Before you go

Special thanks to DanielaZwet, ZainabFirdous0, and ForestRebel for the ideas. And also thanks to Just_another_account for the inspiration of a dialogue.Β 

ForestRebel I twisted your idea a little (a lot actually).


"He's your father Lizzie, you can't just 'unfather' him," Caroline said. She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she listened to her daughter.

"That's what I said." Josie's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"But mom, he promised!" Lizzie emphasized, "I thought the whole point of this so-called vacation was spending more time with each other."

"You are spending time with each other." Caroline reasoned, "And you still have two weeks, right? It's not like the shops are vanishing anywhere."

Klaus smirked as listened to the conversation. Lizzie's whining reminded him of Caroline a lot. He chuckled to himself as he sketched. He still remembered the time when Caroline had stormed in the room, demanding a dress as if her life depended on it.

It was an endearing sight to see her talking with her daughters. She was a supportive mother and cared deeply for them. Klaus lifted his gaze, smiling softly as Caroline laughed, hearing Lizzie and Josie tell her about the things they had done so far.

"We miss you mom," Josie said.

Caroline smiled and replied, "I miss you too. See you soon okay?"

As soon as she ended the call, Caroline looked at him said, "Some local boys were troubling Aliza."

Worry laced her voice, a slight furrow in her eyebrows. Stefan informed her about what had happened in the afternoon, she was relieved after knowing what Kol and Elijah did to the boys.

"Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah were with her. I'm sure she's fine." Klaus said, suppressing the concern in his voice. He didn't want Caroline to get any ideas. Though he was going to ask Kol to finish the job.

She frowned, shaking her head. She asked, "What is your problem with her?" She was expecting him to ask if Aliza was alright or not but his voice was devoid of any emotion.

He clenched his jaw, "You don't understand, love."

"Of course I don't, Klaus. She's just a sweet girl." Caroline said, frustration evident in her voice, "You don't want Hope to suffer for all the things you did but at the same time you are blaming Aliza for your brother's mistakes. How is that fair?"

"Aliza is my mother's creation," Klaus replied through gritted teeth, "She's not supposed to exist."

Caroline's eyes widened in disbelief, "That's your reason?" She pointed an accusing finger at him and said, "You think Aliza is some dark twisted time bomb created by your mother to hurt you?"

"It's not about me."

"Oh, so you think she will hurt Hope?"

He didn't reply.

Caroline shook her head, "Fine. If that's your excuse to hate Aliza, then maybe you're no better than Finn. Maybe you're just worse." She spat, standing up and walking out of the room. She cursed herself for thinking that she could talk some sense into him.

Klaus sighed, he wanted Aliza to not be what he believed her to be. That's why it was his idea to wait till she got the sword so that he could be sure she won't harm them as their mother and Finn did.

But the way Caroline called him worse with such anger and hatred made his chest ache. He hated the way she glared at him, the way she pointed her finger at him, the venom in her voice.

Klaus wanted nothing more than to see Caroline smile at him.

Smile because of him.


If your first love is what's stopping you from falling in love again, then maybe you're not cherishing your first love, you're treating it like a burden.

Kol took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He wished he could take those words out of his head, he didn't want to think about what Aliza had said. She was just a child, her words shouldn't be bothering him so much.

He was lying in his bed. It was almost the middle of the night, he had resigned to his room the minute he came back from the grill, not wanting to look at Bonnie's face and feel guilty for snapping at her out of the blues. She didn't know anything, Kol was aware of that but he couldn't control himself around her.

He tried to tell himself that maybe it's because she reminded him of Davina, but the truth was the exact opposite. At the same time, he couldn't pinpoint what it was about her that made him lose control so often.

Maybe it was the softness in her eyes when it came to her friends and students, maybe it was her selflessness(even though Kol used to think that she was suicidal), maybe it was her undying love for the people that she cared about. Or maybe it was her strength that awed him.

He pressed his hands against his eyes and groaned in frustration.

A knock on the door startled him. He got up and made his way towards the door to open it with a frown on his face. He had assumed everyone was asleep.

Bonnie stood there with a plate in her one hand. Kol tried not to stare at her face.

"You skipped dinner, I thought you might be hungry." She said, lifting the plate up to show him.

Kol nodded, completely caught off guard. He stepped beside and further opened the door, gesturing for Bonnie to come inside. It was rather awkward how he forgot how to speak for a moment at the sight of her.

He cleared his throat and said, "Thank you."

Bonnie placed the plate on the nearby table and gave him a nod with a smile. She walked towards the door and was about to leave but Kol instinctively grabbed her arm.

Both of them looked down, at his hand on her arm.

Kol opened his mouth but didn't say anything because his mind was focused on the sweet scent of Bonnie and how warm her skin was against his hand and on the specks of brown scattered in the deep greens of her eyes making him dizzy and unable to breathe.

"Do you want anything else?" Bonnie asked, her voice bringing him back to reality.


"You're holding my arm, Kol." She pointed at his hand, "Do you need something?"

"I-did you eat?" He blurted out, not knowing what else to say.

She pressed her lips together before nodding, "Yeah, I did. You were the only one that didn't show up." Klaus didn't show up too but according to Caroline, he was not hungry. Her friend's gloomy voice made Bonnie think that something must have happened between them. Though she decided to ask later.

"Great. I-"

Β Kol's eyes drifted towards Bonnie's lips and he forgot how to function again.

She tilted her head, not understanding Kol's sudden flustered state. She wished he could just say whatever it is that he wanted to say so that she could go back to her room and not think about him.

