
liam dunbar stormed into the boys locker room, a scowl deep-set on his face.
in anger, he threw his bag down, breathing heavily.
he looked up from the bench towards his locker, which was empty.
liam looked around in a rage.
"what the hell?"
as he turned to search for the missing items, liam heard a sudden bang of a locker door being slammed shut.
"where's my stick?"
liam's spoke again to no one in particular.
a door creaked open across the other side of the locker room, putting the freshman on edge.
a sharp scraping sound gathered liam's attention.
it filled the empty locker room, reverberating off the rows of lockers and walls.
liam followed the scraping sound down the isles of lockers, his muscles tense.
liam stopped at the end row, and turned a corner to reveal a man.
he looked about early twenties, with short, dark hair and a trimmed beard.
sideburns crept down the edges of his face, which wore an amused look.
the man wore a grey jacket, with a simple t-shirt and jeans.
and in his hand, was liam's lacrosse stick.
the man looked down at the stick, humour dancing in his green-yellow eyes, before looking back at liam.
liam's agape lips closed into a firm line.
the young boy's brow creased as his face set into a scowl.
"is this yours?"
the man asked, holding out the stick.
liam didn't advance.
liam flinched, when suddenly, with a sound like breaking metal, liam's stick was in two halves in either of the man's hands.
the man threw both halves of the stick at liam, and they clattered to the floor by his feet.
liam looked down at his broken stick before looking back up, his eyes flashing yellow.
his heavy breaths were filled with confusion and anger, all directed towards the unknown man as the gold in his irises solidified.
the man didn't look surprised or scared like liam expected, he just cocked his head to one side and raised his brows, as if challenging liam.
liam accepted.
he charged at the man, but he was too fast.
his large hand clutched liam by the neck as he slammed him against a row of lockers.
the beta growled and thrashed, bearing his teeth and lashing out with his claws, but the man kept a steady face and a firm grip.
as liam fought, scott's voice came from behind the lockers at the other side of the room.
liam's fangs retracted and his eyes returned to their normal blue as scott came into sight.
the man still kept a firm grip.
"you're right."
he said to scott.
"he is angry."
liam twisted, but the man let go anyway, dropping the freshman to the floor.
liam remained hitched over for a moment before standing up, glaring.
scott pulled out a lacrosse stick from behind his back and offered it to liam.
"this one's yours."
liam still scowered, but he caught the stick.
he turned to the man as the school bell sounded.
none of them made any attempt to move.
"get to class, liam."
scott said to his beta, and liam obliged, but not before sending one last glare towards his opponent.
when liam left, the man smiled.
"what you smiling about?"
scott asked.
the mans smile only widened.
"you're gonna be good at this."
scott's face fell into a frown.
"are you kidding? i am totally unprepared. remember how you said you could teach me a few things? i think, right now, i could use a full on training manual."
the man smiled.
"i'll tell you one thing. that anger he's got? it'll make him strong."
"and dangerous."
scott added.
the man nodded.
scott sighed and sat down.
"this was supposed to be the semester i could focus on school again."
the mad nodded slowly and took a seat beside scott.
"but kate's back."
scott continued.
"and i've got a beta. and there's a dead pool."
he shook his head.
the man spoke slowly.
"if all our names are on that list, then that's what we should be focused on."
scott nodded.
"do you think lydia can get that second key?"
scott shrugged.
"she's working on it."
he looked back at the man, and the man smiled.
"thanks, derek."
scott said, standing up.
"i'd better head to class."
derek nodded, giving scott a reassuring smile.
"i'll see you tonight?"
scott nodded firmly.
"teddy wanted to see you, so.."
derek smiled.
"it's been a while since i've seen that little sister of yours."
a smile crept up onto scott's face.
"not since you were her age."
derek smirked.
"get to class, mccall."
scott turned back as he walked away.
"see you round, hale."
teddy sprinted out of the class as the bell sounded.
of course she had to sit as far away from the door as possible, whilst liam saw the closest.
she chased after the boy, watching his blonde hair bob up and down between the crowd.
she hissed, hoping for him to hear her without drawing attention to herself.
due to his enhanced hearing, liam heard teddy and whipped his head around.
he waited for her beside a classroom door as she caught up to him.
teddy pulled her backpack further up her shoulders.
