Mr. Mikaelson, your niece committed a very violent act of self-harm. She cannot be released till we are sure that she won't try something like that again.

Are you aware of something that pushed her to do this?"

Klaus glanced back at Aliza, not taking his eyes off, he replied, "She lost her father recently. In an accident,"

"She saw it happen." He added, a bitter taste in his mouth.

The doctor raised her eyebrows, "That explains a lot. She will be assigned a psychiatrist. It would be better if you take her for proper therapy."

She nodded and excused herself, turning around to walk away.

Klaus stood there as he watched Mithila stroke Aliza's head as she slept. Bandages covered both her arms, a few shreds of glass had wounded her legs too.

Mithila looked crushed. She hadn't left her daughter's side not even for a second. The others had tried to get her something to eat but she refused to leave the room. Katherine, Vincent, and Freya were in the room with her.

A heavy weight settled on Klaus' chest when he realized how far this had gone.

None of this was supposed to happen. They had been careful not to let anyone know about Aliza's connection to them.

There was so much going on in his head that Klaus couldn't process.

"I have assigned our men to guard the premises," Elijah said, coming up to stand behind Klaus who kept his back towards him.

Elijah's eyes softened when he looked through the glass.

There was the crushing guilt he felt whenever he saw Aliza. Elijah had sworn that he would always protect her even if she hated him. But his failure made Elijah hate himself more than anything.

The hospital was fairly busy, the stench of medicine and even blood surrounded them. Klaus had made sure that Aliza was given the V.I.P care, while Elijah was busy ordering men around.

Marcel and Kol were in the car, outside the hospital to keep an eye on the people that entered the building. While Rebekah and Camille were at the reception, guarding the area. Keelin was still on duty and was going to visit later.

"Hayley called,"

Klaus glanced at Elijah.

He spoke further as he reached in his pocket, pulling his phone out and unlocking it, "She tried to call you but you weren't answering."

"What did she say?"

"She sent me this,"

Klaus' eyes watered when Elijah held his phone out for him to see.

"Aliza's gift," Elijah said, his voice filled with emotion, "To Hope,"


In case it's not clear.

Aliza is immortal but her biggest disadvantage is that she can't heal herself. She can't die of a fatal wound but it can slow her down because she heals like a regular person.

Is this chapter alright? I feel like I am not writing with as much dedication as I did before.

But I swear I will edit them all thoroughly because there are so many dialogues and descriptions that don't add up.

Vote and do share your thoughts!

Btw Julie Plec is trying to gain more audience for Legacies by teasing Hosie shippers. She reposted a Hosie edit in her IG. Why is that a problem?

We all know that Julie Plec did not repost that out of the kindness of her heart or because she appreciates fanarts. If that was the case then why only Hosie? Why not Hizzie or Handon?

I am a Hosie shipper too but it is so painfully clear that the writers don't have any second thoughts regarding Handon. Not to mention that there are more Hosie fans compared to Handon fans especially after Rafael's exit from the show. Hope and he were cool too and people loved the idea of them being together.

My main concern is that Julie is causing further conflict between the shippers. And even though she did caption that she is not starting a ship war. Given her work on TVD and TO, I'm pretty sure she just wrote that to avoid any trouble.

In the end, it is the actors that have to deal with the majority of the hate. Plus Danielle and Aria are already receiving unnecessary hate online because of the characters they play.

Don't fall into Julie Plague's trap. Her entire career is alive only because of Legacies.
