
teddy mccall tucked her legs up beneath her as she sat on her bed.
scott regarded his sister with a look of worry, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
"i went to see brett and lori."
teddy stated, swallowing thickly.
slowly, the alpha nodded, egging his sister to continue her tale.
"the day that liam,"
she faltered,
"the day liam was kidnapped, by garrett, this time,"
scott stifled a small laugh, seeing teddy's lips curl up slightly.
"and you had just got the phone call, and,
well, gone. before garrett saw me."
"keep talking."
scott comforted as his sister faltered over her words.
he grabbed her hand gently as their matching doe eyes locked supportively.
the freshman sighed before explaining everything.
"i went to see if they could help me, if they knew what i was. they did. i told them, about me being invisible, and about my eyes changing colour, turning black. and something happened that night, scott, when we found liam. and sheriff stilinski saw."
"then we talk to him."
scott said, standing up from his position on the bed.
"right now?"
teddy asked.
"right now."
he affirmed, pulling up his sister.
"let's see if brett and lori we're right."
scott and teddy arrived at the sheriff's station to find lydia and stiles already there.
scott knocked on the office door and entered, to hear the three in a heated discussion.
"your grandmother, lorraine martin, faked her death?"
"more than likely, yes."
"oh, i'm guessing you got a story to back this up?"
at that moment, the alpha let out a cough, and all three gazes swivelled to where him and teddy stood in the door way.
"can we, talk to you quickly, sheriff?"
scott asked as teddy closed the office door gently, avoiding the stares of other deputies in the station.
"i'm kind of in the middle of something here."
the sheriff gestured to stiles and lydia as scott rested himself against the desk.
"this is slightly more important."
the brown haired boy bit his lip as stiles' eyes widened.
"more important than lydia's undead grandmother?"
he exclaimed, but the sheriff had caught on, and sat down before the mccall siblings, sighing.
the man rested his elbows on his desk, his eyes tired.
"ask away."
"sheriff, i need you to tell me everything you saw that night. the night that teddy shifted."
noah stilinski sat back in his chair and exhaled deeply.
"that's what i saw."
teddy nodded, her eyes wide in terror at her newfound discovery.
the girl swallowed thickly.
"brett and lori were right."
she spoke quietly, and the sheriff nodded.
stiles placed a hand on teddy's shoulder.
"don't do anything, okay. me and lydia will be right over with liam and kira when we've sorted this out."
"oh, yay.."
the sheriff mumbled,
"now we get to discuss lydia's undead grandmother."
scott ignored noah's sarcastic remark and pulled his sister into a hug from behind.
"come on, teds, we'll figure this out."
"me and lydia will be right there."
stiles affirmed.
then, the mccall siblings left, scott's hand never leaving his sister's side.
behind them, lydia hissed at stiles.
"i told you she was supernatural!"
the door to the sheriff's station sealed shut.
teddy's hands were shaking as she climbed onto the back of her brother's motorcycle.
"hey, hey, hey.."
he noticed his sister's trembles and as she wrapped her arms around him and turned around.
he removed his helmet from his face, only to see a small tear streak her pale face.
instantly, his hand went to her cheek to wipe the tear.
"i know it's overwhelming teddy, i know, trust me."
scott almost laughed.
"i was only just sixteen when i was bitten."
"how did i come to be supernatural?"
the doe eyed girl sniffled.
"what happened?"
the eldest mccall shook his head softly.
"i don't know, teds, i just don't know. but everything happens for a reason. and hey, maybe now, you can be the hero."
a small smile spread across teddy's face.
"this time, i can save your ass."
she laughed quietly.
scott smiled warmly.
"for sure."
no sooner than the mccall siblings arrived home, a call came through from the stilinski boy.
"hey, scott."
he spoke through the phone.
"hey, stiles. what's up?"
"about that supernatural discovery meeting. it's been relocated to derek's loft. get here, asap."
"okay, see you there."
"come on, teddy."
scott mounted his bike once again.
"we're heading to derek's loft. stiles figured he could help."
teddy nodded warmly.
teddy pushed the door open slowly to the dark loft, before stepping inside slowly.
she was greeted by the sight of lydia and derek, and a man she vaguely recognised.
the man's hands were held out in front of him as derek traced over his palms gently.
"he covered you in gasoline?"
derek asked as the mccall siblings joined the circle.
"it's the hair and nails, isn't it?"
lydia asked,
"the parts of the body that are essentially dead."
"well, they should be gone."
derek said slowly.
"i was set on fire, all of me should be gone!"
the man exclaimed, and a worried look spread across teddy's face.
"not if you're like us."
scott spoke up, placing a hand on teddy's shoulder.
his eyes moved to derek as he gestured to teddy.
"like she is. so, we need your help, too."
the wolf nodded, turning back to face the unknown man.
"like you?"
his eyebrows furrowed.
"i don't think he's like us. parrish, i mean."
derek mused, pursing his lips.
"then what is he?"
lydia questioned.
"sorry, but i have no idea."
he admitted.
"but you knew about jackson and kira, and, you'll know about teddy.."
scott persisted, worry coursing through his veins as his sister's nervous heartbeat rose.
"this is a little out of my experience. there might be something in the bestiary. did you try argent?"
scott swallowed thickly.
"i don't know where he is."
"okay, hold on."
the man named parrish exclaimed.
"what's a bestiary? actually, that's not even my first question. just... just tell me one thing. are all of you like lydia?"
the strawberry blonde's eyebrows raised.