"liam. i was just wondering.."
she coughed, and liam motioned for her to continue.
teddy sighed.
"i was wondering if you hated me because of this whole thing, and i just wanted to know. i mean, it's completely okay if you doβ€”"
teddy played with her hair as she rambled on.
"i understand. like, i'm pretty sure i'd hate me if i was in your position."
a sense of deja-vu washed over teddy as she stopped as she realised liam was laughing.
her eyebrows furrowed as the boy chuckled.
"i don't hate you, teddy. of course i don't."
liam's face soured.
"i just have a lot on my mind."
"the game?"
teddy asked, tucking her hair behind her ear.
liam didn't expand.
instead, he turned to face the doors as a bell rang out through the hallways.
"hey guysβ€”"
mason appeared by the pairs side, but was cut off abruptly as liam strode off.
turning to face each other, teddy and mason shared a look of panic, before sprinting off after their angry friend.
"liam, wait!"
teddy cried.
as soon as the boy swung open the double doors, mason knew what was about to happen.
"whatβ€” no, no, no! liam!"
he called out, but liam stormed forwards, a determined look set on his face.
liam called out towards a boy climbing off of a school bus which had just rocked up.
mason and teddy caught up to liam, panting with wide eyes.
liam stepped up to meet brett.
"ahh, here we go."
mason sighed as a crowd began to gather around the two boys.
teddy got her first proper look at brett, as he towered over the crowds.
he had curly brown hair which sat on the top of his head messily, and green eyes set into his chiselled face.
the boy wore a tight black t-shirt, showing off his toned chest and biceps.
a lacrosse stick was secured in one hand, and a bag in the other.
when liam got up close, his blonde head was at least a foot under brett's.
his blue eyes were cold, and his pink lips slightly parted.
"i just wanted to sayβ€”"
liam's breathing was heavy as he spoke.
"have a good game."
liam's face relaxed as he offered out a hand, and both mason and teddy exhaled with relief.
suddenly, brett laughed.
his team mates joined in until the entire group was laughing loudly at liam's remark.
"that's cute, liam."
brett laughed, and liam's face fell.
"is that what they told you to say in anger management?"
teddy's head was spinning.
anger management?
but she was too caught up in watching her friend to notice.
teddy saw as her brother and stiles joined the crowd.
brett continued.
"apologise, and everything's fine?"
the tall boy raised his eyebrows as his voice became less humoured and more aggressive.
liam's face tensed as he looked down.
"you demolished coach's car."
liam growled out a response and teddy began to worry.
"i paid for it."
teddy said, warning the boy.
brett laughed again.
"who's this?"
he gestured towards teddy, and the entirety of the students gathering turned to face her.
teddy felt her cheeks go red.
"you're little chick?"
he turned to face his team mates."
"little liam got a chick!"
they all laughed obnoxiously again.
"leave her out of this."
liam hissed, turning his head to teddy and indicating for her to leave.
teddy didn't move.
brett turned to look at the blonde boy once again.
"you're gonna pay for it. we're gonna break you in half out there. and then i can have your little chick."
brett winked at teddy, who crumpled her nose in disgust.
brett looked back to liam and took a step closer so he was right up in his face.
"and it's gonna be all your fault."
teddy watched liam's fists curl, and her mouth fell agape as she saw the crimson blood drip from them.
lucky for teddy, scott saw it, too.
he rushed in, taking liam by the shoulders.
"whoa, whoa, whoa. let's go."
scott said, dragging the freshman away from the scene.
stiles stepped in to face brett, a derpy smile plastered on his face.
"hey, what's going on, prep students? welcome to our little public high school. how you doing?"
he offered out his hand to brett.
brett ignored the handshake, his eyes firmly set of teddy.
his message was clear.
this isn't over.
teddy turned away quickly to follow her brother and liam as stiles continues.
"that's a firm handshake you got there. we're very excited for the scrimmage tonight. uh, but let's keep it clean, all right? no rough stuff out there."
not wanting to hear the rest of their conversation, teddy ran into the school.
stiles was only seconds behind her.
finally, teddy and stiles caught up to scott and liam outside the boys locker room.
