
Marcel and Elijah were in awe.

It was hard to believe that the girl who had a hard time doing ten push-ups had become one of the best fighters he'd ever trained.

In just four months.

There were only some amount of qualities Marcel knew about the lion warrior. This was not one of them. Aliza was a quick learner, she was hardworking and certainly not a quitter. It was impressive to see the times she refused to back down even when it meant for her to get a bruise or two. Every time she got up she always said the same thing.

'I can do this all day.'

Training with her every day was a delight. She got along with everyone and all the others seemed to be taken by her. Marcel failed to understand why Kol, Klaus, and Rebekah were so cold and distant towards her.

The bickering between Kol and Aliza was always a show. She had the perfect response at the ready. It was a sight to see someone getting on Kol's nerves when it was usually the other way around.

Elijah smiled as he watched Aliza offer a hand to the vampire she fought and defeated. That was something she would do after every fight, ask her opponent if they were okay even apologize. Her kindness was something rare because Niklaus had taught him that compassion is a weakness. But looking at Aliza he wondered if the world was filled with monsters, he wondered if all the lives he took did they deserve to die or how it would have been if they got a chance in life.

Aliza exited the ring. They trained regularly in the gym. It was a little dusty and seemed old with huge french windows through which the sunlight illuminated the room. There was equipment such as punching bags and dumbbells. The boxing ring was situated in the middle of the room and it was where she was taught how to do hand combat.

At first, it was hard but as time went by she began to love how it felt. The rush of adrenaline and the exhaustion it made her feel...powerful. Every day she looked forward to the training. She was becoming stronger and more skilled with each passing day. As if she had been fighting for a long time.

Though handling the sword was still something she needed immense practice for because her moves weren't as smooth and effortless as they should be but she was getting there.

Marcel pointed a finger towards her arm, a purple bruise on her wrist, "You okay?"

She frowned, moving her wrist back and forth. She said, "It stings a little.."

Elijah handed her a water bottle. She opened the cap and took a long swig. He said, "We can continue tomorrow if you wish."

Aliza shook her head, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, "Nope. I'm fine," She smiled.

"Certainly you are."

Aliza closed her eyes and cursed under her breath. She turned around to see Kol standing behind her with that stupid grin on his face. She couldn't understand what his problem was with her. He was hell-bent on making her suffer and for the past few days, it was like he was trying to make her kill him.

"What do you want?" She frowned, she no longer was hiding how displeased she was by his presence around her.

Kol smirked at her, "I came to challenge you today."

"Challenge me?"

He shrugged, his expression like that of a small kid. Aliza almost snickered at him. She had noticed the way these people were able to look so notorious and then all innocent in the next moment. If she didn't know about reading people from her mother she wondered what would've happened.

"Hell no." She shook her. This was ridiculous. She thought he was messing with her.

"Why not? Don't tell me, little devil are you scared? I wouldn't blame you for that if I am being honest. Rome and Mithila always were a little too craven for their good." Kol said with fake amusement.

The mention of her parents ticked her off.

Aliza laughed out loud, "Scared of you, babyface? Wow, you are even dumber than you look."

That pissed him off. She had called him babyface out of the blues but it did wonders in making Kol mad. Though she wasn't sure if she came up with that because of his voice or face.

She heard Marcel stifle a laugh, and the others must have heard her too.

Kol glared at her and for a second she thought he would use his speed.

"Kol," Niklaus said as he entered the gym.

Niklaus looked at her, Aliza could see the glee in his eyes. He was excited and somehow that caused her stomach to churn. Aliza noticed that the more time she spent in the company of these people, the easier it became to read them.

Niklaus said, "Today I shall see the result of my brother and Marcel's teachings."

Elijah came and stood in front of Aliza, it was something he did whenever he would speak to his brother on her behalf. Like he was shielding her.

"Klaus, what is this nonsense?" He asked, his voice stern and low.

Marcel placed a hand on Aliza's shoulder, gently pushing her back. She glanced at him but his eyes were on Niklaus. From the corner of her eye, Aliza noticed that even Joshua and Valerie, the people that she trained with, had tense expressions on their faces.

"What nonsense dear brother? I want to see what you both have taught her."

