She is lovely

The first day of Freya's stay was a little better. Aliza noticed the change in her behaviour. She seemed more composed and calm than she did when they had first met. And it did make things a little easier between them.

Conversations between them were somewhat stiff and awkward. But as time went by Aliza found her presence comfortable. And it became a lot easier to talk to Freya. The most surprising thing was that she enjoyed talking to Freya. The woman was calm and collected, and for someone who was an ancient witch, seemed fairly modest in her part.

Β Since Aliza had her summer holidays and plenty of time in her hands. It was nice having Freya around. Usually, her summers were spent in her own company. It was nice not being home alone. Being the only child and with her mother, a psychiatrist, and her father, a paediatrician, she was often left alone.

Β There was only so much company Vincent could keep her. And she didn't have many close friends she could hang out with, given that her parents were busy. A lot.Β 

Freya wasn't certainly a picnic. Her unending questions were kind of annoying. It seemed as if she wanted to know everything, from her favourite colour to her favourite subject to her favourite food. It was a bit weird if she was being honest. Freya also shared about her family.Β 

As far as she knew from her. They lived in New Orleans, and she had been living with them for two years. She found the Mikaelson family quite amusing. Because of bickering tales that Freya had narrated.

For a bunch of powerful vampires, they sure fought like immature teenagers.

"I'll see you next month," Freya said as she approached her. She smiled back and stretched her arms. Freya hugged her, squeezing her slightly.Β 

She watched as Freya climbed in the cab, after once again waving at her. She waved back, feeling a little sad about her departure.Β 

After Freya was gone Vincent stayed for a few hours before going back to his house. Aliza felt a little nervous at the thought of living in New Orleans for a while.

Honestly, she thought Vincent was joking when he said she was something superior to the rest of them.

But he was serious.

And she was screwed.


The ringtone of Freya's phone echoed in the cab. She dug her purse and answered the call, knowing well enough from whom it was.

"Did you meet her?" Elijah asked, skipping straight to the point. He had been on edge the entire time, he was eager to meet the girl himself but because of his fear, he chose to wait.

A slow smile spread on Freya's face at the thought of her. She said, "Yes, I did."

"How is she?" Elijah asked quietly.

She sighed and replied, "She's lovely, Elijah. She's smart, funny, so full of life. She's.... perfect."

Elijah took a sharp breath and said, "I see."

"Finn would've been proud of how she's grown up."

"I still don't think this is a good idea." He remarked. The guilt that he felt was so burdened, he had no idea how he would handle himself once he would meet the girl face to face.Β 

Freya sighed and said, "She's family."Β 

That simple statement was enough for him to not push this topic any further. He felt so torn apart and had no idea how to feel about all this. Though he was more than happy to welcome his niece he also felt remorseful about what he did to Finn.

Elijah could only imagine the interaction between them.


Saying that the Mikaelson family history was complicated would be an understatement because it was freaking messed up.Β 

After Freya had taken her leave, Mithila explained the whole story

Turns out there was much more to the story than she could ever imagine. Freya's family was referred to as the 'Originals'.Β 

A bit cliche, but who was she to judge.

The Originals were the ones from whom the legacy of vampires had begun. The family had been turned by their mother, who was also a witch, by the blood of a doppelganger named Tatia. But it was the third son that caught most of her attention.

Niklaus Mikaelson.

Aliza was informed that he was a hybrid. Half werewolf, half vampire and a full nut job (Rome's words, not hers). He was the king of New Orleans and had control over everything that happened in the city. He was a man hungry for power and control, someone not to be messed with.

Niklaus' older brother Elijah sounded a tad bit okay. He was referred to as the 'good' brother and only the almighty knew their definition of good. Despite being the elder one, his duties were sworn to Niklaus. The only possible explanation to this arrangement would be the fact that Niklaus was the strongest creature alive and the most stupid (Again Rome's words not hers).

Then there was the fourth son, Kol Mikaelson, the one way to describe him was that he was an immature brat who thought very highly of himself. And knowing the fact that he was a thousand years old, it made Aliza feel pretty smart.Β 

And the fifth was Rebekah Mikaelson, she was referred to as a high maintenance serial killer Barbie. And to Aliza's surprise, the Barbie had the same weird fetish of high school and proms.

Seriously what is up with vampires and highschools. That was the mystery Aliza could never figure out.Β 

Honestly in her opinion, the 'Originals' sounded like a hideous joke with a tragic past. The contradiction between Freya's point of view of her family and her parents' left her confused.

If her parents wanted her to be scared. They are sure as hell did a very good job at it because she was downright terrified at the idea of living in the same house as them. That too for a really long time.

But Rome gave her his words, he said that no matter what she would never be hurt by them. That was pretty reassuring but Aliza couldn't see any proper reason for them to not hurt her

This whole situation felt so unrealistic to her. Vampires, witches and werewolves, just a week ago she had no idea they existed. And now she was supposed to interact with them.

The only good thing about New Orleans was that her friend was living there and that she would be meeting her face to face after three years.

The whole point of her living with the Originals was that they would be teaching her how to possess and control her powers. She still didn't know what creature she was.Β 

She couldn't even make any guesses, there was no way she could be a vampire, because one, she was a vegetarian and two, she had low tolerance when it came to blood.

She wasn't a werewolf, because the full moon never bothered her and she was a cat person.

Being a witch was out of option because Vincent made that very clear.Β 

And her four hours internet research did her no good.

She had nothing out of the ordinary about herself. No speed, no super strength, no mind control, nothing. And she had never felt odd or different in her life. She had no problem with making friends or doing normal stuff. She had no problems with the sun or any other things that could possibly distinguish her from a human. She had no heightened senses nor she could talk to animals.Β 

All Mithila said was that she was blessed by some sort of divine power and they needed to figure out what powers she truly has. On further pushing the subject the best response that she got from her parents was that they wished for her to be something different and their prayers were answered.

She possibly couldn't get any sleep after that, her mind was jumbled. Questions after questions arose in her mind. Her stay with the Mikaelsons was what made her even more nervous. She had no clue what to expect, and no amount of words could soothe her impatient and aggravated mind.

And the fact that she would be alone without her parents just added to the burden. And that too for months on the end. Vincent was accompanying her, that was another good thing. She would be homeschooled there so that wasn't a problem either.

But something didn't sit right. So many questions were unanswered and her curiosity was driving her to insanity. They were not telling her all the facts and she hated that but she also knew that they won't be telling her any time soon.

So all she could hope was that she turns out to be a human and be back with her life.Β 