"are you all psychic?"
derek pondered.
parrish exhaled deeply.
a slight smile formed on scott's lips.
"not exactly."
half an hour later, parrish left the loft, his head full of knowledge of the supernatural he was trying to piece together.
that left lydia, derek, and scott, gathered in a circle around teddy.
"where's stiles?"
she asked, trying to ease the tension of the three supernaturals with their eyes examining her.
"at the hospital with his dad."
lydia pursed her lips.
"surely he'd want us to wait for him.."
teddy started, but derek stepped closer to her, silencing her.
"no. this needs to be done now."
the brunette swallowed back a whimper, offering her hands up to the older man.
he took them, tracing over her fingers cautiously as though claws would sprout through any second.
his features softened at the terror on the girl's face.
"i called liam,"
scott said from behind his sister,
"he's on his way."
teddy exhaled heavily at the thought of the boy, and she relaxed a little.
teddy and scott had preciously explained teddy's shifts recently, from the black feathered wings, the talons and fangs,
to the dark black eyes that overtook teddy's warm irises.
derek had contemplated it, before asking what brett and lori thought.
releasing teddy's hands, the man wandered over to where his laptop sat, and pulled open the top.
his fingers flying over the keyboard, he pulled up a webpage.
the mccall's and lydia gathered round the small screen, eyes widening at the result.
"brett and lori were right."
scott exhaled slowly.
"you're, you're aโ€”"
liam dunbar swung open the door to the loft without a second thought for it's main inhabitant.
he was greeted by darkness, and four figures huddled around a small computer screen, which somehow illuminated that half of the room.
the four residents swung around to see the blonde boy, who rushed over to them.
the silence was imminent.
in the darkness, liam's hand found it's way to teddy's, intertwining them together in comfort.
derek clicked the keypad, and another page filled the small electronic screen.
the page was black, with a diagram filling the top left.
the image was a girl, with great, overbearing black wings sprouting from the back; fangs and claws protruded from the figure and glistened ominously.
the eyes were solid black.
liam's eyes flicked to the italic writing curling to the right, followed by paragraphs of information.
but liam focused on two small words that seemed so unfamiliar but so right.
dark fairy.
tension hung thick in the air within the hale loft.
everyone was stumped; no one knew how to respond to the new found information.
finally, lydia swallowed thickly.
"that's ironic."
derek's eyebrows raised.
"how so?"
"teddy mccall? a dark fairy? the sweetest, most innocent child i've ever met, a creature of darkness?"
the strawberry blonde scoffed, and teddy's cheeks burned red in the dark.
slowly, derek stood up and flicked on the overhead light, which sent a flare of white through the room.
the four winced, before looking at each other, now without the shadows.
scott's eyes fell to where liam and teddy's hands were woven together, an eyebrow raised.
liam winced slightly, but held tight; causing teddy's cheeks to ignite once again.
derek noticed the situation, and his lips curled up slightly.
"scott, lydia."
he called.
"call stiles. let's research."
a small smile was sent from the born wolf to the two freshman, who wandered across the loft, away from the others.
"how are you doing?"
liam said softly, though he had a feeling scott was listening in.
a sigh escaped the brunette girl's lips as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear roughly.
"i don't know."
she breathed, honestly.
"i knew i was something, so all i did was find out. i shouldn't be that shocked."
teddy's gaze fell to the floor as she tried to swallow the shock she felt so guilty for feeling.
"hey, hey, hey."
liam notices the girl's crestfallen gaze, and, speaking softly, he comforted her.
his fingers were placed gently under her fallen chin as he lifted her head to his eye level.
the beta's blue eyes met the warm chocolate ones opposite, which were so full of fear.
"it's okay to be shocked, teddy. it's okay to be scared. i sure as hell know i was."
the corners of teddy's mouth turned up slightly at this remark.
"you may be a dark fairy, whatever the hell that is, but you're still teddy mccall. you're stillโ€”"
liam stuttered over his words; doubt flooded his mind as he questioned what he was about to stay.
his voice became even softer, barely a whisper, as he sensed the gaze of the older supernaturals on the pair.
a light pink brushed the blonde boy's cheeks as he ushered those last four words.
"you're still my girl..."
teddy's eyes instantly dropped as her face heated up in the darkness.
footsteps approached from the other side of the hallway, and realisation quickly clouded liam's mind.
"i mean, no. not my girl. but, i-i like you, you know?"
liam's mind groaned in agony at his mishap of words.
but before he could resolve it, scott, lydia and derek surrounded the blushing freshman, two with raised eyebrows and one with a firm scowl.
scott's scowl remained strong as he placed a hand on his sister's shoulder.
"stiles can't make it, his dad's still in the hospital."
the alpha's voice was gruff and firm, and sent chills down liam's spine.
he stepped back from teddy slightly, his cheeks still glowing red.
teddy mccall swallowed thickly.
"okay, let's go."
she turned towards derek, who opened is arms and enveloped the small girl he'd come to care for like a sister.
when they released, he placed a small kiss to the top of her head.
"you'll be okay."
a small smile appeared on the youngest mccall's face.
"i know."
once again, teddy turned to face the blue eyed beta, who still burned with embarrassment.
before she could say anything, the boy chimes in.
"i'll walk with you two. i live in the same direction."
a swift nod from teddy and the raise of an eyebrow from scott told liam he was okay to journey home with the pair.
with a swift goodbye to lydia, the three set off, and parted ways half way, without a word exchanged between liam and teddy.