"By making her fight Kol? Have you lost your mind?" Elijah raised his voice, just the slightest but it was enough for Aliza to speculate that he was angry. This was the loudest she had heard Elijah be.

In an instant, Niklaus' smirk faded, and he glared at Elijah, "Easy Elijah. I know what I am doing and besides Aliza needs an opponent worthy to test her skills on."

"But Klaus this is crazy," Marcel said.

"Why Marcel? You don't trust your teaching?" Kol asked.

"I'll do it."

Everyone looked at Aliza. She stepped forward.

Elijah said, "Absolutely not. This is ridiculous."

She shook her head, "I want to do it," She gave Elijah a curt nod, "Let me do it."

Elijah sighed.

"What if you lose?" Kol asked, humour-laced his voice.

Aliza shrugged, "I lose, I lose. I'll work harder and the next time we fight again, I'll kick your ass. Simple."

Elijah couldn't help the smile that formed on his lips. He felt a joyful pride warming his chest. He indeed was growing fond of Aliza. She was everything he could remember about themselves when they were just mere humans. Kol's mischief, Rebekah's innocence, Niklaus's will, Henrik's curiosity.

He just wished that the rest of them could see it.


"Are you scared?" Marcel asked, wrapping bandages over her knuckles.

"Terrified would be the right term,"

Marcel placed his hands on her shoulders and gave them a light squeeze.

"Look if something happens I will stop him, so don't think too much. This is not a real fight."

Aliza wasn't even paying attention to what Marcel was saying, her eyes were on Kol. He was smiling and cracking his knuckles.

She was so screwed.

"If I die to tell uncle Vincent that it was me and dad who convinced Dolly to break up with him."

Marcel barked out a laugh, "You are not going to die, and Dolly who?"

"You know what, don't do it. He will probably try to kill me again but in my defence, it was all dad's idea."

Marcel and Aliza did their signature fist bump that she had taught him. It was something they did whenever Aliza won around or just for good luck. It was hilarious how close she had become with him, and here she thought vampires were so not cool.

Her heart was thumping in her chest, she was sure that everyone in the room could hear it. Of course, she was scared, Kol was an original vampire for Chuck's sake. And she was just a kid. She had no experience and she didn't want to think about all the people Kol had fought.

Aliza clutched her hands in fists, the feel of the bandages digging in her skin was a little soothing. She was mad when Niklaus made that remark about Elijah and Marcel's teachings, they were pretty awesome and hearing Niklaus' question made Aliza angry.

Hell, she had no interest in fighting with Kol. She knew she was strong and smart, if they refused to accept that then it wasn't her problem. She had nothing to prove them. But she didn't accept the challenge because she was thinking about herself, she accepted because she was thinking about her parents, Uncle Vincent, Freya, Elijah, and Marcel.

They believed in her, they had faith that she was stronger and better. She wasn't going to let anyone talk crap about her family and friends.

Friend? That's what Freya and Elijah were to her, weren't they? It was surprising how close they had become in just four months. Freya had a stoic personality that made it a little hard for Aliza to talk to her, it was Freya's eyes that gave everything away.

Aliza was immune to black magic, but still, she was curious about magic itself. She remembered the look on Freya's face when Aliza told her that magic was something she had believed in and if she had a choice she would choose to be a witch on any day.

Rome always told her to believe that even the impossible was possible. Although Aliza had only known about magic through fiction, the idea itself was fascinating. Being connected to nature, feeling the breeze in your veins, the storm in your hearts, the ocean in your bones. She believed that witches were capable of so many good things.

Elijah was a whole different story. That man reeked of class and elegance, though according to Aliza he could use a haircut.

They had a unique bond. He would help her whenever she was having a difficult time processing the things written in those old books Freya had given her. It was safe to say he was more like an elderly family member that she never had.

He had an impressive collection of books, all of them from their original times. They would discuss literature and their ideas. Elijah would tell her stories about the things he witnessed in person.

So yeah they were friends.

Both of them stepped in the ring. Everyone watching them, Aliza knew that a punch or two won't work on Kol because he was way too strong than Joshua and Valerie. She had to try something different this time. Kol was confident he would win, Aliza could see it was written in his smile. He had no fear, no nervousness, no worry.

