
enjoy the last chapter of wings!!
oh and thankyou for 10k!!

teddy ran a hand through her long brown hair before placing a kiss on liam's cheek.
"i'll see you later."
she smiled as liam wrapped his arms around her and their lips met.
scott made an angry sound in the back of his throat, but his face slackened when teddy raised an eyebrow.
liam gave teddy one last hug before making his way back down the path, leaving the mccalls stood outside their own front door.
scott smiled at his sister before pushing the wood of the door open, revealing the commotion behind it.
melissa mccall stood, still in her nurses uniform, with bloodshot eyes and a deep scowl.
agent rafe mccall stood opposite, his neck red with fury and his own eyes dark.
teddy's smile faltered immediately as her and scott stepped inside.
protectively, her brother's hand clasped her own.
"what's going on?"
the alpha growled, his eyes flitting between his angry parents.
"nothing's going on, scottβ€”"
rafe started, only to be cut off by his son.
"what's going on, mom?"
the nurse wiped her eyes on the backs of her hands before her gaze settled on her children.
their resemblances showed up prominantely when they stood side by side, and this time, melissa could see neither of them were scared.
the mother steadied her breath before looking scott dead in the eye.
"rafe has come to take teddy back with him."
teddy's stomach dropped.
yes, melissa hadn't referred to the man as your dad like she normally did, but the intentions remained the same.
rafe started.
"i've reconsidered slightly. i still have a home in the next town across, so you wouldn't have to come to san francisco with me. andβ€” if you wantedβ€” you could still attend beacon hills high, to be with that boy."
teddy clutched scott's hand just a little bit tighter.
"he's not some boy. his name is liam. and as much as i appreciate your desperate offers for redemption, dad, i'm happy here. with my family."
the agents mouth stood open, agasp for words.
scott beamed down proudly at his sister.
slowly, melissa positioned herself next to her children, placing her hands on their shoulders.
"you heard the girl, rafe. out. don't make me call stilinski on you. again."
with an exasperated sigh of defeat, rafe made his way towards the door.
he stepped outside before turning and trying one last time.
the girl smiled sweetly,
"get out."
and she slammed the door behind him.
"oh, thank fuck."
melissa exhaled heavily before embracing her children.
scott laughed, chastising his mother for her language jokingly.
teddy melted into the hug happily, relief crashing over her in waves.
"i love you two both, so much."
melissa sighed, kissing scott and teddy on their foreheads softly.
"i love you too, mom."
the young girl grinned, and scott nodded.
"i can't believe i have the two strongest, most badass women, as my family."
the alpha admitted, chuckling lowly as he shook his head.
"we're pretty awesome."
the nurse shrugged to her daughter.
teddy responded,
"we are."
teddy stretched out her arms before leaning backwards, her head resting on her brother's stomach.
the boy lay horizontally across the sofa as she reclined her own body on the large footrest, propping herself up on scott; melissa was snuggled up in the armchair across from the siblings.
the brown eyed girl stretched over her brother's legs for the popcorn, which she placed in her mouth before reverting her eyes back to spiderman: homecoming which was playing on the screen at her request.
well, scott had wanted it, too, but he wouldn't admit that.
as she watched peter parker scale the washington monument, she pretended not to notice the piece of popcorn fly across her vision.
another hit her on the nose as peter reached out for liz's hand, and became difficult to ignore.
"scott gregorio mccall, do you mind?"
the wolf simply smirked, tossing another snack in the air, attempting to catch it, but resulting in it bouncing off his nose and reaching the floor.
"think you could do better, theodora reuben ellis?"
"you did not just use my full name."
teddy dared, sitting up and taking her own piece of popcorn into her hand.
"i did too."
"oh, you're on, scotty."
the girl tossed the popcorn into the air, and caught it flawlessly in her mouth.
at this, scott poured dramatically before taking a playful swing at his sister.
teddy dodged, jumping at the wolf and sitting on his stomach.
"say uncle!"
melissa moaned from her chair,
"you two are idiots."
teddy demanded, her arms holding her brother's down.
"no way!"
scott cried back in response.
"i could go all night!"
suffice to say, when melissa climbed up the stairs to retire to her bed, the pair were crashed out atop each other, fast asleep, just like they did as kids.
because that's what they were still.
only kids.
the next day, teddy lay with her head rested on liam's stomach as his hands played with her hair.
the pair were at liam's house, with the once blaring video game screen flickering motionlessly.
mason lay in a heap in the far corner, snoring slightly and twisting, so that the moonlight glinted off his silver earring.
on the other side of the room sat brettβ€” at teddy's invite.
the taller boy spun aimlessly on liam's chair, his hands clasped together in front of him.
"was i really invited here to watch you two be adorably disgusting for hours?"
the boy mused, clicking his tongue.
teddy sat up, dragging her unwilling boyfriend with her.
"as much as i'd rather sleep right now, i'm afraid my answer to that is no."
"i wanna sleep."
the blue eyed boy moaned, and teddy kissed his cheek gently.
"what is it then?"
brett asked, running a hand through his curls.
"i want you two to make a truce."
both the boy's' eyes became wide.
the brunette explained.
"i love liamβ€” he's my boyfriend and i need him in my life. but brett, brett is one of my friends, and i've never had many of them, so i need him too."
the taller boy grunted nonchantly but liam groaned.
"why him? surely there are better people to be friends with?"
the born wolf made an angry sound in the back of his throat.
"liam, please. besides, he can help you, with, uhhβ€” you knowβ€”"
the brown eyed girl glanced at mason to ensure he was asleep; he was.
"wolfy things."
liam scoffed unhappily.
"fine. but only if he agrees."
brett raised his hands in surrender.
"fine by me. teddy's saved my life more times than i care to remember. i owe her. and if that comes in the form of dealing with dumb-bar, then so be it."
the boy sat back in his chair as liam glowered at him.
teddy said, taking liam's hand in her own.
"good. now that's sorted, anyone up for another game of call of duty?"
both boys nodded anxiously, still eager to beat each other at something despite their pact of friendship.
even mason stirred in the corner, and the four played until the sun rays slid under the seam of liam's window.
then, they crashed at liam's til noon.
when teddy stirred from her sleep, brett and mason were gone, and in their place sat a small folded note, written in brett's messy cursive.