"go wait with lydia and malia, teddy."
scott said, forcing liam inside as he thrashed.
teddy rolled her eyes, but obeyed, her mind wandering back to the words of the prep student.
anger management?
destroying a car?
as soon as teddy was gone, scott and stiles forced a roaring liam against the wall of the shower and turned on the water.
they kept their hands firmly against his shoulders as he fought, his eyes still blue but his fangs visible under his lips.
"hey, you calm yet?"
stiles asked, loosening his grip on the boy slightly.
liam roared, and stiles readjusted his grip on the beta before him and scott worked together to shove him against the wall once again.
liam panted as the water trickled down his skin, soaking his t-shirt and jeans.
finally, liam gasped out a few words as his fangs retracted.
"okay, okay!"
scott and stiles released the boy, and he fell against the opposite wall, sliding down it dismally.
stiles leaned against another wall, panting due to the activity he was just forced to undergo.
as soon as liam got his breath back, scott was straight to the point.
"that car you smashed."
he said.
"i thought you said that was your teacher's."
liam's eyes flitted between the two juniors stood before him.
"he was also my coach. he benched me for the entire season."
the blonde boy looked at the ground.
scott looked at him, concern obvious in his face.
"what did you do?"
"got a couple red cards."
liam shook his head.
stiles' laugh that followed was devoid of humour.
"just a couple?"
liam regarded the sarcastic boy with a look of remorse before averting his eyes to the group once again.
scott crouched down beside him.
"you gotta be honest with us. what else happened?"
liam looked up at scott's brown eyes so similar to teddy's.
if he could trust teddy's warm eyes to keep his secrets, he guessed he could trust scott's, too.
but something about the juniors 'help' nagged at liam.
the freshman raised his voice, before sighing.
just like teddy, scott could tell when liam was lying.
"i-i got kicked out of school."
liam's blue eyes couldn't meet either of the boys'.
instead, he resulted in staring at the floor.
"they sent me to a psychologists for an evaluation."
"what did they call it?"
scott mccall didn't miss a beat.
his worry was growing second after second for the young wolf.
what did, whatever this was, mean for liam's new status as beta?
liam's voice dropped sadness and regret.
"intermittent explosive disorder."
stiles nodded sarcastically.
liam remained silent.
"you're literally an I.E.D.?"
liam looked up at the boy.
stiles rolled his eyes and facepalmed in frustration.
"that's great."
he then turned to scott.
"that's great. you gave superpowers to a walking time bomb."
stiles gave scott a thumbs up, and scott shot him a dirty look, but ignored him, and instead, turned to liam.
"did they give you anything for it?"
liam shook his head.
he paused.
"it's an antipsychotic."
stiles smiled emptily.
"oh, this just gets better."
"but i don't take itβ€”"
liam was cut off by stiles.
liam tried for an explanation.
"i-i can't play lacrosse on it. it makes me too tired."
stiles sighed.
scott said after a moment of silence.
"i think you should bail out of the game. tell coach your legs still hurting."
"no, no!"
liam stood up rapidly, his voice determined.
he looked between scott and stiles, his face desperate.
"i can do this! especially if you're there."
"and teddy."
stiles muttered, but both wolves threw a glare in the boy's direction.
stiles facepalmed.
scott said.
"it's not just about the game."
scott looked at stiles, then back at liam.
"we think.. whoever killed demarco.. might be on our team."
the blue eyed boy shook his head.
"who's demarco?"
stiles spoke up.
"the one who brought the beer to the party. the guy who was beheaded. remember?"
stiles made weird hand gestures surrounding his head, and scott rolled his eyes.
liam's face remained blank.
scott spoke.
"we think the person who ordered the keg killed demarco."
liam's calm face became one of panic and he looked down.
scott's eyes widened.
liam looked between the boys.
"what, you know something?"
liam looked up at scott with his big blue eyes.
"i don't know who ordered the kegβ€”"
"but you know who paid for it."
scott finished for the boy, who furrowed a brow.
"it was garrett. teddy knew, too."
stiles turned around, clearly uninterested in the conversation, and liam took this as an opportunity.
"umm, scott?"
scott nodded, so liam continued in a hushed voice.
"please, don't tell teddy."
a slight smile formed on scott mccall's lips as the young beta brought up his sister.
"i won't."
as liam sighed, scott spoke in a hushed whisper.
"you really like her, don't you?"
