-----Author's Note-----

I am officially the dumbest person when it comes to writing.

At first, when I started writing this book, I didn't think it would get that many reads so I didn't bother to check the timeline. But since now a lot of you are actually liking it, I decided to correct myself to make things seem smooth in the story.

So I was just re-reading the chapters to make notes about the things I will edit later in the future and I realized that I made a grave mistake.

Apparently, when Aliza was born, Hope was two years old. And I did change Aliza's age from 16 to 15. But then I realized that I also wrote Aliza being in her mother's womb for eighteen months which means she is actually three years younger than Hope and a year younger than Lizzie and Josie (cause they both are two years younger than Hope).

As mentioned above I indeed am a dumbass.

And now Hope was thirteen when she attends the boarding school and that also means, Aliza is only ten and not fifteen.

I will correct everything.

I am very sorry for the confusion I swear it's the last time. Please forgive me.