The first punch was straight to Aliza's face.

And it hurt like hell

One second Kol was on the other end of the ring and in the next, he was in front of her.

"Kol you are not allowed to use your speed!" Marcel yelled.

The metallic and sour taste of blood on her lips made Aliza realize that Kol wasn't holding back.

She winced when she ran her tongue over her lips.

Kol laughed, "My apologies, I forgot," He raised his hands in mid-air, that innocent look made Aliza twist her face in disgust.

Son of a bitch.

Kol looked down at her, "Come on, little devil."

She got up, craning her neck.

Aliza curled her hands into fists. Her mind was more alert.

Kol launched another punch. Instincts kicked in and in a swift move Aliza ducked, she jabbed her fist against his rib.

Marcel slapped his hands together as he watched Kol stumble a little. The punch didn't do much to hurt him but it did surprise him.

"That was smooth," Kol commented with a smug look. All Aliza wanted to do was rip that smile off his face.

Kol grabbed her arm and in one swing threw her on the floor.

Aliza groaned when her back hit the ground with a loud thud.

"You want to give up, warrior? I will let you walk away."

Aliza rolled over. With the support of her hands, she stumbled when she got back on her feet.

She gave her shoulders a little shake. She lifted both her fists, bringing them in front of her chest.

Aliza shook her head and laughed.

"Why? You want to change your diaper?"

The sight of Kol clenching his jaw in anger, along with the audible laughter of Marcel and others made her feel a little proud.

Kol was growing frustrated. He punched her, kicked her, threw her on the ground but that girl still got back on her feet, a brand new insult rolling out of her stupid little mouth.

Nik had warned him to go easy on Finn's daughter, that was the only reason he hadn't snapped her neck. He was holding himself back. Holding his hatred back.

Though Aliza was a pretty skilled fighter, her punches and kicks were hard and on point. Her reflexes were smooth and her defence was quick. But he was stronger than her.

And he wanted to show it.

So when Aliza tried to hit him. Kol grabbed her wrist and pushed her on the ground on her knees.

He twisted her arm.

She tried to get up but he kept his grip tight.

Aliza could feel the pain ripping through her body.

Elijah and Marcel both watched with wide eyes, they could see that Kol had finally lost his patience.

"Kol that's enough!" Elijah yelled. He stepped forward but Niklaus placed his hand on his brother's shoulder holding him back.

Marcel and Elijah glanced at him but his eyes were on the ring, on Aliza and Kol.

"Is that what you taught her, Elijah?" Kol shouted,

Kol twisted her hand further, making Aliza let out a scream.

"Klaus, stop him," Marcel said. But Klaus just kept staring ahead.

"I am quite disappointed, brother." Kol threw his head back and laughed. Aliza could feel his grip becoming loose.


Aliza slipped her hand from his grip and got a hold on Kol's wrist.

She hauled him towards her and kicked him behind his knee causing him to stumble and fall forward.

She snaked her hand around Kol's neck.


Elijah's mouth hung open as he watched his little brother fall on the ground.

Aliza fell back on the ground, breathing heavily. She raised her arm and waved.

She yelled, "You gonna keep standing there or you gonna help me?"

Marcel laughed in disbelief and sped towards Aliza in the ring. Elijah with a triumph smile jogged towards them.

They helped Aliza off the ring.

"You okay, Ali?" Marcel asked. He was grinning from ear to ear.

"I will be after a strawberry milkshake and a cheeseburger."

They all laughed.

Aliza looked back at Kol lying face down. She asked, "What about him?" She pointed her thumb in his direction.

Elijah said, "He will be fine,"

Aliza's eyes drifted to look at Niklaus who was, much to her surprise, smirking at her.

When they reached where Niklaus stood. He said, "Congratulations, Aliza."

Aliza didn't say anything just nodded in reply.



Thank you so much for reading my story.

I had such a hard time coming up with the fight scene.

This is my first time writing a fight scene so I apologize if it seems kinda off or odd.

I haven't even edited this chapter tbh. Sorry again.

Please don't forget to vote and comment.
