
teddy waited with scott and stiles until she saw the school bus drive into the parking lot.
it was hard to miss; being bright yellow.
instantly, the sheriffs son swung his rucksack over his shoulder over-dramatically and turned to his best friend.
"i'll go round the back."
teddy watched as the few people she knew exited the bus.
mason, garrett, violet.
but no liam.
scott sighed.
"the one day."
he hissed.
"i thought you said he got the bus."
he said to teddy.
the youngest mccall sighed.
"he doesβ€”usually."
suddenly, teddy caught sight of spiky, dirty blonde hair rounding the corner.
teddy tugged at her brothers shirt, and then pointed at liam.
liam halted next to mason, and the pair exchanged a few words as liam got his breath back.
the blue eyed boy kept looking around, alert, and teddy couldn't blame him.
he was probably terrified of scott, and, maybe even her.
soon enough, liam caught sight of scott.
his face turned a sickly shade of white as he patted mason on the back.
"uhβ€”i gotta go."
he said hastily before turning and ducking inside the doors of the school.
scott cussed before following him in.
finally, after relentless chasing and losing sight of the freshman several times, stiles and scott eventually cornered him when he stopped at his locker.
he tried to walk around the pair, but they obstructed his path.
liam's blue eyes were filled with terror and his palms became clammy with sweat.
teddy thought he looked like he'd seen a ghost.
liam's look of terror was returned on scott's face, as he look at his best friend desperately.
stiles rolled his eyes.
liam's eyes flitted between scott and stiles, but never once landed on teddy.
never once.
"liam, hey!"
stiles yelled, finally stopping square infront of the boy.
"liam, we need to talk."
scott said, approaching him from behind rapidly.
teddy sighed, cowering behind her brother.
she didn't want to draw too much attention to herself, considering that her former friend probably wanted to kill herβ€” with his new-found powers.
liam swung round to face scott before yelling.
he didn't appear to have noticed teddy, but she was positive he would.
right then, teddy wished she wasn't here.
she was invisible.
"no, you need to back the hell up!"
liam yelled.
the blue eyed boy flew back round to face stiles.
"both of you!"
"can you just listen for one second?"
scott persisted as liam kept his body twisting between the two boys.
teddy didn't believe her luck.
he hadn't noticed her.
scott's voice sounded full of pain as he begged the freshman.
liam finally rested his body facing the eldest mccall, but teddy wasn't focused on being seenβ€” she was more interested in what her brother had to say.
liam didn't argue.
scott licked his lips and blinked a couple of times as though he wasn't expecting the boy to give in so easy.
the junior didn't know what to say.
he paused dramatically before speaking.
he said slowly.
"we're brothers now."
teddy and stiles' sighs and eye rolls were so in-sync, they might as well have been the siblings, not teddy and scott.
liam looked about as confused as teddy felt.
he furrowed his eyebrows as his face went from one of confusion to one of disgust.
"oh, god, that's.."
stiles face palmed, and didn't finish his sentence, but scott knew what he was going to say.
"what are you talking about?"
liam snapped.
"we just met, a-and you bit me!"
teddy stifled a laugh at how literal liam was being.
"the bite-"
scott started, before nodding his head in mock confidence.
"the bite is a gift."
the eldest mccall's eyes narrowed as he spoke, and teddy facepalmed as she caught on to why this 'speech' sounded so familiar.
the stilinski boy shook his head violently, before closing his eyes to check what he was hearing was real.
"scott, stop."
he flapped his arms around to emphasise his point, and teddy chuckled.
"please stop, just stop."
stiles walked around the confused freshman to his best friends side where he placed his hands on his best friends shoulder, almost knocking over teddy with his bag.
she spluttered in surprise and stumbled, her balance wavering, but she caught herself and relocated herself to her brothers left instead.
"and you-you."
stiles pointed at liam, scowling.
"we are trying to help you, you little runt."
liam nodded sarcastically.
"by kidnapping me?"
teddy couldn't help but chuckle at how blunt the boy was.
both juniors seemed taken aback by the rhetorical question, as they paused a second before answering.
stiles brandished his hand infront of liam's face whilst speaking.
"scott kidnapped you, okay?"
he clarified.
"i, uhβ€” aided and abetted."
scott remained blank.
liam nodded again.
finally, scott appeared to wake up from his daze.
he said.
"i've gone through this before. somethings happening to you."
teddy's brother narrowed his eyes and paused.
