
liam roared and growled, fighting against the chains wrapped around his waist and the hands pressed against his chest.
scott and kira struggled to keep the boy down, their faces ridden with pain as they pushed against liam.
liam's claws flicked out from his hand, and scott gasped, grabbing his forearm roughly.
he turned to kira.
"i got him! get his hands!"
he yelled, and kira ran behind to reach for the boys arms.
liam's eyes glistened gold.
just as kira was about to restrain him, liam launched himself at the older boy in front of him.
liam pulled free from the chains and pounced on the eldest mccall, pinning him down.
liam let out a guttural roar.
looking around, kira panicked.
the new-turned werewolf had his hand pressed into scott's throat, restricting his breathing.
just as liam was about to strike out with his claws, there was a loud thwack.
liam's eyes changed back blue as he fell to the floor, unconscious.
kira stood over him, a boat paddle in her hands.
her eyes wide, gasping, kira rushed to liam's side, followed by scott.
"oh, god."
she said, flustered.
"i didn't kill him, did i?"
liam was still breathing.
scott said.
"he's out cold."
the two juniors sat panting for a moment.
"i hope stiles is having better luck."
kira said admittedly.
teddy wove her way through freshman who reeked of alcohol.
she held her breath every time she spied a can of beer or a shot of something stronger.
teddy hated alcohol.
she'd dealt with it enough, courtesy of her father.
teddy wandered into the kitchen in an attempt to escape, swiftly avoiding a man with a whole keg of beer.
teddy assumed scott didn't know about the alcohol.
else, teddy wouldn't have been allowed within a hundred metres of the place.
teddy heard lydia's voice as she stood awkwardly by the kitchen counter.
"okay. i didn't order a keg of beer."
lydia said, frustrated.
she cocked her head sweetly.
"especially not in that state."
"somebody ordered it."
the man with the keg looked around.
"you tryna tell me no one here wants to drink?"
lydia followed the mans actions, looking around too.
she spotted a glass of wine atop her computer, and lifted it up, furious.
"who put this here?"
she yelled.
in the corner of her eye, teddy spotted garrett take a sip from an open wine bottle.
she rolled her eyes disgustedly.
"this laptop was two-thousand dollars."
lydia hissed, slamming it shut.
the strawberry blonde girl stormed over to garrett, plucking the wine bottle from his hand.
garrett recoiled, confused.
"that bottle of wine was four hundred."
lydia eyed up garrett for a moment before turning back to the man with the keg.
"how much?"
she grimaced.
the man handed her a bill, which she snatched off of him.
lydia read it over.
"what's this extra hundred dollars?"
she asked without looking up.
"i call that the 'yes you do look twenty one to me' service charge."
the man winked.
lydia scoffed, before placing the wine bottle on the counter.
she turned to the stairs, spying mason walking up them, and panicked.
"i'll go get you some cash."
lydia said before sprinting up the stairs after the freshman.
once lydia was gone, garrett walked over to the man.
"i opened the wine, i should probably pay for the keg."
he said, taking out his wallet.
it was only then that teddy noticed violet was no where in sight.
the man took the money garrett handed him and placed the keg down before taking off.
garrett walked away too, waving at teddy slightly.
teddy nodded in his direction.
suddenly, there was an uproar from the other room.
"chug! chug! chug! chug!"
thoroughly sick of the party, teddy decided to make her way to the boathouse, where liam, scott and kira were.
"he look so young."
kira said slowly, watching the unconscious boy.
"he is."
scott replied, his eyes on liam also.
"he's only fifteen. just a little older than teddy."
kira watched as liam's chest rose up and down slowly.
"what are we gonna do with him?"
kira turned to her boyfriend, who sighed.
"we're gonna help him."
he said with finality.
"what if he doesn't want our help?"
doubt crept into the kitsune's mind.
scott remained silent for a moment.
"he will."
when teddy made it downstairs, scott and kira were gone, and the faint sound of slow music was audible.
teddy smiled at the thought of her brother and kira, dancingβ€” she assumed.
she'd always approved of the relationship, but teddy missed allison dearly.
the two had formed quite a bond, and it was hard on all three mccall's when she died.
teddy let her eyes wander over to liam.
she wasn't sure why the boy had been unconscious, but he was stirring.
liam groaned and tipped his head back, as if in pain, but then opened his eyes revealing a startling gold.
teddy almost stepped back.
but she didn't.
