
teddy took a steady breath as she shuffled down the stairs.
her hands held the tops of her bag straps, which sat on her shoulders, with her arms crossed against her chest, in a corpse-like position.
teddy found this rather fitting.
right then, she wished she were dead and buried.
or at least wearing a decent shirt.
inhaling sharply, teddy closed her eyes and then forced them open as she reached the bottom step.
over by his locker stood liam, with mason beside him.
teddy made an attempt to steady her shaking hands.
kira patted the young girls shoulder lightly.
"you'll be fine, teddy."
teddy laughed slightly, as though the terrifying concept of 'fake' asking out the boy she liked was almost funny.
"thanks, kira."
teddy said as the junior walked off towards her boyfriend and friends.
the freshman looked over at the older group.
stiles smirked again, and lydia put her thumbs up.
malia looked plain bored.
as a quick reassurance, teddy raised her arms towards lydia.
she could see herself just fine.
can you see me? she mouthed to lydia, and lydia nodded.
somehow, teddy knew that lydia was the only one who believed that what had happened today was supernatural.
shaking her head lightly, teddy decided to get it over with.
"hi, uh, li."
teddy said, approaching her two friends stood by the row of lockers.
"hi, mase."
she added quickly as mason raised an eyebrow.
"hey, teddy."
liam said, and mason have a small wave.
smiling sheepishly at mason, teddy turned to liam.
"umβ€” li, can i talk to you?"
liam nodded, but made no attempt to move, and leant his weight against the lockers.
after a moment of awkward silence, liam caught on.
"oh, uhβ€”"
he stuttered, and mason laughed.
"it's okay. i'll go."
mason raised his hands as he left, giving scott and stiles a funny look as he passed them.
teddy's eyes wandered to her brother, searching for reassurance, and when scott saw, he nodded firmly.
teddy took a deep breath.
"uh, li. some friends of mine, they're having a party tonight. i, uhβ€” i was wondering if you wanted to come with me."
teddy blushed.
"you don't have to come with me. or come. orβ€”"
liam cut teddy off with a laugh.
"i'll come."
surprised, teddy looked at him.
"youβ€”you will?"
liam nodded, and teddy's heart fluttered.
it was only then she remembered it wasn't a real party.
teddy looked down in shame, unable to meet liam's gaze.
"i'll pick you up at seven."
she mumbled.
"my friend kira can take us."
liam nodded okay, but as teddy left, he furrowed his eyebrows.
what had come over her?
did she not want him to say yes?
well, liam thought.
i'll find out at seven.
that night, kira's car shot along the winding roads.
the radio was blaring, and whilst kira in the front seat didn't seem to mind, the sound was affecting both backseat passengers.
teddy wished she and liam had spoken more.
then kira wouldn't have had to turn the radio on to break the awkward silence.
she felt mildly travel sick as she pressed her forehead against the cool glass of the window.
teddy didn't look over at liam, who was wincing in pain at the strong beat.
"where's this party at?"
liam groaned in pain as kira swung the car round another sharp turn.
"it's lydia martins lake house."
kira said over-enthusiastically.
"well, actually it's her grandmothers lake house, but she's dead, so it's okay."
the kitsune realised what she had said.
"i mean, it's not okay that she's dead, unless she was in pain."
kira smiled to herself, playing off the mistake.
liam and teddy remained in silence.
liam winced again, and then clutched his ears.
"could you turn the music down?"
he practically yelled, his eyes closed, the in his ears pain becoming unbearable.
"you want me to turn the music up?"
teddy raised her eyebrows, confused by the request.
turn it down? but, it wasn't even that loud.
as the sound around liam became dimmer,
he was almost glad kira misheard him.
kira turned up the radio slightly.
suddenly, a phone buzzed between liam and teddy.
liam jumped as it did, but then pulled his phone out of his pocket.
his eyes scanned the text.

march 28
from mason
where are you?