me and mason headed off. i have lacrosse practice and he's off to the library to dΜΆoΜΆ gΜΆeΜΆeΜΆkΜΆyΜΆ sΜΆtΜΆuΜΆfΜΆfΜΆ research supernatural monsters ;)
see ya later, brett x

the brunette smiled at the note before turning and looking at her sleeping boyfriend.
his dirty blonde hair was ruffled and messy, and his lips were slightly parted.
his shirt had at some point been disguarded last night, so his chest was bare, and teddy could see the faint outline of a scar on the right side of his stomach.
slowly, the girl tenderly traced her fingers over the red hue, taking in the mark garrett's blade had left.
"i forgot about that,"
the voice from beside her made teddy jump.
"do you reckon it'll heal? because it'll probably be hard to explain to my parents."
liam shrugged.
"talk about hard to explain."
teddy smiled smally before lifting her own t-shirt slightly, reavealing a long scar spanning her stomach.
liam gasped aloud.
"end of eighth grade. we were dealing with lydia's psychotic ex who also happened to be a kanima."
teddy still remembered matt's words as she stood, watching scott heal from his bullet wound.
"hey, jackson. i think it's time we gave mccall some real pain. but how do you hurt someone who can magically heal? i know. you attack his sister."
teddy had gasped and slumped to the floor as jackson removed his tail from where it was enlodged within her abdomen.
she tried, her lips tainted red with blood.
teddy shook away the memory and glanced up at liam's baby blue eyes.
"as for healing, i don't know."
she admitted.
"maybe it just takes time?"
liam took teddy's hands in his own before pulling her into a kiss.
"when do you ever have time in a world of supernatural monsters?"
"what you thinking about?"
scott mused, his eyes on his sister as she threw her tennis ball up, an recaught it again.
teddy let out a sigh.
"about whatever's coming next."
she admitted.
scott exhaled steadily, before removing himself from the chair and laying next to his sister on her bed.
the brown eyed girl sighed, before resting her head against her brother's shoulder.
scott's arm wrapped around his sister gently.
"what else could happen, scott?"
teddy asked slowly.
"what else can this world throw at us? who else can this world take from us?"
the dark haired boy bit his lip, lost in thought, before looking down at teddy.
it was like his own eyes were looking back at him.
"i don't know what's coming next, but i can guarantee that something will, whatever it may be. but i promise youβ€”"
scott paused, a small smile creeping onto his lips.
"we'll take it on. together this time."
"take on the world?"
teddy asked seriously.
"did you just 'girl meets world' reference me, teds?"
scott laughed.
"yes, yes i did. because i am one hundred percent riley matthews."
scott cocked an eyebrow playfully.
"you think you've found your lucas friar."
the brunette rolled her brown eyes with a sigh before shoving scott away; the boy let out a stark laugh as he fell off the bed.
"i don't know."
teddy answered truthfully.
"i hope so."
"liam's a good guy."
scott admitted.
"and i'm pretty sure he'll be with us for a long time. kicking ass and fighting evil and all that."
"we're some pretty kick-ass kids."
the girl agreed, helping scott back onto the bed before resting her head upon her stomach like she used to when they were young.
"i can promise you one thing, teds,"
the boy grinned, looking at his sister.
"those wings are going to save lives, teddy mccall. your wings."

sorry it was such a short chapter but that's it folks! the last part of wings! sorry it was such a short chapter too, but it was really just tying up loose ends before (potentially) the sequel!
today, april third, also marks the one year anniversary of this book, which is awesome!
i hope you all enjoyed and get ready for the epilogue!
(i used way too many exclamation marks in this one authors note!)
β€”hattie x