Bonnie took a sharp breath when Kol stepped closer, his nose brushing against hers. She became conscious of how fast her heart was beating, the blood in her veins was rushing as he stepped even closer.

"I can hear your heart," Kol whispered, his breath crashing against her lips. The room began to feel warmer with each breath he took. The sound of Bonnie's heart drumming because of him was something he found soothing as if it was a song only made for him.

"I can't," Bonnie said, pushing him away and taking a step back, "I can't do this." She repeated, taking another step back.

"Why?" Kol asked confusion and hurt written on his face.

"Because I'm not your toy, Kol," Bonnie said, shaking her head.

"What?" Kol asked.

"I am not for your entertainment."

His eyes widened in disbelief, "Is that what you think of me?" He asked, shocked by her words, "That I'm using you for my entertainment?"Β 

"Can you blame me?" Bonnie accused.

"So all this," Kol said, gesturing between them, "is nothing? You think I'm playing you? You don't want this?"

Bonnie scoffed, "Why would you think I want this?" She asked, running her hands through her hair. She was feeling frustrated by Kol's unclear motives, she wanted him to be upfront about what he wants from her.

"Oh, so you're telling me that you don't feel anything for me?"

"Of course I feel something for you!" She said, raising her voice a little, "But I am not the one unsure about my feelings for you, Kol! You are unsure about your feelings for me." Her voice grew soft at the end. She sighed, again running her hands through her hair.

Kol felt something pinching his chest. He inhaled, rubbing his hands against his face. He felt like punching something but was aware that it would only scare Bonnie.

"I need you to be sure. Because I am not going to give everything I have when you won't even open up to me. We both deserve better than that."

Bonnie turned around and walked away, leaving Kol alone in the room. With her gone, the warmth was no longer present around him. A hollow feeling wrapped itself around his stomach, twisting it and making his throat dry.

Kol walked near the table next to the bed, and picked the glass, smashing it against the floor.


Rebekah huffed as she pulled the books from beneath Aliza's head and placed a pillow instead. She came to check up on her in the library only to find Aliza asleep on the table, using a stack of books as her pillow. Rebekah covered Aliza's body with a blanket, smiling fondly at her face as she slept like a baby.

An urge took over that made Rebekah lean forward and press a soft kiss on Aliza's head. She smiled when Aliza hummed, curling in a ball, making Rebekah laugh a little.

"She really is a heavy sleeper."

Rebekah turned around almost immediately, she saw Enzo standing there, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. A fond look on his face as he watched her, not Aliza.

He said, "Rome claims she can sleep peacefully even if the world is ending."

"Yeah," Rebekah mumbled, sheepishly. She tucked her hair behind her ear and took a step back. It was as if she got caught doing something wrong.

"I wish I could do the same." He laughed, making her glance at him.

"I just don't want her to-"

"You care about her, Rebekah. What is so wrong in accepting that?"

Rebekah pressed her lips together, clutching her fists.

"This means nothing." She said. She clenched her jaw in an attempt to stop the bitter taste in her mouth when those words tumbled out.

"Oh, so you kissed her head because?" Enzo asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Goodnight, Lorenzo," Rebekah said. She turned around but Enzo stood in front of her, face to face.

"What is going on?" He asked, shaking his head slightly. He failed to understand why she was making Aliza think that Rebekah didn't care about her. He could clearly see the affection in her eyes.

"It's better this way," She said, her voice tired.

"It's because you don't want her to be a part of your family." He said slowly as he took a step towards her, "Because you don't want her to get hurt."

Rebekah exhaled, exhausted by everything that has been going on. She thought she could continue not caring about Aliza, she thought since she never was close to Finn she could do the same with his daughter.

But as time went by, the longing in her heart grew stronger and kept growing stronger. Rebekah realized that Finn would've preferred Aliza being kept away from them.

There was no point in making Klaus understand. He was fixated on the idea of Aliza being a threat to them because of their mother. Klaus wanted to keep an eye on her so that she couldn't plan anything against him.

"It's not. Believe me, I know." Enzo said, sadness swirling in his words.

"What happened to you?" She asked, her voice low.

"Lived my entire life fighting to survive. I was going to die but Lily Salvator turned me into a vampire. Later I was found by the Whitmore family, imprisoned and used as an experiment for ten years." He said, with a remorseful smile that made Rebekah's heartache.

"Her name was Maggie, she was responsible for the study of my behavior. She used to sit in front of my cage and took notes, sometimes even read to me. She was the person I clung to, the reason why I didn't turn my humanity off.

We fell in love. Even in those years of captivity and torture, I looked forward to seeing her again. She wanted me to turn her so that we could run away and be together."

Rebekah's stomach dropped when she saw the tears in his eyes.

"I wanted to be with her more than anything in the world. But I couldn't do that to her. She deserved happiness, a life of peace, and safety. So I compelled her to forget about me and about my love in the hopes of seeing her again."

"What happened?"

"Damon killed her. Bastard turned his humanity off when he was trying to get me out of the cell and failed." Enzo laughed, but it eventually died as he continued, "I don't regret not turning her. I just regret making her forget about me, about us. She died with no knowledge of our love and that hurts the most."

Rebekah stepped forward and pulled Enzo in a hug. He wrapped his arms around her waist, squeezing her tightly and burying his head in her neck. She stroked his hair as she listened to him sob, her own eyes filled with tears.


Fucking hate writing heterosexual romance. It's so fucking hard!

I just didn't want things to be cliche or cringy. I wanted to capture the characters in their true moment and not something that would be deemed pretentious. It makes no sense, I know.

Anyway, how's the chapter? Do tell me your thought and don't forget to vote!