liam raised an eyebrow to check teddy wasn't peeking at his textβ€” which she wasn't, before speaking up.
"who'd you say's coming to this party?"
kira paused awkwardly.
"ohβ€”um, everyone!"
she improvised.
suddenly, liam's breathing hitched.
his eyes clamped shut as he tried to control the searing pain in his head.
teddy asked, placing one hand on his forearm.
liam's breath instantly stabilised.
he opened his blue eyes slowly.
"i'm okay."
when they arrived, liam was more than confused, thus causing the guilt in teddy's gut to bubble violently.
the three got out the car, and liam looked around.
"where is everyone?"
"they're here!"
kira said, over-enthusiastically, causing liam to furrow his brows.
"it's a small party."
teddy remained silent.
she regretted going along with the plan more and more every second.
liam was still confused.
"you said everyone was coming?"
teddy could see liam begin to get frustrated.
kira's smile dropped for a second.
"they are! they're late!"
she clasped her hands together.
"and we're early!"
she said, remembering the urgency of the plan.
the kitsune linked liam's arm and pulled him inside, cheering happily, and teddy found herself glaring at the contact.
brushing it off, she followed the pair, wishing she'd stayed out of her brothers schemes for once.
as the three entered the house, liam's eyes darkened.
scott, lydia, malia and stiles stood opposite the doorway.
kira shut the door behind them.
teddy sighed, catching sight of the chains out in the open.
stiles waved.
liam spun around to face kira and teddy, beyond frustrated now.
kira spoke sheepishly.
teddy remained silent, her head pointed to the ground.
liam turned back round again, scoffing at the sight of the four juniors.
"what the hell's this?"
he raised his arms in emphasis.
"think of it like an intervention."
stiles said.
"you have a problem, liam."
scott stepped forwards.
"and we're the only ones that can help."
liam's face darkened even further as his lips fell into a frown.
he sighed.
"let's get this over with."
all four juniors stood in a line opposite liam, with teddy at the end, and kira behind him.
liam pointed at scott, and scott nodded.
malia nodded her head lightly.
lydia raised a hand, her lips resting in a thin line.
he turned to face kira.
his eyebrows knitted together.
kira shrugged.
"but fox works."
scott grimaced slightly.
"and what are you?"
liam nodded towards stiles.
stiles scratched his forehead.
"for a while, i was possessed by an evil spirit. it was very evil."
stiles spoke nonchalantly.
liam didn't look satisfied.
"what are you now?"
the blonde boy crossed his arms.
stiles paused before speaking.
"and you?"
liam turned to teddy.
teddy felt her cheeks redden under the boys gaze.
liam asked again, annoyed at his friend.
"i'm sorry."
teddy mumbled.
the girl repeated herself louder.
"i'm sorry."
for a minute, liam felt bad for questioning the girl.
his blue eyes turned sympathetic as he saw the fear and regret teddy's body language displayed.
seeing all the juniors' eyes on him, liam's face hardened again.
finally, liam's eyes caught sight of the chains.
"those for me?"
he asked, jutting his chin towards them.
"no, they're for me."
malia said blankly.
suddenly, malia's eyes flashed a startling blue.
fear overcame liam's face, but he quickly shook it off.
"how'd you do that?"
liam asked, his voice laced with terror.
"you'll learn."
scott said, trying to sound reassuring.
liam wasn't reassured.
"but, first, you need to get through the full moon."
"the moon's already out."
liam said gruffly.
"and you're starting to feel something, aren't you?"
scott fired back.
"i feel like i'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nut-jobs!"
liam said, his anger finally snapping.
"you guys are out of your freaking minds!"
the freshman raised his voice, and teddy looked down even further, craning her neck to the floor.
"i don't know how you did that eye thing, and i don't care!"
liam yelled, glaring at malia.
"i'm walking out the door right now, and if any of you guys try to stop me, i swear to god i'm gonnaβ€”"
suddenly, liam fell to the floor, grasping his ears.
in the moment of silence, teddy realise just how wide her eyes were, and how taken aback she was.
she'd never realised how angry liam could get.
the boy howled and gasped, his breathing heavy, and his body rocking back and forth.
his vision blurred.
"what's wrong, liam?"
scott asked, stepping towards the boy.
"you don't hear that?!"
liam yelled over the racket in his ears.
the alpha enhanced his hearing using his werewolf abilities.
as scott crouched down, liam yelped in pain as the sound of dozens of cars roaring down a gravel road filled his sensitive ears.
"did you tell someone about this?"
as she spoke, lydia's face was deadly serious.
"m-my friend, mason."
liam panted, clutching the sides of his head.
how could teddy be so stupid? she thought.
of course he'd tell mason.
kira walked over to the window and took a look outside.
her face full of worry, she turned back to her friends.
teddy heard loud whoops and jeers coming from outside, and she knew the others could, too.
"you said it was a party!"
liam yelled defensively.
"and who did mason invite?"
stiles asked kira, seeing the frown displayed on her face.
liam winced in pain again, and teddy heard a loud, scraping sound coming from beneath the boy.
as she looked, teddy saw long, dark claws which had elongated from his fingernails scratching into the floor.
teddy's heart dropped.
he was a werewolf.
"the floors! get him off the floors!"
lydia cried, rushing towards the boy, but she winced back when he let out an almighty roar.
fangs sprouted from under the boys lips, and he bared them aggressively.
his normally baby blue eyes were a startling golden.
"we need to get him to the boathouse, now!"
scott cried as him and kira pried liam off the floor and slung his arms over their shoulders as they dragged him away.
teddy's heart was racing.
she had no time to take in the fact that her only friend, almost, was now a werewolf, and wanted to kill her and her friends, due to malia letting out a roar almost as loud as liam's.
she cried, her fangs erupting from her moist and her eyes shimmering blue.
teddy stepped back, afraid.
"hey! okay!"
stiles rushed towards his girlfriend, taking her by the shoulders.
"what am i supposed to do with the hoards gathering outside the door?"
lydia panicked as stiles fumbled with the chains.
stiles looked at her, releasing malia for a second.
"lydia, who throws the best parties in beacon hills?"
lydia cried, outraged.
"me! obviously!"
"okay, then throw a party!"
stiles yelled, hurrying malia down to the basement.
lydia let out a pained sound as teddy looked towards the red-head, unsure of what to do.
annoyed, lydia stormed over to the door, turning back to face teddy.
"come on! they're your friends!"
she yelled, and teddy stood by her side as lydia flung open the door to reveal the gathering crowd.
"hey, uhβ€”"
mason looked between lydia and teddy.
"are we in the right place?"
garrett glanced over at teddy, violet hanging off his arm, scowling.
"for the party?"
lydia pursed her lips, looking like she wanted to yell, or kill someone, or both, but instead, she smiled.

woo! a 2000 word chapter for the long wait! just gonna say guys, if you want me to update sooner/more regularly, please comment, as it helps motivate me. can't wait for next time.
β€”hattie x