"umm, liam?"
teddy said, too nervous to approach the boy.
liam only replied with strangled pants.
she said again.
the boy still didn't reply.
swallowing her fear, teddy inhaled sharply before taking one small step towards liam.
he didn't flinch.
teddy took one more step before crouching down to liam's level.
she said, her voice even softer than before.
liam still didn't look up, but a couple of strands of his blonde hair fell over his face.
out of instinct, teddy reached her hand forward to brush liam's hair from his face.
just before teddy's hand made contact, liam snapped.
his muscles contracted under the power of the full moon as he strained against the chains.
teddy leapt back in fear, falling on her bum and crawling back with her hands.
her brown eyes widened as they met with liam's golden-yellow ones.
the werewolf looked up.
his eyes sparkled in the moonlight.
teddy whimpered as liam strained against the chainsβ€” too petrified to move.
after a short struggle, the chains snapped, and liam went bounding towards the glass window, smashing his body through it and leaping into the night.
teddy heard scott and kira begin to make their way towards the commotion.
composing herself, teddy took what had just happened in.
"oh, shoot."
she sighed, before β€”regrettablyβ€” sprinting into the darkness after liam.
teddy finally caught up to liam whilst he rested against a tree.
as soon as she came within ten metres of the wolf, he looked up at her with his piercing yellow eyes.
fear swelled in teddy's chest, and her breathing was heavy, but, still, she didn't back down.
teddy could do this alone.
she didn't need help.
this time, teddy didn't need to be saved.
steadily, the young mccall approached the boy.
she said softly, her voice quivering.
teddy shook her head vigorously before speaking again.
"liam. calm down."
she said, this time, more confident than ever before.
liam's eyes remained gold, but his fangs retracted.
slowly, teddy began to walk forwards.
one step.
teddy hitched her breath in anticipation, but liam didn't react.
two steps.
liam still did nothing.
three steps.
liam and teddy were now face to face, and she could feel the wolf's breath fanning against her face.
in the darkness, liam's gold eyes flickered.
in response, so did teddy's.
she didn't realise, and the sudden colour change shocked liam so much his eyes reverted back to blue.
even though everything liam saw was tinted red, he most definitely saw teddy's eyes fill pure black before the white and brown returned in rings.
teddy's eyes had most definitely turned black.
teddy breathed, but she had already lost him.
out of the corner of his eye, liam saw scott bounding through the woods.
liam's golden irises flashed and his fangs and claws returned.
despite teddy's words, liam went bounding into the woods once again, this time, after scott mccall.
"liam! liam!"
teddy cried, overwhelmed by worry, not necessarily for her brother but for what the alpha could do to teddy's friend, liam.
liam sprinted after scott, and teddy chased them, but the girls speed was anything but supernatural.
she caught up to the two wolves as they went rolling down the grassy hill, clawing at each other.
teddy was too out of breath to even attempt to do anything.
she just watched, as helpless as ever as liam pounded on her brother.
liam held scott against a tree and roared.
"liam, liam, wait!"
scott yelled, trying to calm the boy.
liam kept roaring.
"what did you do to me?!"
liam roared, pounding scott with his fists.
scott tried to pry the young wolf off of him, but liam kept fighting.
"this is your fault!"
"this is all your fault!"
pushing off of scott, liam leapt into the air, his claws brandished and ready to strike.
teddy gasped, but something cut through the tension.
a high pitch whistling sound reverberated through the trees, and struck into the trunk where scott was pinned.
both scott and teddy knew what to do and clamped their eyes shut.
liam wasn't so lucky.
the young wolf yelped in pain as a bright flash of white light filled the clearing.
liam screamed and ran as the mccall siblings shielded their eyes.
on the top of a mound, chris argent came intoΒ  view.
he slung his crossbow down by his side and walked down the mound to meet scott.
teddy ran to join the pair.
scott's lips quivered as he attempted to speak.
"h-how did you know?"
argent helped scott up.
"i got your text."
the pair smiled, before both their eyes turned to teddy.
scott yelled.
"what the hell are you doing out here?!"
argent regarded teddy, looking her up and down.
something was different about the youngest mccall, but he didn't bring it up.
teddy looked down at her feet.
"i- i was with liam when he, you know, ran."
she scratched the back of her head.
scott sighed.
"i thought i told you to stay out of danger."
teddy scoffed silently.
in truth, teddy was bored of being told to 'stay out of danger'.
scott looked at argent expectantly.
"ohβ€” yeah."
the hunter coughed.
"the new wolf is dangerous, especially on a full moon. stay out the way, theodora."
he slung his crossbow over his shoulder, and teddy cringed as he used her full name.
"we can handle this."