"something big."
liam looked just about done.
he scowled, and nodded one last time before moving his head between the pair, but still not seeing teddy.
"nothings happening to me."
the freshman said matter-o-factly.
then, liam held up his arm, and, with the other hand, ripped off his bandage to reveal a clear arm.
he said again, louder this time.
scott's eyes turned wide as liam walked away to join mason down the corridor.
scott whispered to his best friend.
"it healed.."
scott and stiles remained in the corridor for a moment, blank, and utterly clear of ideas out of this situation.
teddy just stood there too, not even bothering to attempt to get their attention.
"oh, god."
scott said abruptly.
"it healed."
stiles nodded, before patting scott on the back.
"yes it did, buddy. now we better get to class."
"where'd teddy go?"
scott asked, and teddy's eyebrows furrowed.
"i'm here."
she tried to say, but scott and stiles heard nothing.
because they couldn't see teddy.
"what was that about?"
mason asked liam, slamming the boys locker door shut.
liam jumped back, surprised.
the blonde boy stammered, re-opening his locker and grabbing his books.
liam was eager to change the subject.
"have you seen teddy this morning?"
liam asked mason, closing his locker and putting his books into his bag.
"well, you were just with her brother, why didn't you ask him?"
"her brother?!"
liam asked, startled.
mason furrowed his brows.
"you didn't know?"
liam shook his head.
"anyway, i haven't seen her."
mason said, finally dropping the initial subject.
as the bell sounded, the pair set off to class, but a few paces behind them, teddy stood, confused and on the verge of tears.
liam had been looking right at her.
so had scott and stiles.
so why could no one see her?
despite the bell, teddy didn't go to class.
instead, she ran to the bathroom, distraught.
no one looked at her, because no one could see her, which only pushed the tears closer to the edge of her eyes.
teddy threw the bathroom door open, and it bashed against the wall violently.
that was the only time people looked towards teddy that morning.
thankful for the virtually empty room, teddy stood in front of the mirror.
gingerly, she looked up, not sure what to expect, but it wasn't what she saw.
she saw nothing.
anxiety and fear crept up teddy's throat as she began to panic.
she wasn't there.
she wasn't there.
she wasn't there.
the mirror simply reflected the toilet cubicles behind teddy.
suddenly, teddy began to shake.
her hands quivered and her lips began to tremble.
the tears began to make teddy's cheeks wet and red and sticky.
a million thoughts raced through her mind.
she wasn't there.
she didn't exist.
teddy mccall didn't exist.
after a minute, teddy's knees gave way.
she crumpled to the floor, sobbing silently and shaking.
teddy's head hit the base of the sink softly as she fell.
she rested her head against it and tried to breathe like she was taught so many times by her mother.
then she thought about what derek hale had taught her.
it may seem weird, but teddy mccall trusted the born wolf with her life.
teddy remembered all the times he'd watched over her whilst scott had been out fighting battles teddy wasn't allowed to.
she remembered when derek had found cora againβ€” his only living relative other than peter, yet he still treated teddy like a sister.
when he went missing, teddy almost went insane.
whether it was with worry or loneliness, teddy was incredibly relieved when he was found.
anyway, teddy always listened to derek.
she remembered what he said to help wolf betas calm down.
usually, it worked for her, too.
finally, teddy's shallow breaths because stronger and steadier.
her stomach began to feel sick from all the crying.
slowly, teddy lifted her hands.
she could see them, but she still didn't get why no one else could.
little did she know, if she just lifted her head a little bit higher, teddy was, in fact, there, and visible, now.
teddy was almost oblivious to the click of the lock as someone exited the cubicle behind her.
"oh, god."
a high pitched voice came from behind teddy.
"teddy! teddy! are you okay?"
teddy vaguely recognised the voice, but she couldn't place it.
"oh, god, scott! stiles!"
lydia didn't know whether it was coincidence or her banshee powers that attracted the attention of scott and stiles.
the pair came running in.
"what happened?"
scott yelled, putting his hands under his sisters legs and around her shoulder and lifting her up.
"i-i don't know. i found her like this. when i was on the toilet, i heard her crying."
"i didn't see her this morning, she left when we found liam."
scott's voice was rushed as he exited the girls bathroom, earning a couple of stares.
"i overhear liam and mason talking."
lydia said, chasing after the best friends and the unconscious girl.
"they hadn't seen her either."
stiles halted his brisk walk to speak.
"then where the hell did she go?"
